Eating healthy food

What Are the Most Filling Foods with Low Calories

Max. D Gray
By Max. D Gray. Updated: March 6, 2022
What Are the Most Filling Foods with Low Calories

When pursuing a weight loss diet, we are face a great enemy: hunger. Hunger should be controlled in order to achieve the goal of loosing weight. That is why, in addition to starting a more balanced diet which is low in calories, it is interesting to know what kind of foods are going to help us win the battle against snacking between meals. These filling foods with low calories will become our best allies in reducing our appetites and hunger, so we can get rid of those extra flabby pounds. Stay tuned to this oneHOWTO article, as we show you the what are the most filling foods with low calories you can consume to reach your weight-loss goal.

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Steps to follow:


It is considered that a food is filling if it has the ability to reduce your appetite and calm hunger. This helps you avoid snacking between meals and therefore, promotes weight loss. Because of their nutritional composition, there are foods that delay gastric emptying and this makes us feel satisfied for longer.

But what are these magical foods? Contrary to what you may believe, fatty foods that are rich in sugars do not offer a greater feeling of satiety. In fact, those that are rich in protein, fiber and water fill us up for longer. These nutrients are essential to curb your appetite and to eat healthy, if prepared and consumed appropriately. Here we show you the best examples of filling foods with low calories.

What Are the Most Filling Foods with Low Calories - Step 1

Fruits are very healthy and there are some that have a high filling power: those that have a high water content such as watermelon or cantaloupe. Both have a very low caloric value and are an incredible option to fight hunger during a diet and to promote weight loss.

Watermelon and cantaloupe are not the only excellent alternatives, other fruits also contain water and help reduce hunger, for example oranges and apples. Do not hesitate to include them in your daily diet and you will also benefit from a healthy heart and general body hydration.

What Are the Most Filling Foods with Low Calories - Step 2

In the group of vegetables, we can also find some of the best filling foods with low calories thanks to high fiber content. Especially foods such as lettuce, cabbage, chard and asparagus. They are also full of vitamins and are essential to the proper functioning of body minerals, so you should include them in your daily diet.

What Are the Most Filling Foods with Low Calories - Step 3

Another satisfying, healthy food that you can take advantage of to eat healthy and to lose weight is the humble tomato. It has a 93% water content and has a great capacity to satisfy your appetite and so that you can wave goodbye to hunger pangs. Include it in your salads, or as a garnish in other low-calorie dishes, and you will benefit from its antioxidant effects, which help keep cells young and prevent diseases such as some forms of cancer.

What Are the Most Filling Foods with Low Calories - Step 4

Do you like mushrooms? If the answer is yes, you're lucky because they are a very filling food, also low in calories. 80% of a mushroom's composition is water, so they are a good choice for those who want to reduce their body weight. It is best to prepare boiled mushrooms and to then add them to other foods, such as delicious Italian pasta, or grill them using very little oil.

What Are the Most Filling Foods with Low Calories - Step 5

In our filling foods with low calories list, we can also include egg. It is very satisfying, especially the egg white. Yes, it is a food that, if consumed in excess and fried, tend to increase cholesterol, so eat it in moderation. Try eating healthy preparations such as boiled egg, baked egg or in an omelette.

What Are the Most Filling Foods with Low Calories - Step 6

Apart from the above, other filling foods with low calories that help reduce the amount of food you eat are: cereals such as oats, whole-wheat pasta, white cheese, potatoes, yogurt and dishes as broths or soups. Soups in particular are very filling, but provide very few calories.

What Are the Most Filling Foods with Low Calories - Step 7

This article is merely informative, oneHOWTO does not have the authority to prescribe any medical treatments or create a diagnosis. We invite you to visit your doctor if you have any type of condition or pain.

If you want to read similar articles to What Are the Most Filling Foods with Low Calories, we recommend you visit our Healthy living category.

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What Are the Most Filling Foods with Low Calories