White Blood Cells

How to Treat Low Eosinophils - Treatments for every Cause

How to Treat Low Eosinophils - Treatments for every Cause

White blood cells play a significant role in defending the immune system, and they are essential for protecting your body from invading parasites and bacteria. Human body has five different types of white blood cells, and eosinophils are one of them. An eosinophil count test is conducted to find out the eosinophils count in your body. Ideally, you should have less than 350 eosinophil cells for every micro-liter of blood. But if your eosinophils count is extremely low, you are likely to develop problems. If you have been diagnosed with low eosinophils, read this oneHOWTO article to find out how to treat low eosinophils.

You may also be interested in: What Are the Causes of low Eosinophils
  1. Eosinophils function
  2. Low eosinophils due to allergy
  3. If the cause is anemia
  4. If the cause is Cushing's syndrome
  5. If the cause is asthma
  6. Other ways to reduce low eosinophil count

Eosinophils function

Also called as acidophilic leukocytes, eosinophilic leukocytes, eosinophils, oxyphils and oxyphilic leukocytes, 1 to 4% of white blood cells in your body are eosinophils. These cells have two important roles to play in your body’s immune system:

  1. First, they destroy any invading germs such as parasites, bacteria and viruses.
  2. Second, they create inflammatory response against allergies. If you have been detected with low eosinophils count, then it may indicate alcohol intoxication, or excessive cortisol production. It is a steroid that your body produces naturally.

Although low eosinophils count is not much of concern, you can treat it after identifying the cause.

What does it mean when your eosinophils are low?

As we've mentioned before, a low eosinophil count is considered to be less than 350 eosinophil cells. However, there are many causes of low eosinophils, which is why each condition will require a different treatment.

How to Treat Low Eosinophils - Treatments for every Cause - Eosinophils function

Low eosinophils due to allergy

If you have a low eosinophil count due to this condition, you will notice the following symptoms:

  • runny nose
  • shortness of breath
  • skin rash
  • facial swelling
  • hive, red eyes
  • wheezing
  • swelling on lips or tongue
  • persistent cough and others

If you have any of these symptoms, your doctor may prescribe you antihistamines to control allergic reaction. As a result, antihistamines stop or slow down the production of eosinophils, along with other white blood cells. Due to this, your eosinophils count may go extremely low. So, if your cause of low eosinophils is an anti-allergy medication, then you should stop taking it or ask for an alternative from your doctor, such as alternative remedies for seasonal allergies:

  1. Laurel tea
  2. Chamomile tea
  3. Increase your intake of vitamin C through citrus fruits, white tea and eucalyptus
  4. Add honey to your tea

If the cause is anemia

Eosinophils are on type of components in our blood, and if you have anemia, you'll have a low blood amount in your body, and consequently a low eosinophils count as well. If you are suffering from anemia, and you have been detected with low eosinophils too, then you need to eat healthy and bring your blood amount back to its normal levels. Your doctor may prescribe you iron supplements, and advise you to increase your iron intake in the form of red meat, fish, spinach, broccoli and other iron rich foods. In extreme cases, blood transfusion may be carried to bring your iron levels back to normal, and thereby treat your low eosinophils. You can also help your condition with these tricks to treat iron deficiency anemia at home.

How to Treat Low Eosinophils - Treatments for every Cause - If the cause is anemia

If the cause is Cushing's syndrome

Cushing's syndrome is a hormonal disorder caused due to high cortisol levels in your body. Cortisol is a steroid hormone that is responsible for carrying out a number of your body's processes, including immunity and metabolism. When cortisol levels go high in your body, your immunity gets restrained and your eosinophils count goes low. If the cause of your low eosinophils count is Cushing's syndrome, then you should look for ways to decrease cortisol hormone level in your body. Treatment procedures may include reducing usage of corticosteroids, surgery to remove the tumor that may be the cause of Cushing's syndrome, radiation therapy, or medicines to reduce production of cortisol.

Apart from that, you can also try the following at home to improve your condition faster:

  • Eating a balanced diet free of fats and sugars.
  • Avoid processed foods and refined products such as rice, bread, sweets...
  • Consume fish oil
  • Stay hydrated
  • Use anti-stress supplements such as vitamin B, vitamin C, magnesium, zinc and chromium

If the cause is asthma

Patients suffering asthma are usually detected with low eosinophils, probably because eosinophils get accumulated in their lungs and the body does not produce them effectively. The lungs also go through a phase of damage, due to which eosinophils count goes too low in their body. If you have been experiencing thoracic oppression, cough and whistling chest along with low eosinophil count, then your cause is most likely to be asthma. Patients with asthma also take antihistamines and steroids, both of which are also found to reduce your eosinophil count. So, if your cause of low eosinophils count is asthma, then you need to keep it managed with some alternative medicines, but always under your doctor's supervision:

  • Ginger tea
  • Pomegranate juice
  • Take omega-3 fatty acids
  • Clove and honey tea
  • Add turmeric to your diet
  • Practice sport
How to Treat Low Eosinophils - Treatments for every Cause - If the cause is asthma

Other ways to reduce low eosinophil count

There are other possible reasons why you may have a low eosinophil count that will require a completely different treatment from those mentioned above:

  • Medication used to treat certain diseases may cause low eosinophil count. These cannot be treated further than the treatment prescribed for the specific disease. These are: Tumor of the adrenal cortex, diseases that require the use of Prednisone, Tricyclic, Adderall...
  • Parasitic infestations such as Toxoplasma fondii or Plasmodiuim can also cause low eosinophil count that should be treated under careful medical supervision.
  • In the case of low eosinophil count due to dermatitis, you can also aid it with certain foods that will improve the irritation on your skin. There are also some home remedies that can help improve seborrheic dermatitis.
  • In the case of low eosinophil count caused by Pemphigus, you will have to follow the wound care that your doctor will prescribe. You can aid you condition if you improve your intake of calcium and vitamin D as well as avoiding abrasive foods such as onion or garlic.
  • Addison's disease is another cause of low eosinophil count. However, only medical treatment will help you increase your count, even though you can relieve its symptoms with the aid of Ashwagandha root to boost cortisol levels.

This article is merely informative, oneHOWTO does not have the authority to prescribe any medical treatments or create a diagnosis. We invite you to visit your doctor if you have any type of condition or pain.

If you want to read similar articles to How to Treat Low Eosinophils - Treatments for every Cause, we recommend you visit our Diseases & secondary effects category.

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Marilyn brett
My Eosinophhils is 0.6 is that too low.
i have bronchial asthma
I was starting to panic because my absolute eosinophils is 0, yes, zero, and it should be between 15-500 cells/uL. From this article and my other blood results, my level is zero due to being anemic. I have to switch to liquid iron and double the dosage, plus take it with vitamin C. I had gastric bypass surgery and have difficulty with absorption of supplements.
vijay psychomanager
XXX-XXX-XXX4, our duty is to keep ourselves healthy , know from who knows
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How to Treat Low Eosinophils - Treatments for every Cause