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Contraindications of Spirulina

Max. D Gray
By Max. D Gray. Updated: June 19, 2017
Contraindications of Spirulina

Spirulina is a type of kelp also known ans blue-green algae, which is spiral-shaped and green in color. It has become a highly valued food supplement thanks to its nutritional value and excellent health properties. However, before starting to take spirulina, it's worth being aware of its contraindications and possible side effects that can lead to improper or excessive consumption. In order to proceed with caution and not put your health at risk, carefully read the following article and find out the contraindications of spirulina.

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Steps to follow:


This green blue alga is a dietary supplement that has numerous beneficial health attributes for the body. Above all, it is excellent for keeping cells young with its antioxidant effects, improves eyesight and eye health, boosts the immune system, treats anemia, combats exhaustion, regenerates the intestinal flora, and detoxifies the body among other benefits. You can see these in more detail in our article on what are the properties of spirulina.

However, like any other dietary supplement, you should not start taking it without initially ensuring that it will not be detrimental to your health. It's worth being informed about contraindications and side effects, as well as consulting your doctor or nutritionist beforehand in case you have any questions.

Contraindications of Spirulina - Step 1

Not suitable during pregnancy. One contraindication of spirulina concerns women who may be pregnant or breast-feeding. Although there have been no serious or severe effects noted, it is essential that both during pregnancy and while breastfeeding, you consult your doctor prior to taking spirulina as it could pose some risks to yours or your baby's health. This is due to the fact that, depending on the type of spirulina you take, it may contain harmful chemicals such as mercury, which could be highly harmful for your child. It is also not recommended for small children without prior medical consultation. Always follow a medical practitioner's advice to avoid possible side effects. Take a look at our article: Is it safe to take Spirulina during pregnancy? If you'd like more information on the subject.


Not suitable for thyroid conditions. Patients who suffer from illnesses affecting the thyroid gland, such as hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism shouldn't take spirulina either, as it could be counterproductive to their health. It may have an adverse effect on the thyroid gland's proper functioning, especially in cases of hyperthyroidism, given it contains iodine. If you suffer from either of these two illnesses and have any doubts, talk to your doctor.

Contraindications of Spirulina - Step 3

Not suitable for people with kidney failure. Any people who suffer from kidney failure or kidney problems should reduce or moderate the consumption of protein in their diet to protect the proper functioning of these vital organs. The consumption of spirulina is not recommended for those with poor diets or those lacking in protein, so it is also advisable that you speak to your doctor before taking it.

Contraindications of Spirulina - Step 4

Recommended for gout. That said, it has been found that Spirulina is highly recommended for those suffering from gout. This is a disease caused by an accumulation of microscopic uric acid crystals in the blood that cause inflammation in the affected joint, plus other symptoms. It has been pointed out that this alga contains an amino acid which may not be beneficial in these patients.


When under medication. Finally, if you are undergoing any specific medical treatment or are currently taking any medicines on a continuous basis, it is best to check with your doctor as to whether spirulina may affect their ability, or may reduce or suppress their effects on the body.

Contraindications of Spirulina - Step 6

In perfectly healthy people, spirulina taken in appropriate doses need not cause any side effects. However, when taken in excess, it can cause discomfort and lead to symptoms such as constipation, stomach pain, thirst, skin rashes, dizziness, etc. In the event of any of these symptoms, it is vital you stop taking it and go to A&E as quickly as possible. Take a look at the comparison between chlorella and spirulina for further information.

This article is merely informative, oneHOWTO does not have the authority to prescribe any medical treatments or create a diagnosis. We invite you to visit your doctor if you have any type of condition or pain.

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Contraindications of Spirulina