Others, ear, nose and throat

How to Prevent Losing Your Voice

Max. D Gray
By Max. D Gray. Updated: November 12, 2020
How to Prevent Losing Your Voice

Losing the voice or aphonia is a common problem that occurs when we are forced to speak to the excess, or to specified conditions such as temperature changes or certain diseases. However, for some people, especially for those working with their voices, this condition can become a real problem. In these cases, prevention becomes the best tool as following some instructions it is possible to avoid losing your voice. Do you want to know the best tips to impede your voice from going away? In this OneHowTo article we tell you the best tricks to prevent losing your voice.

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Steps to follow:


If your voice is a fundamental aspect of your work, or if you just want to maintain the health of your throat, it is important to follow some tips to prevent losing your voice. But first it's useful to understand what the main causes that produce this unflattering condition are:

  • Jamming the vocal cords to speak, either by shouting too much or by spending many hours talking.
  • Radical temperature changes can affect the health of the throat, tiring the vocal cords and producing hoarseness then a loss of the voice.
  • Colds that are poorly cured or very intense.
  • Bad habits that affect the throat such as smoking.
  • Consuming very little water, which prevents the vocal cords from being properly hydrated and so they stop working effectively.
  • Diseases that affect the throat like tonsillitis, pharyngitis or allergies.

A voice loss usually lasts for a maximum duration of 4 to 5 days. Some home remedies can be highly effective and help the throat to recover and get your voice back faster.

One of the most important things you have to do if you want to get your voice back is to not speak too much and in a low tone. Also, avoid smoking and those areas with a high presence of smoke.

If your voice is hoarse for over 15 days, it is important to see an otolaryngologist for a thorough review to determine the origin of the condition. The specialist will provide a specific treatment if necessary.

How to Prevent Losing Your Voice - Step 2

However, there are some steps you can follow to prevent losing your voice:

  • Hydrate your body properly and drink 1.5 to 2 litres of water a day. If your vocal cords are not well hydrated, avoid speaking altogether.
  • Control your tone of voice and do not scream, especially if you have a job where you talk constantly. Similarly, it is important to avoid talking too much in noisy spaces.
  • If you want to prevent losing your voice, avoid smoking because this habit leads to changes in the voice over the short, medium and long term. It is also desirable to avoid smoky areas.
  • If you suffer from a cold or an allergy it is important to properly treat the problem from the outset, thus you avoid secondary symptoms such as hoarseness.
  • Do warm ups with your voice before a time in which you're going to use it a lot. Doing so you will prepare your vocal cords and avoid forcing your voice, thus preventing hoarseness.
  • Frequent reflux can also cause hoarseness, so it is convenient to take measures to prevent it and see a gastroenterologist in the event that this happens very often.

By following these suggestions, you can prevent hoarseness effectively, keeping your voice in perfect condition.

This article is merely informative, oneHOWTO does not have the authority to prescribe any medical treatments or create a diagnosis. We invite you to visit your doctor if you have any type of condition or pain.

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How to Prevent Losing Your Voice