Benefits of tea

Honeybush Tea Health Benefits

Nidhi Nangia
By Nidhi Nangia. July 15, 2018
Honeybush Tea Health Benefits

People have become increasingly health conscious and have been substituting their regular tea or coffee with herbal teas or supplements. Herbal tea is not only good for your health, but it tastes good! Honeybush tea is one of these infamous herbal teas, made from leaves of a Honeybush plant (Cyclopia). Grown in South Africa, it smells like honey and carries a naturally sweet taste. The Regular consumption of Honeybush tea can lead to a wide range of health benefits.

Due to the growing popularity of this Cyclopia plant, we at oneHOWTO have decided to take a look at the health benefits of honeybush tea.

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Health benefits of Honeybush tea

  • Improves immunity: Honeybush tea is one of the richest sources of a myriad of antioxidants, primarily phenolic compounds. These compounds play an important role in keeping your immunity protected against oxidative stress. Phenolic compounds are known to modulate immunity. Your immune system is your body’s natural system which fights against diseases and infections. Due to high amount of phenolic compounds in Honeybush tea, it is found to be effective in relieving: influenza, common colds and many other problems.
  • Can improve symptoms of diabetes: Pinitol presented in Honeybush tea is known to lower blood sugar levels. Pinitol exerts insulin-like effect and is helpful in enhancing glycemic control. Pinitol is known to be an effective drug for curing diabetes.
  • Keeps inflammation at bay: Phenolic compounds present in Honeybush tea are also known to prevent inflammation and can aid in stopping the development of inflammatory disease. It is also found to be effective in giving temporary relief from inflammation and prevent inflammatory diseases, such as; Crohn’s disease and IBD. If consumed with a little lemon and some honey, it can be highly successful in healing sore throat.
  • Makes menopause easy: This tea has phytoestrogenic properties that function like estrogen hormones in female’s body. When combined with anecdotal properties, Honeybush tea is helpful in making menopause an easier process for women. These properties also keep a person’s body protected against; heart disease, hormone related cancers and osteoporosis. Honeybush contains isoflavones, coumestans and other antioxidants that work as phytoestrogens and relieve menopausal symptoms, including: anxiety, hot flashes, mood swings, osteoporosis and depression.
  • Prevents common flu: Honeybush has antibacterial and antiviral properties that improve your immunity and help your body fight against several diseases. It has phenolic compounds that work by modulating your immunity and protecting it against oxidative stress. This tea is particularly helpful in relieving symptoms of bronchitis. Pinitol is a modified sugar present in honeybush. It works like an expectorant and is known to relieve conditions like: influenza, pulmonic tuberculosis and catarrh. If you consume this tea while having cold, its antibacterial properties will be enough to fight off your sickness and germs.
  • Prevents cancer: Consumption of almost any herbal tea is beneficial for a number of diseases and disorders, but honeybush tea is particularly helpful in preventing cancer. As an efficient tumoricidal, it is capable of fighting tumor cell damage in your body. It also performs anti-mutagenic activities which is helpful in keeping mutation at bay. Honeybush tea also contains antioxidants that defend your body against free radical damage, which is responsible for causing cancer.
  • Saves skin from damage: Honeybush tea is found to treat damaged skin. Honeybush extracts modulate: cell proliferation, inflammation and oxidative damage, thus protect your skin. It is also found to be highly effective in reducing symptoms of sunburn, such as: skin peeling, skin hardening, edema and erythema. Honeybush tea can also protect your skin from aging. It contains mangiferin and hesperidin that many cosmetic products use for their skin related benefits. Drinking Honeybush tea is also helpful in preventing a number of skin diseases. Its antifungal properties are aid in treating eczema and psoriasis. You can, for example, make a face mask with Honeybush tea to treat acne. You may even wash your face with this tea, to remove impurities from your skin. Many skin creams use Honeybush extracts to treat scars and prevent wrinkles.
  • Aid the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease: Oxidative stress may lead to the excessive damage of a person’s nervous system and brain cells. This kind of damage can result in a number of disorders, including Alzheimer’s disease. Honeybush tea is rich in dietary polyphenols that offer a variety of medicinal properties that help in preventing Alzheimer’s disease. Sometimes, regular consumption of Honeybush tea can even treat the disease.
  • Manages hormones: Honeybush tea is made up of some natural compounds which can mimic estrogen, the sex hormone. Therefore, its consumption works similarly to the estrogen hormone itself. Ingredients in Honeybush can successfully work as a substitute for hormone replacement therapy. Especially important as hormone replacement therapy is known to pose people to the risk of: stroke, breast cancer and other health issues. By consuming Honeybush tea, you can enjoy the beneficial aspects of estrogen, and at the same time avoid its associated risks.
  • Good for bones: Mangiferin, hesperidin and isomangiferin, in Honeybush tea is found to be effective in treating rheumatoid arthritis. The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of the plant are also effective in improving bone health, keeping them safe from damage.
  • Treats diabetes: Mangiferin content in Honeybush tea is also found to be effective in reducing sugar levels in blood. Honeybush extract reduces resistance to insulin for people suffering from type 2 diabetes. There are several anti-diabetic products that contain honeybush supplements on the market. Pinitol in Honeybush is helpful in treating diabetes and lowering blood sugar levels.
  • Manages weight: By stimulating fat breakdown in the body, Honeybush tea offers anti-obesity properties. Since it is fat free and sugar free, it is also helpful in managing weight.
  • Eases gastrointestinal health: The presence of mangiferin in Honeybush tea is also known to prevent gastric problems and injuries. thanks to its antioxidant properties. It is also found to be helpful in curing stomach ulcers, and managing a variety of gastric issues, including indigestion. It does not only treat stomach pain, but also eases colic and stomach spasms in infants. Honeybush contains luteolin which is known for its antispasmodic effects.
  • Protects liver and lungs: The strong antioxidant action of Honeybush tea is highly effective in protecting and restoring the liver. Pinitol in Honeybush works as an expectorant and can remove mucus from the respiratory tract. This is why Honeybush tea is known to protect the lungs, from flues, coughs and colds.
  • Exerts antimicrobial benefits: In labs, Honeybush extract is found to significantly inhibit bacterial and fungal growth. Therefore, it is helpful in preventing bacterial growth that causes acne and intestinal bacteria. Its extract is used in many products aimed to treat; psoriasis, eczema and candida.
  • Induces sleep and relaxes body: Honeybush tea has a very pleasing taste and flavor. Anyone suffering from sleep disorder can also drink this tea to help induce sleep. Honeybush tea works by calming your nerves and muscles, presenting you with the opportunity to enjoy a calm and relaxed sleep. It is also found to be helpful in minimizing mental and physical stress.

This article is merely informative, oneHOWTO does not have the authority to prescribe any medical treatments or create a diagnosis. We invite you to visit your doctor if you have any type of condition or pain.

If you want to read similar articles to Honeybush Tea Health Benefits, we recommend you visit our Healthy living category.

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Honeybush Tea Health Benefits