Building a strong immune system

How Is Lymphocytosis Treated

Nidhi Nangia
By Nidhi Nangia. Updated: July 13, 2020
How Is Lymphocytosis Treated

Lymphocytosis occurs when the number of lymphocytes in your blood increases significantly. Ideally, adults should have maximum 4000 per microliter of lymphocyte count, followed by 7000 per microliter in older children, and 9000 per microliter in infants. A complete blood count is usually obtained to calculate the lymphocyte count in your body, but it can also be detected with a procedure called flow cytometry. There are several causes that can lead to lymphocytosis, and the exact cause needs to be treated if you want to treat lymphocytosis. So, you will have to look into the treatments needed for your specific cause is you're asking yourself: how is lymphocytosis treated?

You may also be interested in: How to Lower High Lymphocytes
  1. Lymphocytosis due to mild Viral infections
  2. Hepatitis A and B
  3. Leukemia
  4. Whooping cough
  5. Tuberculosis
  6. Secondary syphilis
  7. Serum sickness
  8. Toxoplasmosis
  9. Lymphocytosis natural treatment

Lymphocytosis due to mild Viral infections

One of the most common causes of lymphocytosis are viral infections, which cause plyclonal or reactive lymphocytosis. The most common viral infections which cause low lymphocyte count are mononucleosis, ceratin forms of hepatitis, rubella, cold sores, adenovirus, HPV, influenza and mumps. If you want to treat lymphocytosis in this case, you should know that can be treated by treating rubella. It is a contagious infection caused by Rubella virus. It causes rash and swelling in the nymph node.

Usually, no medical treatment is required, and treatment is usually related to treating the symptoms caused by the disease, as the viral infection will subsidize on its own. Take complete rest, avoid contact with others, take lots of fluids and eat health food. As the viral infection subsides, your lymphocyte count will also decrease on its own.

Hepatitis A and B

Hepatitis B is a serious viral disease that leads to the inflammation of liver. It can even transfer from one person to the other via blood, vaginal secretions, semen etc. If you have lymphocytosis and you are suffering from hepatitis B as well, then you will have to get your hepatitis B treated first. It can be efficiently treated with anti-viral medicines, coupled with complete rest and sexual precautions. In extreme cases, the liver may fail to work and the patient may require a liver transplant.

If you want to speed up recovery, take a look at this complete guide on how to treat hepatitis A and B.

How Is Lymphocytosis Treated - Hepatitis A and B


Leukemia is a common cancer type affecting bone marrow or blood. If detected in early stages, it can be efficiently managed and treated. Treatment procedures include chemotherapy, bone marrow transplant, transfusions of platelets and red blood cells, stem cell transplant, and a couple of other therapies and precautions. Once your leukemia is treated, your lymphocytosis will also improve gradually. For more complete information, we advise you to take a look at our article on how to treat blood cancer or leukemia.

Whooping cough

This is a serious bacterial infection in the respiratory tract. Also called as pertussis, whooping cough is caused by Bordetella pertussis bacterium. The patient coughs violently with a whooping sound made as the patient gasps for air. Whooping cough may be treated with antibiotic medicines. Sometimes, hospitalization may be required, depending on the patient’s individual condition and tolerance level. The treatment is usually coupled with cool-mist vaporizer, supplemental oxygen and complete rest. In case of dehydration, intravenous fluid administration may be required.

How Is Lymphocytosis Treated - Whooping cough


More commonly known as TB, it is a contagious disease caused due to Mycobacterium tuberculosis bacterium. It is a serious bacterial infection in the lungs, which may sometimes spread to other body parts as well, including bones, kidneys and brain. Isoniazid medicine is administered for 9 to 12 months to kill the bacteria and cure the infection. As your tuberculosis treats, your lymphocytosis also subsides automatically. Click here to find out How is Tuberculosis Treated.

Secondary syphilis

It is a serious condition characterized by iritis, mucous patches, severe head and joint pain, alopecia, multi-form skin eruptions and fever. The treatment plan usually includes parenteral pencillin G, usually administered for 10 days. If the patient cannot receive pencillin, then alternative medicines like erythromycin and doxycycline are used.

How Is Lymphocytosis Treated - Secondary syphilis

Serum sickness

It is a type of allergic reaction caused due to certain serums or medicines. Symptoms usually include hives, joint pain and swelling, swollen lymph glands, fever etc. The condition is usually managed with symptomatic treatment until the allergy subsides. Intensive care hospitalization may be required in serious cases. Sometimes, allergic desensitization is used to subside the allergy immediately.


This is an infection caused due to Toxoplasma gondii, a single-cell parasite. Humans often catch this infection from cats or their feces, but it can also be caught by eating sausage. Usually, sulphonamides, folinic acid, corticosteroids, pyrimethamine and other medicines are used to treat this condition and relieve the symptoms. As your condition subsides, you will see your lymphocyte count improving with time.

Lymphocytosis natural treatment

Now that you know how to treat lymphocytosis according to the cause behind this condition, you should know that there are also some natural treatments you can try as well as the medical treatment prescribed by your doctor that can help with recovery. However, you should never substitute these for your prescribed treatment and should only be used if they are caused by a viral and reactive infection (such as viral infections):

  • Dietary changes: To improve the way in which your immune system works, you should get rid of certain ingredients that will disrupt its proper function. Thus, you should get rid of flour, meat, fried products and dairy. Instead, make sure your diet is full of fresh vegetables and fruit and whole grain. There are certain ingredients that are especially beneficial such as garlic, royal jelly, spirulina, onion...
  • Stress relief: Fatigue and stress can also affect the immune system greatly. This is why doing relaxing activities such as yoga, tai-chi or swimming can help reduce these levels and help them work better. Relaxing massages and reflexotherapy may also help.

Remember these are only a complement to your treatment, not a substitute!

How Is Lymphocytosis Treated - Lymphocytosis natural treatment

This article is merely informative, oneHOWTO does not have the authority to prescribe any medical treatments or create a diagnosis. We invite you to visit your doctor if you have any type of condition or pain.

If you want to read similar articles to How Is Lymphocytosis Treated, we recommend you visit our Diseases & secondary effects category.

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Evie G. Anipew
I just visited my Doctor because i felt pain in my muscle. Its been one week that I am feeling pain my muscle in legs especially during night time, that i cant sleep due to the pain. I was advised to have my CBC and results shows of my Lymphocytes count is 0.53 (normal range is 0.22-0.40. How do lower it? my Neutrophil count is 0.43 (normal is 0.56-0.66), while my monocyte is 0.04 (normal range is 0.04-0.08).

How do i get my high Lymphocyte so it will be normal.

Thank you very much.

Elvie G. Anipew
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How Is Lymphocytosis Treated