Eating healthy to lose weight

Best Fat Burning Foods for Weight Loss

Max. D Gray
By Max. D Gray. Updated: January 16, 2017
Best Fat Burning Foods for Weight Loss

Did you know you can actually burn fat and loose weight by eating food? The concept of 'dieting' as we commonly know it is not the healthiest practice in the world. If you make diet for a month and then stop the rebound effect will mean gaining even more weight than you had before starting. Therefore, it is best not to make any specific strict diet but take up healthy eating habits that we can always follow. However, if you want to burn more calories and fat, in OneHowTo we present you the best fat burning foods for weight loss. Of course, keep in mind that these should be part of a balanced diet because otherwise they will not have any positive effect. And if you complement the best fat burning foods for weight loss with a little exercise every day the outcome will be surprising!

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  1. best fat burning foods for weight loss: the usual, fruit and vegetables
  2. Lemon, our surprise ally
  3. Eggs: lets crack open their secret
  4. Lean meats: chicken and turkey
  5. best fat burning foods for weight loss among the best fish: salmon
  6. Let us not forget legumes
  7. Drink plenty of water

best fat burning foods for weight loss: the usual, fruit and vegetables

Yes, we are tired of hearing that we need to eat a lot more fruit and vegetables than the average consumer does... but those who say this are absolutely right! Both fruit and vegetables are rich in fibre and help us maintain proper intestinal activity.

Fruit contains sugar but has a great relationship between calories and a feeling of satiety as it can make us feel full with eating just a small amount of it, and that is great if we want to lose weight. One of the fruits that is most slimming is pineapple, so include in you diet as one of the best fat burning foods for weight loss.

Vegetables are so many that we decided to separate them into two groups:

  • The cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage and Brussels sprouts. These foods are high in fibre but also contain protein, so they are very filling. They are some of the best fat burning foods for weight loss.
  • The leafy green vegetables like lettuce, spinach or chard. Prepare original dishes with these vegetables! They are very low in calories and carbohydrates, so they are perfect to diet and should be on our list of best fat burning foods for weight loss.
Best Fat Burning Foods for Weight Loss - best fat burning foods for weight loss: the usual, fruit and vegetables

Lemon, our surprise ally

We should pay special attention to lemon as it has many more benefits than we think and one of its main properties is its slimming effect. This food is a very important source of vitamin C and accelerates the metabolic functions of our body. Lemon juice on an empty stomach is a great idea to detoxify the body and start losing weight as a first thing in the morning.

For the rest of the day add lemon to as many recipes as possible. It always gives a hint of flavour and almost inadvertently helps us lose weight. This is the case when part of a balanced diet: lemon is one of the best fat burning foods for weight loss.

Best Fat Burning Foods for Weight Loss - Lemon, our surprise ally

Eggs: lets crack open their secret

Eggs have never have been considered one of the best fat burning foods for weight loss but we should drop this belief. This food contains a lot B12, so it controls the metabolism and helps with weight loss. In addition, eggs quickly satiate and this is the secret to losing weight.

Although you can include eggs in your diet, you should not eat them fried. The effect will be the opposite as they are cooked with too much oil. You can hard-boil an egg or only eat the egg white.

Best Fat Burning Foods for Weight Loss - Eggs: lets crack open their secret

Lean meats: chicken and turkey

Thanks to the large amount of recipes that use chicken and turkey you will never get bored of these foods and they will help you forget other less healthy options such as pork. They have very little fat and contain protein. Scientific studies have shown that this food can reduce cravings by up to 60%. It is a perfect trick for people on a diet!

Remember to cook it removing the skin and with very little oil. You can even do it on the grill, you will give a touch of flavour to these meats using little oil.

Best Fat Burning Foods for Weight Loss - Lean meats: chicken and turkey

best fat burning foods for weight loss among the best fish: salmon

Fatty fish are also good foods for weight loss and among the best we find salmon. It is part of the fatty fish family, like trout, mackerel, sardines and herring. These fish are rich in healthy fats and protein.

In addition, salmon has the same effect as eggs: it is fast filling thanks to its satiating properties. So if you choose salmon for lunch, for example, you will greatly reduce your appetite and decrease the amount of food in other meals. That makes it one of the best fat burning foods for weight loss.

Best Fat Burning Foods for Weight Loss - best fat burning foods for weight loss among the best fish: salmon

Let us not forget legumes

Legumes are high in fibre and protein, so you can also add them without any problems to a weight loss diet. However, you have to consider how you accompany these as sometimes we enrich them with foods such as pork or sausage and this is a serious mistake if we want to lose a few kilos.

Of all the legumes, the most recommended for diets are lentils and pinto beans, some of the best fat burning foods for weight loss.

Best Fat Burning Foods for Weight Loss - Let us not forget legumes

Drink plenty of water

Never forget water, it is essential if you want to lose weight. Drink all you can, about two and a half litres a day is ideal. However, if so much water is too heavy for you then substitute a few glasses of water for herbal teas without sugar. And if you find one that you like that also has slimming properties all the better! In the following article we help you discover what the best slimming teas are.

Start incorporating the best fat burning foods for weight loss into your diet today!

Best Fat Burning Foods for Weight Loss - Drink plenty of water

This article is merely informative, oneHOWTO does not have the authority to prescribe any medical treatments or create a diagnosis. We invite you to visit your doctor if you have any type of condition or pain.

If you want to read similar articles to Best Fat Burning Foods for Weight Loss, we recommend you visit our Family health category.

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Best Fat Burning Foods for Weight Loss