Personality disorder

What are the Differences Between Personality Types A, B and C?

Max. D Gray
By Max. D Gray. Updated: March 14, 2022
What are the Differences Between Personality Types A, B and C?

Although each one of us is uniquely different, there are a number of behavioral patterns, commonly referred to as the so-called A, B and C personality types. These labels can be useful to define the general characteristics of an individual's personality, beliefs, culture etc. According to this theory, there are 3 different types of people in the world.

The theory has been heavily criticised, as it was based on a statistical study where it is said that an insufficient sample of people was used. Others claim it is unreliable because it did not take into account the eating habits of these personality types. Nevertheless, a significant number of psychologists continue to believe in this theory.

This OneHowTo article will explain all about A, B and C personality types and the differences between them.

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  1. What is a Type A Personality Like
  2. What are Type B Personality Traits?
  3. What are Type C Personality Traits

What is a Type A Personality Like

Type A individuals are described as ambitious, highly competitive and impatient. All of these personality traits combined may lead to aggressive behaviour in some instances, especially when working. These individuals are workaholics, who find it difficult to relax or go on holiday.

They are more likely to suffer from coronary heart disease and stress, and tend to have short fuses.

What are the Differences Between Personality Types A, B and C? - What is a Type A Personality Like

What are Type B Personality Traits?

Type B individuals are virtually the complete opposite of Type A. They are relaxed and laid-back, good humored, and friendlier than their type A counterparts.

They are not described as being very successful in business, tend not to get stressed and prefer to do things calmly and slowly. Type B individuals tend to be apathetic and disengaged by other personality types.

What are the Differences Between Personality Types A, B and C? - What are Type B Personality Traits?

What are Type C Personality Traits

Type C individuals are also often referred to as Type AB. They put the desires, needs and preferences of other people ahead of their own.

They don't usually express their feelings, and even if they're having a really bad time of things they may pretend that everything's going well.

They are also defined as being kind people, albeit overly concerned with pleasing others instead of tending to their own needs.

So there you have the basic concepts behind the type A, B and C personality types, but remember this is just one theory about different personality types. There are many other ways of classifying peoples personalities and characteristics. For example, do you know if you are an introvert or an extrovert? If you think you are a bit of both then you are probably an Ambivert!

This article is merely informative, oneHOWTO does not have the authority to prescribe any medical treatments or create a diagnosis. We invite you to visit your doctor if you have any type of condition or pain.

If you want to read similar articles to What are the Differences Between Personality Types A, B and C?, we recommend you visit our Mental health category.

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What are the Differences Between Personality Types A, B and C?