Herbs for cold and flu

How to use Eucalyptus Oil for Cold and Flu

Max. D Gray
By Max. D Gray. Updated: August 1, 2017
How to use Eucalyptus Oil for Cold and Flu

Eucalyptus is a tree native to Australia but has a large presence on other continents as well. Its leaves and flowers are known for their beneficial properties and even for healing everything that affects the respiratory system, including congestion, colds and the flu. In this oneHOWTO article we will show you how to use eucalyptus to cure a cold.

You may also be interested in: How to Cure a Cold with a Herbal Steam Treatment
  1. How to use eucalyptus oil for congestion
  2. Eucalyptus oil for cough
  3. How to use eucalyptus oil for cold in babies
  4. How to use eucalyptus oil on feet for cold
  5. Eucalyptus oil for running nose
  6. Eucalyptus oil for cold during pregnancy

There are many health benefits that have been attributed to eucalyptus. As mentioned above, this plant has been used for centuries and many pharmaceutical products contain eucalyptus among their ingredients.

The fact is that eucalyptus is a great antibacterial[1] and anti fungal remedy, as well as being analgesic and expectorant, which is why it can also be used for muscular pain, sores and inflammation as well as to treat cold and flu due to the volatile compounds in eucalyptus.

This is why at oneHOWTO we show you how to use eucalyptus oil for cold and flu or, rather, to treat certain symptoms of these two conditions. We will look at several different ways of using eucalyptus oil to relieve various respiratory troubles.

How to use eucalyptus oil for congestion

To use eucalyptus to for a cough, you can either use the leaves and flowers to make eucalyptus oil at home or purchase eucalyptus oil ready made from the store. To relieve congestion, the best way to use eucalyptus oil is to inhale steam, as studies have found that rapid evaporation of this essential oil is more effective[2]. Take a look at the steps you need to follow to do so.


  1. For eucalyptus steam to fight congestion, boil water in a bowl and then add a around one or two drops of eucalyptus oil.
  2. Place a towel over your head and cover the bowl, then inhale the steam for around 10 minutes.
  3. Remove your head from the heat. This will clear the nasal passageways and relieve your respiratory tract.
How to use Eucalyptus Oil for Cold and Flu - How to use eucalyptus oil for congestion

Eucalyptus oil for cough

Eucalyptus oil is also very useful to treat a cough as it can help soften mucous and phlegm. The most useful way to use it is to make eucalyptus infusion or tea.


  1. For the infusion of eucalyptus, boil enough water for one or two cups.
  2. When it has boiled, add one or two drops of eucalyptus oil and let them cook about 5-6 minutes.
  3. Then drink the infusion. You can add a little honey to sweeten it.

Another way to use eucalyptus oil for a cough is to add a few drops of it in your daily bath. Breathe in the oil while you relax and it will act as an effective expectorant. Take a look at our article on home remedies for a dry cough for more ideas.

How to use eucalyptus oil for cold in babies

When a baby has a cold we need to be extra cautious, as its immune system is yet building up. This is why it's extra important to visit a doctor if your baby has a cold so he or she can get the treatment they need. However, you can try this remedy at home to help speed up the process.


  1. Mix two drops of eucalyptus essential oil with one tsp of olive oil.
  2. Massage the mixture on the baby's chest or back gently (this will depend on the age of the baby, as he or she should not be able to reach the eucalyptus solution with their hands in order to prevent intoxication.

You can also learn how to make saline solution for babies if he or she is also suffering from mucous.

How to use Eucalyptus Oil for Cold and Flu - How to use eucalyptus oil for cold in babies

How to use eucalyptus oil on feet for cold

This is a common home remedy to get rid of a cold. You will need other herbs in order for this remedy to work effectively too. Peppermint is a great ingredient to accompany eucalyptus oil due to its decongestant properties when fighting the flu and high temperatures. The belief that using these two ingredients on your feet comes from reflexology, which states that each part of your feet is linked to a certain part of the body. However, this home remedy is not sustained on any scientific evidence, so use with other prescribed treatment.


  1. Mix 2 drops eucalyptus oil with one spoonful olive oil.
  2. Use the tips of your fingers to massage your feet balls, more specifically the base of your three middle toes.

Eucalyptus oil for running nose

Relieving a runny nose with eucalyptus oil is pretty similar to getting congestion, which is why we'll also use the steam inhaling technique, but aiding the elimination of mucous by adding a few more decongestant ingredients that will boost the results.


  1. Pour 7 drops eucalyptus oil, 4 drops lavender oil and 4 drops peppermint oil in a big bowl of steaming, warm water.
  2. With a towel, cover your head and inhale the vapor for around 5 minutes.
  3. Repeat this process 2 to 3 times per day.

If you don't have time to do this so many times per day or are not at home, a good idea is to take a handkerchief with you that has been dabbed in one or two drops of eucalyptus oil. Take the bottle with you to re-apply if you notice the scent has gone.

Eucalyptus oil for cold during pregnancy

Cold relief medicine may not be the most adequate treatment for cold during pregnancy, which is why many women ask themselves what the best solution to a cold is. Although eucalyptus oil is safe during pregnancy, it's not recommended to use it is not highly diluted, so using it in its pure form.


  • Add two drops of eucalyptus oil (only the globulus variety is allowed during pregnancy) and dilute with carrier oil such as olive oil.
  • Dab the mixture with a cotton swab and place on your lymph nodes and your neck.
How to use Eucalyptus Oil for Cold and Flu - Eucalyptus oil for cold during pregnancy

This article is merely informative, oneHOWTO does not have the authority to prescribe any medical treatments or create a diagnosis. We invite you to visit your doctor if you have any type of condition or pain.

If you want to read similar articles to How to use Eucalyptus Oil for Cold and Flu, we recommend you visit our Healthy living category.

  1. Akin M, Aktumsek A, Nostro A. Antibacterial activity and composition of the essential oils of Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehn and Myrtus communis L. growing in Northern Cyprus. Afr J Biotechnol. 2010;9:531–535.
  2. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11328766
  • Akin M, Aktumsek A, Nostro A. Antibacterial activity and composition of the essential oils of Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehn and Myrtus communis L. growing in Northern Cyprus. Afr J Biotechnol. 2010;9:531–535.
  • Inouye S, Takizawa T, Yamaguchi H. Antibacterial activity of essential oils and their major constituents against respiratory tract pathogens by gaseous contact. J Antimicrob Chemother. 2001;47:565–573.
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How to use Eucalyptus Oil for Cold and Flu