Getting pregnant

How Much Royal Jelly Should I Take For Fertility

Nidhi Nangia
By Nidhi Nangia. Updated: January 23, 2017
How Much Royal Jelly Should I Take For Fertility

Royal Jelly is a nutritious food supplement found to be effective in enhancing fertility. In the colony of bees, the Queen Bee feeds on large quantities of Royal Jelly during its initial stages of growth, due to which she develops ovaries and becomes capable of laying eggs. Royal Jelly is rich in vitamin B1, 2 and 6, C, E, pantothenic acid, niacin, biotin, folic acid and inositol. This superfood turns the larvae of a bee into a queen, which means that it becomes a fertile bee. Although it is true for bees, can it be applied on the fertility of human beings as well. Here at, we are going to discuss about what Royal Jelly is, and how much Royal Jelly should you take for fertility.

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  1. What Royal Jelly is?
  2. How Royal Jelly is related to human fertility
  3. Royal Jelly dosage

What Royal Jelly is?

Royal Jelly is a milky, thick substance made by bees to feed the queen bee and the eggs. They use enzymes, bee pollen and honey to make this jelly from their throat glands. Rich in vitamins, sugars, lipids, amino acids and proteins, Royal Jelly also contains ample amounts of calcium and iron. As all these nutrients are important for a person’s organ function and overall health, it is easily understandable how Royal Jelly helps in assisting fertility.

How Much Royal Jelly Should I Take For Fertility - What Royal Jelly is?

How Royal Jelly is related to human fertility

In humans, Royal Jelly is shown to increase a person’s libido, reduce signs of aging, improve sperm and egg health, thus improving fertility and sexual activity. It also increases luteinizing hormone level in a person’s blood, which promotes ovulation, treats women egg failure, and regularizes irregular menstrual cycles. By mimicking functions of estrogen, this product regulates hormones and balances them. In addition to its fertility benefits, Royal Jelly also reduces aging, enhances immunity, supports healthy hair, increases sexual vitality, balances hormones, and treats arthritis like auto-immune diseases.

How Much Royal Jelly Should I Take For Fertility - How Royal Jelly is related to human fertility

Royal Jelly dosage

Available in oral capsules or fresh form, there are several ways to take royal jelly. But, how much Royal Jelly should you take for fertility? It all depends on the type of your fertility problem, its severity, and your individual response to the product. If you are taking Royal Jelly in the form of oral capsules, the most common dosage is one 500mg capsule three times a day, that is helpful in producing fantastic eggs, help fertility and to increase sperm count. If you are taking it in fresh form, take at least ½ teaspoon twice in a day. However, the dosage may vary as per the recommendation of your physician. Make sure that you are not using any form of contraception while taking Royal Jelly.

How Much Royal Jelly Should I Take For Fertility - Royal Jelly dosage

This article is merely informative, oneHOWTO does not have the authority to prescribe any medical treatments or create a diagnosis. We invite you to visit your doctor if you have any type of condition or pain.

If you want to read similar articles to How Much Royal Jelly Should I Take For Fertility, we recommend you visit our Family health category.

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How Much Royal Jelly Should I Take For Fertility