
How To Induce Periods If They Are Late

Nidhi Nangia
By Nidhi Nangia. February 9, 2018
How To Induce Periods If They Are Late

Most women do not find their periods pleasant. They are messy, uncomfortable, and even painful for some. They are also for the most part unavoidable. All of this, however, can pale into comparison when they don't come. If this happens, you feel worried and actually miss them. A missed period or a late period can be very worrisome, especially as there are many concerning issues why this might be the case. These include stress, health issues, hormonal imbalance and, of course, pregnancy. If you are sure that you are not pregnant and still your periods are not showing up, this oneHOWTO article will tell you how to induce periods if they are late.

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  1. Use the Power of Herbs
  2. Eat More of Vitamin C
  3. Add More of Turmeric in your Diet
  4. Have Sex
  5. Take Rest
  6. Maintain Healthy Body Weight
  7. When To See A Doctor

Use the Power of Herbs

Most women feel relaxed when they drink tea during their periods. But adding certain ingredients in your tea are believed to be effective in stimulating your blood flow in the uterus and the pelvic region. By this kind of stimulation in the right places, it is possible to induce your menstruation.

  • Herbs like chamomile, mugwort and parsley are believed by some to be efficient in inducing menstruation within a couple of days. As an extra advantage, they are relaxing and soothing too.
  • Sage, feverfew, yarrow and rosemary are a few other mild herbs, while some stronger versions are tansy, juniper, rue, celery seed and cohosh.
  • Ginger tea has a spicy flavor and is known for its warming properties. Ginger is a traditional remedy to contract your uterus and induce periods. It is thought to relieve pain during periods as well. Many people don’t like eating ginger raw. So, the best way would be to make ginger tea. Peel a piece of ginger, slice it and boil it in water for 5-7 minutes. Strain, add sugar or honey and drink.
  • Although there is little scientific evidence of the benefits of parsley, many women find drinking parsley tea very helpful in inducing periods. Actually, it contains myristicin and apiol that are believed to contract uterus and bring on periods. To make parsley tea, pour boiling water in a cup, add your herbs in it and let it steep for 5 minutes. Then strain out and drink it slowly while feeling the soothing effects. Before you drink parsley tea, make sure that you are not pregnant. If you suspect pregnancy or if you are breastfeeding, then toxic apiol may prove to be extremely dangerous for your condition.
  • Dong quai is a Chinese herb that has been used for inducing periods for hundreds of years. It is said to work by improving blood flow to the pelvic region and stimulating the uterine muscles to trigger uterine contractions. If the herb is not available in your area, you may take dong quai in powder or capsule form.
  • Black cohosh is another herb that is believed to regular menstrual cycles. It helps in toning the uterus and promoting shedding of its lining. As it is known to interact with a wide range of medicines, take it with caution if you are already taking any heart or blood pressure medicines, or if you have a history of liver problems.

It is important to remember that the scientific research into herbal remedies to make your period come can be scarce. There is some research which suggests that herbal remedies used in traditional medicine in can help with gynaecological problems, but this same study also explains the risk of taking herbs which have not had their adverse effects documented[1]. There has been research which suggests that different herbal combinations can help with dysmenorrhoea, the pain experienced due to menstruation. However, more studies in this area need to be made also[2].

Eat More of Vitamin C

Vitamin C is believed to induce menstruation. It is known to increase the amount of your uterine lining, thus help in maximizing your chances of having a period. Vitamin C rich food and vitamin C supplements are also known to make your uterus contract, thus bringing on your period. Recommended daily dosage is 60 mg. If you are already taking a vitamin C supplement, make sure that you do not exceed this daily dosage limit. Try to include more citrus fruits, green leafy vegetables, tomatoes, papaya, broccoli, kiwi and bell peppers in your diet while you are waiting for your periods to come.

How To Induce Periods If They Are Late - Eat More of Vitamin C

Add More of Turmeric in your Diet

Turmeric is a great spice that is known to regulate periods and relieve menstrual discomfort. It is a flavored root that you often use in cooking dishes. But you can also make a healthful drink with it. Add one teaspoon of turmeric in a cup of water, flavor with honey and lemon, and add some ice cubes in it. You can also add more turmeric in your diet by sprinkling it over your rice and steamed vegetables.

How To Induce Periods If They Are Late - Add More of Turmeric in your Diet

Have Sex

Sex itself is known to increase blood flow throughout your body. In addition, it will cause your vagina to contract when stimulated, which can be a helpful activity to start your period. After having sex, your vagina will relax and arouse your uterus to shed its lining.

There is research which suggests that ejaculate during sex can help induce your period. This is thought to be because semen has prostaglandins that will soften and dilate your cervix and induce menstruation. Female orgasm also causes dilation of the cervix, thus pulling down the menstrual blood. Having sex on a regular basis also keeps stress levels down and promotes optimal hormonal balance.

Of course, this comes with a big caveat. Firstly, unprotected sex runs the risk of STIs and is also how you get pregnant. If you are with someone who is tested, you have other forms of birth control and you accept the possibility unprotected sex can lead to pregnancy, then it is up to you.

Take Rest

One reason for your late period can be stress and being overtired. Hypothalamus is the part of brain that is responsible for regulating your hormones and inducing your menstruation. Stress can change the way your hypothalamus works and cause your period to come late. If you are stressed, try to relax by taking off from work and relaxing. During this time, eat well, relax, get involved in your favorite hobby, spend time with your friends and family (unless they are a stressor in the first place). You can also reduce stress by meditating and practicing yoga. Cancel any social obligations that might be stressing you out.

Maintain Healthy Body Weight

Find the ideal range of body weight for your age and height, and try to remain within that range. If you are too far from this range, it may disrupt your menstrual system. If you recently gained or lost too much weight suddenly, it may also be the cause of your periods coming late. Drink lots of water, and maintain a healthy weight if you are having problems with your menstrual cycles. Eat healthy and exercise to keep your weight under control.

When To See A Doctor

If you regularly miss your periods and you are always worried about your dates, then it is important to consult your gynecologist and make sure that you are not suffering from an underlying health condition. Some health conditions that may disrupt your menstrual cycle include:

  • PCOS or polycystic ovary syndrome causes production of high hormone levels in your body
  • Thyroid malfunction can affect the frequency of your periods
  • Benign tumor in the pituitary gland may cause interference in your hormonal levels
  • Premature menopause that can end your periods at the age of less than 40
  • Structural problems in your reproductive system

So, if you have missed more than three periods in a row and you are sure that you are not pregnant, then you should consult your doctor for professional advice. If your periods end before 45 years of age, and if they continue even after 55 years of age, then you need to consult a gynecologist. If your periods changed suddenly, if they became significantly heavier or lighter than normal, and if they became abnormally painful or prolonged, then it’s time to see a doctor too. If things go out of control and you are not able to bring your menstrual cycles back on track, then your gynecologist will be able to determine the cause and devise a suitable treatment plan for you. In many cases, medication will be prescribed to help make your period come.

This article is merely informative, oneHOWTO does not have the authority to prescribe any medical treatments or create a diagnosis. We invite you to visit your doctor if you have any type of condition or pain.

If you want to read similar articles to How To Induce Periods If They Are Late, we recommend you visit our Family health category.

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How To Induce Periods If They Are Late