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Effects of Apple Cider Vinegar on Empty Stomach

Max. D Gray
By Max. D Gray. Updated: January 16, 2017
Effects of Apple Cider Vinegar on Empty Stomach

Apple cider vinegar is a condiment that many have in the kitchen to flavour salads, but nowadays many also recommend drinking it on empty stomach. But what are the effects of apple cider vinegar on empty stomach? Apple cider vinegar, apart from being a perfect dressing, is also as a natural remedy with endless uses. Apple cider vinegar contains magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron, pectin and malic acid among others. All these nutrients are beneficial for our body.

It is logical that after nearly 8 hours sleep our body quickly absorbs whatever we eat when we wake up. That is why taking apple cider vinegar on empty stomach when waking up can be much more effective than taking it later in the day. In OneHowTo.com we explain the effects of apple cider vinegar on empty stomach.

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Steps to follow:


Apple cider vinegar is basically fermented juice from crushed apples. Because it comes from apples, it contains the same vitamins as apples: pectin, vitamins B1, B2, and B6, folic acid, and some vitamin C as well as minerals such as sodium, phosphorous, potassium, calcium, iron, and magnesium.

Here is one of the first effects of apple cider vinegar on empty stomach. Apple cider vinegar helps to lower high blood pressure, cholesterol and triglyceride levels. If you want to take advantage of these benefits then mix 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with a glass of water (about 200ml) and drink this mixture when you wake up but before breakfast.

Although the drink is most effective on an empty stomach, you can repeat the process 2 more times a day to multiply the benefits of apple cider vinegar on empty stomach.

Effects of Apple Cider Vinegar on Empty Stomach - Step 1

The same mixture can serve to treat nasal congestion. The potassium contained in the apple cider vinegar will help reduce the mucus whilst the ascetic acid will prevent bacterial growth. By drinking apple cider vinegar on empty stomach when you get out of bed you will begin your day better as you will breath better.


According to some studies, another one of the effects of apple cider vinegar on empty stomach is to reduce by 200-275 the calories consumed in a meal as it dissolves fats and helps to reduce weight.

If you want extra help to lose weight, take two glasses of water (both mixed with 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar) when you get up every morning and before breakfast. In OneHowTo we tell you all about losing weight with apple cider vinegar.

Effects of Apple Cider Vinegar on Empty Stomach - Step 3

Apple cider vinegar on empty stomach also purifies the body of toxins. As it favours the elimination of toxins and dead skin cells that clog the pores, it is also an excellent product to tackle acne.

Mix in a cup a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar (20 ml) and 2 tablespoons water (40 ml). Take a cotton pad and carry out a facial clean as soon as you wake up. Leave to act for about 10 minutes and then wipe with fresh water. You can apply moisturising cream after doing this to improve the outcome and take care of your face. If you suffer from skin problems, this is definitely one of the best effects of apple cider vinegar on empty stomach.


Apple cider vinegar is acidic and therefore beneficial for halitosis or bad breath. To take advantage of these benefits of apple cider vinegar on empty stomach, you just have to dilute half a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar (10 ml) in half a glass of water (100 ml). On an empty stomach, gargle the solution, keeping it in your mouth for at least 10 seconds without swallowing and then spit it out. Repeat until you have used all the prepared solution.

Effects of Apple Cider Vinegar on Empty Stomach - Step 5

Cold, flu, sore throat... Apple cider vinegar on empty stomach can again be your ally because it contains antiseptic properties that can help alleviate infections and bacteria.

To take advantage of these benefits of apple cider vinegar on empty stomach, you can gargle on an empty stomach with a combination of apple cider vinegar and cold honey or mix a cup of warm water with a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and one of honey and drink down the mixture.


However, keep in mind the contraindications apple cider vinegar as this is a product containing acid and is therefore abrasive. You must pay attention to not harm your tooth enamel. As a precaution, always brush your teeth at least 30 minutes after taking it. Above all, it should not be taken without dilution in water.

All in all, the effects of apple cider vinegar on empty stomach are positive, but, as with anything, you should use some precautions.

Effects of Apple Cider Vinegar on Empty Stomach - Step 7

This article is merely informative, oneHOWTO does not have the authority to prescribe any medical treatments or create a diagnosis. We invite you to visit your doctor if you have any type of condition or pain.

If you want to read similar articles to Effects of Apple Cider Vinegar on Empty Stomach, we recommend you visit our Healthy living category.

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Noel Abraham V Gapuz
will other vinegars be use ? apple cider vinegar is so expensive.
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Effects of Apple Cider Vinegar on Empty Stomach