Other mental disorders

How to Know if I'm Narcissistic

Max. D Gray
By Max. D Gray. Updated: January 16, 2017
How to Know if I'm Narcissistic

One of the most misunderstood personality disorders is narcissism. This mental condition causes the person suffering from it to have an exaggerated sense of self, so they feel like they are the centre of the universe, are extremely self-involved and do not usually have empathy for other people. Egocentrism forms the basis of narcissism.

Although the causes of this type of disorder are unknown, it usually develops more in people who have had a generally unstable childhood. If you're wondering how to tell if you're narcissistic, pay attention to the following OneHowTo article. We give you the keys to find out if you suffer from a condition which makes you feel like you're the most important person in your life.

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Steps to follow:


Narcissism has its origins in Greek mythology. It is said that young, handsome Narcissus rejected all maidens who were in love with him. He was so handsome that he fell in love with himself after seeing his reflection in the water. He became so enamoured with his own image that he jumped into the water and ended up drowning. He became a beautiful flower, which is called a daffodil today. This was the condemnation of the gods for being self-obsessed.


Narcissism is a syndrome that is suffered by people with low self-esteem, despite apparently having exactly the opposite. Their empty feeling inside causes a desire for egocentrism and admiration for themselves, since they do not find this love from people around them. Narcissists also need to continually demonstrate their achievements, money, status or power.


It all boils down to tangible objects for a narcissist. Whether this relates to anything from beauty or power, to being in a couple. Everything and everyone must be a definition of their own success, and thus they are perfectionists. They take away the value of everything around them in order to take credit for themselves.

How to Know if I'm Narcissistic - Step 3

In order to tell if you're narcissistic, you should start to observe and analyse your own behaviour. The people suffering from such psychological disorder feels a disproportionate love for themselves and have dysfunctional behaviours in their personality. For example, they are excessively positive about their abilities and successes and require constant admiration for themselves. They don't show any or have very little empathy for others.

A certain degree of self-love is normal and even healthy in order to remain optimistic and positive. However, when this love becomes extreme or obsessive, this is described as a narcissistic disorder.


To find out whether you suffer from any psychological personality disorder, carefully read the following points. If you have 5 or more of them, this may be an indication that you are narcissistic:

  • Exaggerated fantasies that relate to success, power, beauty and imaginary or self-love.
  • Disproportionate feeling of self-love and self-importance.
  • Requirement of excessive admiration.
  • Narcissistic people consider themselves to be so special that they can only relate to people who they consider similar, despising anyone below them.
  • Pretentious. Expectation to be treated favourably and always need their expectations to be met, whatever they may be.
  • They take advantage of others to achieve their own goals.
  • Apathetic and zero empathy. They can't identify with the feelings and needs of others.
  • They believe that everyone envies them and are jealous of them.
  • Proud and arrogant personality.
How to Know if I'm Narcissistic - Step 5

If you think your behaviour resembles that of a narcissist, you probably suffer from symptoms such as:

  • You react to any criticism, without accepting it.
  • You exaggerate your talents, achievements and successes.
  • You require the constant attention of everyone around you.
  • You have an obsessive interest in yourself.
  • Selfishness.
  • Egocentrism.
  • You despise others who you don't consider to be at the same level.

People who suffer from narcissistic disorders often have many problems in relationships given their egocentricity, selfishness and lack of empathy towards others. They are usually self-centred and conceited, which further complicates their ability to establish healthy and sincere relationships.

Their constant need for approval and feel valued by those around them leads them to demand others' recognition, even when they are wrong, and they may even look down on others to get it. Their aim is to feel accepted, valued and loved.

How to Know if I'm Narcissistic - Step 7

Although they may seem otherwise, a narcissist is a person who is lacking in something deep down and has a low self-esteem, so they search within themselves in order to feel valued and loved. If you think you suffer from this disorder, please visit a psychologist who can perform psychotherapeutic treatment which will help you relate to others in a more positive, sympathetic and compassionate manner.

If you still have doubts, you should know that your narcissistic personality disorder can be diagnosed by a psychological examination. There are many personality tests that can certify this type of psychological disorder.

This article is merely informative, oneHOWTO does not have the authority to prescribe any medical treatments or create a diagnosis. We invite you to visit your doctor if you have any type of condition or pain.

If you want to read similar articles to How to Know if I'm Narcissistic, we recommend you visit our Mental health category.


  • You shouldn't confuse arrogance or other traits with narcissism. Narcissism is a psychological personality disorder that needs to be treated by a professional.
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How to Know if I'm Narcissistic