Skin and Rashes
Skin and rashes, you will find practical information written by experts about skin and rashes in text, video and images. You will also be able to ask your questions or comments in each article so that our community can help you.
11 articles
There are different areas of the body that, due to their disposition and shape, have a tendency to smell bad. Discharge, the armpits or the navel are clear examples of those areas that, if they are not washed regularly and in a correct way, can end up causing bad smell.
But not only hygiene, or lack...
Cold sores, also known as fever blisters, herpes labialis or oral herpes, are a kind of infection which affect lips or the area around the mouth. They are caused by HSV-1 (herpes simplex virus 1). Cold sores may take as long as 2-3 weeks to heal completely, but the virus causing them will still be laying...
Eosinophilic folliculitis is a recurrent skin disease most commonly occurring in HIV positive individuals for unknown causes. It may also affect HIV negative individuals with the name of Ofuji disease, which is why the cause for Eosinophillic Folliculitis will determine how long it lasts, although it can...
Balanitis is a disease which works similarly to yeast infections, except it solely affects the glans penis of a male penis. The glans penis is the bulbous head of a penis which is covered in foreskin if uncircumcised. As balanitis is often caused by fungal infection, cleanliness is an issue. Uncircumcised...
low difficulty
Blood blisters are red fluid-filled bumps under the skin. When a mild injury is sustained, such as a pinch, blood is released from the blood vessels and forms a fluid filled sac. The best way to prevent blood blisters is to lower the risk of knocking parts of your body against objects.
For instance,...
medium difficulty
Are you looking for a natural way to remove warts? There are many home remedies that can help you get rid of these unsightly bumps without resorting to chemicals. Garlic is one of these natural products that can help you get rid of warts at home, so don't wait to learn more about it in this OneHowTo article:...
low difficulty
Do you suffer from vitiligo or you know someone close who has this disease? Have you ever wondered if aloe vera can help improve this condition? In this OneHowTo article we explain what we know about the aloe vera's ability to cure vitiligo.
medium difficulty
Warts are benign skin lesions that can appear anywhere on the body especially the face, neck, armpits or groin. Whatever the cause, a virus, a hormone imbalance, or simply rubbing against the skin, the truth is that warts are unsightly. Therefore, we propose another natural method and one which is not...
low difficulty
Warts can be removed with natural remedies and in this article we will tell you how to use aloe vera as a solution to put an end unwanted skin warts. Aloe vera is a plant with extraordinary therapeutic properties and can be used for all kinds of treatments. So on we will explain...
Herpes is a very common skin condition caused by the herpes simplex virus. While there is a link between herpes and sexual activity, this is commonly from type 2 herpes simplex (HSV-2) which affects the genitals. Cold sores, the nasty and often painful blisters which can appear around your lips and mouth,...
medium difficulty
Scabies is a resistant mite that lays eggs and reproduces quickly, causing the victim to suffer continuously. The term scabies comes from the latin word "scabere", which means scratching. This condition is described as the seven year itch, although the infection's duration can be bigger if you don't ask...