Lower back pain problems

How To Sleep With Lower Back Pain or Lumbago

Max. D Gray
By Max. D Gray. Updated: January 16, 2017
How To Sleep With Lower Back Pain or Lumbago

Lumbago, or lower back pain, can be very annoying, especially when doing physical activities, sitting or sleeping for long periods. Pain in the lower back may be due to several factors like being overweight, bad posture or a lot of muscle tension. However, it is important to determine the cause and follow the appropriate treatment to improve this inconvenience. But while you learn about what causes it, at OneHowTo we give you some tips so you know how to sleep with lower back pain and rest effectively.

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Steps to follow:


When you have lower back pain frequently, our first recommendation is to review our daily habits and work out what could be causing the discomfort. Maintaining good posture when working at a computer, taking breaks every hour to stretch your legs, moderating stress levels, sleeping in the correct position, getting a quality mattress and leading an active life are factors that are very important to prevent lower back pain.

How To Sleep With Lower Back Pain or Lumbago - Step 1

But once you start suffering from discomfort, it is important to know how to sleep with lower back pain in order to avoid making it more painful and more acute.

One of the best and easiest sleeping positions is the fetal position, where you lie on your side with knees bent and spine and head in line. It is important that your pillow isn't too high or your discomfort may get worse.

How To Sleep With Lower Back Pain or Lumbago - Step 2

To sleep with lower back pain you can also lie in another version of the fetal position, which is similar to the above but with one leg straight and the other bent. This way will keep you just as comfortable without putting pressure on your lower back.


If you like to sleep on your back then it is important to remember that you should always put a pillow under the back of your knees and calves as well as resting your head on a flat pillow. This way your lower back will be properly supported and you won't feel any discomfort.

How To Sleep With Lower Back Pain or Lumbago - Step 4
Image: Healthwise Incorporate

To sleep with lower back pain correctly you should avoid positions such as lying on your stomach or back without a pillow to support your legs. Moreover you also should avoid:

  • Sleeping on very high pillows.
  • Sleep on a very hard or very soft mattress.
  • Sleeping on a mattress that doesn't provide adequate support.

So you can sleep comfortably and without pain in your lower back, it's also good to limit the amount of food you eat for dinner, this will allow you to get to sleep easier.

You can also try relaxation and meditation before you go to bed to relieve tension.

Use a towel wrapped around your waist to make sure your back stays in position during the night.

If you are suffering from lower back pain, you can take a look at our article to know how to relieve lower back pain or some natural remedies for lower back pain you can try at home.

This article is merely informative, oneHOWTO does not have the authority to prescribe any medical treatments or create a diagnosis. We invite you to visit your doctor if you have any type of condition or pain.

If you want to read similar articles to How To Sleep With Lower Back Pain or Lumbago, we recommend you visit our Diseases & secondary effects category.

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Eileen Pelletier
When sleeping on your side, it is very important to use a knee pillow between your knees to align your hips, preventing further back pain (as well as hip and knee pain).
Image: Healthwise Incorporate
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How To Sleep With Lower Back Pain or Lumbago