Vaginal discharge

Why Is my Period Bright Orange

Nidhi Nangia
By Nidhi Nangia. Updated: January 20, 2017
Why Is my Period Bright Orange

Bright orange period may cause some concern in women. While slight changes in the period color may be normal, sometimes they may indicate a major issue that needs to be resolved quickly. Some changes in the period color and texture are normal and expected, but it is better to get an explanation for them to be on the safe side, such as a dark brown period. With a better understanding of the different changes in your menstrual blood, you will be able to handle the situation in a better and more informed manner. Read this article to know why is my period bright orange.

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  1. The cause
  2. Why it is important to notice
  3. When to seek doctor’s advice
  4. What will the doctor do?

The cause

When uterus releases some old blood, it may mix with your urinal fluids and cause a temporary change in your period color. This kind of color change is not expected to last too long, and will come back to normal within a couple of days. When your uterine mucus mixes with your menstrual blood, it normally changes to orange color. This is considered to be normal, provided that you don’t have any infection. However, if there is an infection, there will be excessive mucus production and the discharge will be more pronounced orange in appearance. This kind of discharge will also be received for long periods of time.

Why it is important to notice

If you are of reproductive age, then it is important to pay attention to your menstrual periods and any changes you see in them. Most women focus primarily on the frequency and dates of their menstrual periods, but it is equally important to notice the color and thickness of the blood as well. Changes in the period color may be a cause of concern for most women, as you should not ignore it as it may indicate an infection or any other medical condition. However, sometimes, such changes may be temporary and go away soon. If the orange shade in your menstrual blood does not subside on its own, it is recommended to seek help from a doctor.

When to seek doctor’s advice

You should consider seeking advice from a doctor if your orange period blood continues for several menstrual cycles, and you are experiencing other symptoms as well, such as abdominal cramping or pain, vaginal redness or itching, pain or burning sensation while urinating etc. For instance, if you are getting orange period blood and you are experiencing abnormal vaginal discharge and other symptoms too, then you should seek professional help immediately. If you get easily fatigued even after normal everyday activities, and if you frequently experience irregular periods with symptoms like dizziness, pale skin, pale finger nails and others, then you should take it as a cause for concern.

Why Is my Period Bright Orange - When to seek doctor’s advice

What will the doctor do?

After talking to the doctor, you will be able to better understand the causes of bright orange period blood, and know your treatment options well in advance. If it is an infection, your doctor will immediately take steps to treat it. He or she may conduct some tests to identify the cause of the infection, and stop it there and then. So, book your appointment with your gynecologist and let him or her examine you physically, identify the cause, and devise a treatment plan for you. Do not forget to mention all the symptoms that you are experiencing, so that your doctor can narrow down your possibilities and treat you in the best way.

This article is merely informative, oneHOWTO does not have the authority to prescribe any medical treatments or create a diagnosis. We invite you to visit your doctor if you have any type of condition or pain.

If you want to read similar articles to Why Is my Period Bright Orange, we recommend you visit our Family health category.

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Why Is my Period Bright Orange