Cleaning teeth

How to Brush Teeth with Sea Salt

Alice Marini
By Alice Marini. Updated: January 16, 2017
How to Brush Teeth with Sea Salt

An easy way to brush teeth with sea salt is by dipping your toothbrush into a little sea salt, and brushing your teeth normally. Then, rinse with water. If you want to use sea salt for teeth whitening as well, you can try to mix it with lemon, apple cider vinegar, baking soda, or coconut oil, as we explain later on in the article.

Brushing teeth with sea salt is one of the natural alternatives to commercial toothpastes. Chinese have been using sea salt for teeth cleaning for hundreds of years, and there are now salt-based toothpastes available on the European and North-American markets as well. But does sea salt clean teeth? Or does sea salt damage teeth? Can people with sensitive teeth use sea salt? How to use sea salt for teeth whitening? In today's article we will answer those question and talk about how to brush teeth with sea salt.

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  1. Does sea salt clean teeth?
  2. Does sea salt damage teeth?
  3. How to brush teeth with sea salt
  4. How to brush your teeth with baking soda and sea salt
  5. Teeth salt water rinse

Does sea salt clean teeth?

Sea salt cleans teeth because it contains mineral residues such as calcium, magnesium, silicon, phosphorous, iron, sodium, and nickel. Those elements strengthen the gums, breaking down plaque build-up and killing the bacteria responsible for bad breath.

Moreover sea salt makes the mouth produce more saliva, which in turn creates a barrier against enamel decay. It creates a sort of anti-bacterial protection.

Can you use sea salt for teeth whitening? Yes you can, but bear in mind that sea salt alone will whiten the teeth over time, not instantly. If you want to whiten your teeth fast, you need to use salt and lemon, or salt and baking soda for teeth whitening. In this article we explain how to whiten teeth naturally and fast.

Does sea salt damage teeth?

Sea salt is acid, so it could make the enamel softer, and sensitive. Using sea salt for teeth cleaning is highly beneficial, only if used in moderation. Brushing teeth with sea salt once a week will give you the benefits of sea salt on teeth, without you experiencing the negative side effects.

If you want to find out how to brush teeth with sea salt, chances are you might be curious about possible side effects, i.e. if sea salt can damage teeth. However, bear in mind that commercial mouthwashes, for example, are not as acid as sea salt but contain alcohol, which can cause diseases much more serious that tooth decay. Commercial toothpastes, on the other hand, contain harmful chemicals such as fluoride, synthetic colors, flavours, sweeteners, triclosan etc. The side effects of sea salt are not that bad.

What about sensitive teeth and salt water? People with sensitive teeth should use salt diluted in water, and with a very low concentration. However, you can always experiment with brushing teeth with salt water and see how you react. People who have metal teeth should contact their dentist before starting using sea salt for their teeth brushing.

Now, let's see how to brush teeth with sea salt.

How to Brush Teeth with Sea Salt - Does sea salt damage teeth?

How to brush teeth with sea salt

One quick way to brush teeth with sea salt is simply dipping your toothbrush into a little sea salt, and brushing your teeth normally. Then, rinse with water.

If you want to use sea salt for teeth whitening as well, you can try the recipe below.

Sea salt toothpaste for teeth whitening


  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon lemon or apple cider vinegar


  1. Dip your toothbrush in the teaspoon of vinegar or lemon
  2. Dip toothbrush into the teaspoon of sea salt
  3. Brush your teeth normally
  4. Use it once a week

Now you know how to brush your teeth with sea salt! You should use sea salt, because common cooking salt has lower iodine and manganese content, so it has less antibacterial properties.

How to brush your teeth with baking soda and sea salt


  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1 teaspoon sea salt
  • water


  1. mix sea salt and baking soda.
  2. add enough water to form a thick paste
  3. Use the mixture as a toothpaste
  4. You can add some coconut oil to the mixture. Because of its lauric acid content, it kills mouth bacteria, whitens teeth, and freshens up the breath.

If you want to use sea salt for teeth whitening, and you need quick results, brushing your teeth with baking soda and sea salt by combining the 2 ingredients into your own toothpaste is your best bet. If you are interested in coconut oil for teeth, we have a recipe for coconut oil toothpaste in one of our articles.

You will see how well baking soda and sea salt work for teeth whitening!

How to Brush Teeth with Sea Salt - How to brush your teeth with baking soda and sea salt

Teeth salt water rinse

For a teeth salt water rinse, mix a quarter of a teaspoon of sea salt with a glass of warm water. Mix to dissolve the salt. Rinse your mouth with the salt water. Do not swallow. Use the teeth salt water rinse no more than once a week.

A mouth rinse is another great way of using sea salt for your teeth. It can greatly benefit your mouth by killing bacteria responsible for tooth decay and bad breath. Also, did you know that a sea salt rinse can help with wisdom teeth pain, and any swollen gum problem as well? As we explained, sea salt cleans your mouth, thus calming the pain caused by wisdom teeth. Sea salt also has an analgesic effect, it is a disinfectant, and removes swelling. That's why teeth salt water rinse is indicated after dental surgery, for mouth infection and mouth ulcer.

Sea salt has many benefits for your teeth, if used in small amounts and not too frequently. Now that you know how to brush teeth with sea salt you can try it and be proud of your healthy looking teeth!

How to Brush Teeth with Sea Salt - Teeth salt water rinse

This article is merely informative, oneHOWTO does not have the authority to prescribe any medical treatments or create a diagnosis. We invite you to visit your doctor if you have any type of condition or pain.

If you want to read similar articles to How to Brush Teeth with Sea Salt, we recommend you visit our Family health category.

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How to Brush Teeth with Sea Salt