Digestive disorders

What to Eat with Esophagitis

Max. D Gray
By Max. D Gray. Updated: April 10, 2017
What to Eat with Esophagitis

Although many different factors can cause esophagitis, diet is one of the key ways to prevent the discomfort and pain caused by this irritation to the esophagitis to deteriorate. One of the many symptoms of esophagitis is the heat generated by the acid reflux, i.e. stomach acid splashing up into the esophagus. Therefore, it's important that you avoid certain foods and replace them with less aggravating alternatives. To find out more, keep on reading this oneHOWTO article on what to eat with esophagitis.

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Steps to follow:


What to avoid. First of all, it's important to know what not to eat if you have esophagitis, given that certain foods are not allowed if you suffer from this esophageal irritation.

  • Spicy food
  • Well-seasoned food
  • Tomato-based sauces
  • Garlic
  • Onion
  • Citrus or acidic fruits: orange, lemon, pineapple, etc.
  • Caffeinated food or drink: coffee, tea, chocolate...
  • Alcoholic beverages

The above foods produce acid that causes more inflammation in your digestive system and aggravates your esophagus further.

Furthermore, you should avoid foods high in fat such as pork loin, bacon, butter, commercial pastries and baked goods, pate, etc. since these foods can slow down digestion, increasing acid secretion and causing further irritation to the esophagus and may also create a feeling of food stuck in your throat.


Soups and creams. With this in mind, people suffering from oesophagitis should include more foods that soften the lining of the esophagus in order to soothe irritation. Good examples include purees, creams, puddings, etc. Make mushroom, asparagus or courgette soup.

What to Eat with Esophagitis - Step 2

High fiber vegetables. Similarly, eating vegetables such as courgettes, pumpkin or borage due to the fact that these foods contain mucilage, a type of fiber that helps to soothe inflammation of the mucous caused by esophagitis.

Its essential that you follow a diet with plenty of fiber-rich vegetables whilst avoiding those that are acidic, such as tomatoes or citrus fruits. We recommend reading our article on fiber-rich foods to glean a better understanding of the ideal foods to include in your diet.

What to Eat with Esophagitis - Step 3

Probiotics. The most important benefit of probiotics is that it boosts gut health. Keeping this in mind, taking natural Greek yogurt will also be highly beneficial for your esophagus' health.

What to Eat with Esophagitis - Step 4

Starchy food. Another option when you don't know what to eat with esophagitis are foods containing starch. This means, some boiled rice, boiled quinoa or pasta will also help soothe the effects of esophagitis. You just need to make sure you don't accompany these ingredients with others that are not recommended for this condition. This is typical of a soft food diet, which will ease digestion and help your body get better faster.

What to Eat with Esophagitis - Step 5

Lean protein. You can get the necessary protein you need from eggs, edamame beans and only certain types of meat. The only meat you can have with esophagitis is what is considered lean meat. This means you'll be able to have most poultry and turkey too. As mentioned above, avoid highly fatty meats.

What to Eat with Esophagitis - Step 6

This article is merely informative, oneHOWTO does not have the authority to prescribe any medical treatments or create a diagnosis. We invite you to visit your doctor if you have any type of condition or pain.

If you want to read similar articles to What to Eat with Esophagitis, we recommend you visit our Diseases & secondary effects category.

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Kathleen & Anthony Mazoleny
Gloristine watts
Thank for let me no what eat and not eatv
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What to Eat with Esophagitis