Yeast infection

Why Do You Get Candidiasis? - Guide To Vaginal Yeast Infection

Max. D Gray
By Max. D Gray. Updated: March 14, 2022
Why Do You Get Candidiasis? - Guide To Vaginal Yeast Infection

Fungal infections caused by the yeast Candida abicans are very common and usually appear in moist parts of the body such as the oral cavity or in intimate areas. When this infection occurs in the vagina it is called vaginal candidiasis or vaginal yeast infection, and between its frequent symptoms we find the presence of a thick white discharge, burning, itching and discomfort during urination and sex. If you want to know exactly why you get vaginal candidiasis pay attention to the next OneHowTo guide.

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Steps to follow:


To answer the question why do you get vaginal candidiasis it is first important to clarify that the Candida yeast is always present in small quantities in the body, such as inside the mouth, the digestive tract and the genital area does not cause any disease. The amounts of this yeast is kept in check by a strong immune system and certain bacteria that are beneficial to the human body.


Now, when an imbalance is produced in the normal acidity of the vagina or through hormonal changes, Candida can multiply and grow in excess in the intimate area. This leads to the onset of the symptoms of fungal infection, called vaginal candidiasis. To detect whether you have developed this infection we recommend consulting our article what are the symptoms of genital candidiasis.


Vaginal candidiasis can occur in any period of a woman's life, but it is true that there are some conditions that increase the risk of developing this type of infection, and there are groups of people who are more likely to develop it. Here we show you what these are:

  • The intake of antibiotics, as these kill bacteria in the body allowing fungi to multiply and cause an infection of this nature.
  • Having a weakened immune system.
  • The use of oral contraceptives.
  • Diabetes which is poorly controlled, as a high level of blood sugar helps yeast in the body reproduce.
  • It is more common in periods of significant hormonal changes such as puberty or during pregnancy.

Other than knowing why vaginal candidiasis occurs it is important that you remember that you must visit your gynaecologist should symptoms become manifest as this is an indicator of fungal infection. You will receive the necessary medical treatment to completely heal and prevent the candidiasis becoming recurrent. If you want to know more details, see the article how to cure vaginal candidiasis.

Why Do You Get Candidiasis? - Guide To Vaginal Yeast Infection - Step 4

Also, there are certain daily habits that, although they cannot offer 100% protection, will help you prevent these types of vaginal infections:

  • Maintaining proper personal hygiene.
  • Not wearing clothing which is too tight.
  • Wearing cotton underwear, among others.

This article is merely informative, oneHOWTO does not have the authority to prescribe any medical treatments or create a diagnosis. We invite you to visit your doctor if you have any type of condition or pain.

If you want to read similar articles to Why Do You Get Candidiasis? - Guide To Vaginal Yeast Infection, we recommend you visit our Diseases & secondary effects category.

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Hi my name is jahmila on Sunday morning I woke up with a huge risen it hurts when I walk .. can you please help me figure out what it is
OneHowTo Editor
It could be several things, so it's best you visit a gynecologist so you can get proper treatment.
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Why Do You Get Candidiasis? - Guide To Vaginal Yeast Infection