Lowering your cholesterol

List Of Fruits That Lower Cholesterol

Max. D Gray
By Max. D Gray. Updated: March 14, 2022
List Of Fruits That Lower Cholesterol
Image: www.areafemenina.net

Keeping your cholesterol levels within the normal values is fundamental to enjoying good heart health and an excellent quality of life. And there are many risks of having a high level of bad cholesterol in your blood, so it is essential to lead a healthy lifestyle and, above all, pay attention to what you eat daily. Nutrition plays a key role in the task of keeping cholesterol at bay so prioritise the ingredients that favour its reduction. This OneHowTo article will give you a list of the best fruits to lower cholesterol.

You may also be interested in: The Best Juices to Lower Cholesterol Levels
  1. Fruits that lower cholesterol: apples
  2. Fruits that lower cholesterol: citrus
  3. Fruits that lower cholesterol: grapes
  4. Fruits that lower cholesterol: pomegranate
  5. Fruits that lower cholesterol: kiwi

Fruits that lower cholesterol: apples

Eating apples once or twice daily reports many more health benefits than you could imagine. Scientific studies have shown that it is one of the best fruits to lower cholesterol, as well as lowering the bad cholesterol (LDL) and favoring an increase of the good cholesterol (HDL). Not only that, but it exerts a cardio-protective action, maintaining good heart health and acting against free radicals that cause cellular aging in addition to being a great natural diuretic. You see, there are many reasons to include this delicious fruit in your diet and start to see the benefits.

List Of Fruits That Lower Cholesterol - Fruits that lower cholesterol: apples
Image: www.lavozdelsandinismo.com

Fruits that lower cholesterol: citrus

Citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons, grapefruits, jackfruit and tangerines are also recommended to lower levels of bad cholesterol in the blood. This is due to their vitamin C content which promotes the liver converting cholesterol into bile acids, and their consumption helps keep the arteries unclogged, favors their elasticity, improves blood circulation and prevents heart problems. If you don't like the sour taste of these foods, you can make some delicious juices.

List Of Fruits That Lower Cholesterol - Fruits that lower cholesterol: citrus
Image: www.pregonagropecuario.com

Fruits that lower cholesterol: grapes

If you like grapes, you're in luck because they contain important benefits to lower and control cholesterol. They are known for their high content of flavonoids in the body which help improve blood flow, reduce the risk of blood clots and prevent diseases that affect the heart.

List Of Fruits That Lower Cholesterol - Fruits that lower cholesterol: grapes
Image: prosimetron.blogspot.com

Fruits that lower cholesterol: pomegranate

When you have high levels of cholesterol in your blood, eating a pomegranate or drinking pomegranate juice every day may help reduce and prevent cholesterol build-up in the arteries preventing clogging. Besides its outstanding antioxidant and polyphenol content makes it a perfect fruit to protect heart health. And if you care about your weight, you should know that pomegranates are very low in calories and even help prevent fluid retention.

List Of Fruits That Lower Cholesterol - Fruits that lower cholesterol: pomegranate
Image: www.diariolaprimeraperu.com

Fruits that lower cholesterol: kiwi

If you're trying to hold off your cholesterol, kiwis are a fruit that should be present in your daily diet. By containing pectin they help lower and regulate blood cholesterol levels and prevent it from being absorbed into the intestine. They are also recommended for improving intestinal transit, promoting digestion and preventing oxidation of cells as they are a potent antioxidant.

List Of Fruits That Lower Cholesterol - Fruits that lower cholesterol: kiwi
Image: www.panagroup-bg.com

This article is merely informative, oneHOWTO does not have the authority to prescribe any medical treatments or create a diagnosis. We invite you to visit your doctor if you have any type of condition or pain.

If you want to read similar articles to List Of Fruits That Lower Cholesterol, we recommend you visit our Family health category.

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1 comment
mark surkitt
got high cholesrerol wot can I eat im a big eater
OneHowTo Editor
Hi Mark,

The article suggests several fruits you can eat that will help lower cholesterol.
Image: www.areafemenina.net
Image: www.lavozdelsandinismo.com
Image: www.pregonagropecuario.com
Image: prosimetron.blogspot.com
Image: www.diariolaprimeraperu.com
Image: www.panagroup-bg.com
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List Of Fruits That Lower Cholesterol