Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)

The Signs of Vitamin C Deficiency

Max. D Gray
By Max. D Gray. Updated: January 27, 2017
The Signs of Vitamin C Deficiency

Vitamin C is an essential nutrient, especially for mammals. It is used by the organism in various metabolic reactions that occur in all animals and plants and it is created by almost all organisms, except for humans. One of the symptoms of a lack of vitamin C is severe scurvy. This vitamin is necessary for normal growth and development. It is a water-soluble type, i.e. it is eliminated through urine, so a steady supply of this nutrient in the diet is needed.

Vitamin C helps with the absorption capacity of iron, as well as the growth and repair of connective tissue, collagen production, the metabolism of fats and general wound healing. On we want to tell you what the signs of vitamin C deficiency are, so you can detect it in yourself or in your family and you can then increase your intake if necessary.

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Signs of vitamin C deficiency

Vitamin C is a strong antioxidant which reduces the risk of infections, and which promotes iron absorption and the utilization of calcium. When there is a deficiency of this vitamin in your diet, a number of symptoms can result in disorders such as the following problems:


Organic disorders that causes the body to not manufacture enough healthy red blood cells. Red blood cells carry oxygen to body tissues so that they can perform their function adequately. Take a look at our article: how to know if I have anemia for more information.

Bleeding gums

Bleeding gums occur when you brush your teeth or chew some foods like an apple, for example. In extreme cases they may bleed spontaneously.

Trouble fighting infections

Being hit by viruses and infections very frequently, which complicates things excessively.

Slow healing

The wound healing is slower than usual and often requires more intensive care than someone else.

Dry, weak hair with very fragile tips

Another symptom is hair health. The hair is usually dry, it breaks easily, tends to fall out more than usual and the tips are broken regularly.

Easy bruising

Haematomas are created very often at the slightest blow and they pop up without knowing the actual cause.


An inflammation of the gums that are presented in a very intense red or purple, they bleed, are touch-sensitive and tend to ulcerate.


Other symptom of a lack of vitamin C is nasal bleeding. There may be frequent occasions where you suffer spontaneous bleeding.

Slow metabolism

The body slows down and this can lead to fatigue, depression and weight gain for no apparent reason.

Dry Skin

The skin dehydrates and becomes rough, flaky and has a unhealthy appearance.

Joint pain

The joints are swollen and painful, worse normal performance and this can force you many times to take painkillers to ease pains and sores.

Weak tooth enamel

The teeth seem thinner, usually yellow and they are becoming transparent, showing their wear. Increased sensitivity because dentin is more exposed to stimuli.


It's about the most serious manifestation of a lack of vitamin C. Symptoms include general weakness, anemia, gingivitis and bleeding skin. Usually common in adults who are malnourished with a serious lack of vitamin C.

The Signs of Vitamin C Deficiency - Signs of vitamin C deficiency

How to improve the levels of vitamin C

The necessary amount of vitamin C depends on your age and sex. Other factors, such as pregnancy, disease and postoperative status may require a greater amount of this vitamin.

The best way to obtain the necessary amounts of vitamin C is to eat a balanced diet containing a variety of foods. Foods with higher intake of vitamin C are:


The technical name or Latin name is "Terminalia ferdinandiana". It is a plant of Australian origin whose fruit contains the highest concentration of vitamin C discovered so far. Its flavor, it seems, is not too nice but it is beginning to hit the market at exorbitant prices because they are high in vitamin C.

Camu camu

A shrub belonging to the Amazon region of Peru and the fruit is the second in concentration of vitamin C after the Murunga.


Forest fruit with high concentrations of vitamin C.


Fruit with excellent antioxidant properties and high vitamin C.


Berry with a sweet taste in their maturation whose consumption provides large doses of vitamin C.


Spicy berry widely used in Mexican cuisine contains large amounts of vitamin C.


Widely used as a condiment or decoration of dishes herb that contains lots of vitamin C.


It contains more vitamin C than oranges or lemons, in addition to providing protective elements against cancer and it promotes intestinal transit.


A veggie with many properties, including a large supply of vitamin C. It also has anti-cancer properties.


Another pleasant tasting fruit that contains lots of vitamin C, although less than the kiwi.


A fruit commonly attributed to the garden. The dose of vitamin C it contains is lower than the foods mentioned above.


Vegetables containing vitamin C, B vitamins, especially B5 and B6, folic acid and minerals.


It provides vitamin C and various antioxidants, making it one of the vegetables with more vitamin power.

Chyawanprash, on the other hand, is a powerful natural vitamin C food supplement.

The Signs of Vitamin C Deficiency - How to improve the levels of vitamin C

This article is merely informative, oneHOWTO does not have the authority to prescribe any medical treatments or create a diagnosis. We invite you to visit your doctor if you have any type of condition or pain.

If you want to read similar articles to The Signs of Vitamin C Deficiency, we recommend you visit our Drugs & supplements category.

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The Signs of Vitamin C Deficiency