What Is The Normal Range Of Lymphocyte Count

White blood cells in the human body are designed to defend the organism from external attacks. When leukocytes are low, a patient is susceptible to infection. First you may be wondering, what are lymphocytes exactly? Lymphocytes function are a type of white blood cell that is distinguished from the rest by a lack of granules. Lymphocytes function play a key role in the immune system. This is because lymphocytes are able to respond to unknown agents by producing antibodies made to defend against viruses and tumor cells[1].
Are you wondering about your lymphocyte count? If you want to know about the normal range of lymphocytes, keep reading here at oneHOWTO to find out!
Lymphocytes - A Normal Range
Your lymphocyte levels can be analysed through a blood test. Your absolute lymphocyte value will be seen in the CBC section. Its value is calculated per milliliter of blood; the normal range of lymphocytes is between 1300 and 4000 cells / ml.
Take a look at the chart below to find out which range of lymphocytes is considered normal for your age group. In this case, all ranges are expressed in percentages and ALC (absolute Lymphocyte count):
- 0 to 6 days old: lymphocyte 26 - 36% (2000 - 11000 ALC)
- 7 to 13 days old : lymphocyte 36 - 46% (2000 - 17000 ALC)
- 1 to 5 months old: lymphocyte 43 - 53% (2500 - 16500 ALC)
- 6 to 11 months old: lymphocyte 45 - 75% ( 4000 - 13500 ALC)
- 1 to 3 years old: lymphocyte 50 -70% ( 3000 - 9000 ALC)
- 4 to 9 years old: lymphocyte 40 - 60 % (2000 -8000 ALC)
- 10 to 20 years old: lymphocyte 25 - 45% (1500 - 6500 ALC)
- Over 20: lymphocyte 18 - 44 % (1300 - 4000 ALC)
You may also be given a percentage, though these include T-cells, B-cells, and NK cells. A normal lymphocyte count should be between 15% and 40% of White Blood Cells.
To know more about the state of your immune system, it is recommended to measure and analyse the other types of leukocytes in your body. These results should be interpreted in context of a patient's individual case.

High lymphocyte counts
A lymphocyte value is high when the number of lymphocytes in your blood test is above 4000 per milliliter. The rise in the number of lymphocytes is referred to as lymphocytosis and is indicative of an acute or chronic infectious processes. High lymphocyte counts could indicate the presence of pathologies such as;
- Mononucleosis
- Pneumonia
- Rubella or tuberculosis
- Drug allergies
- Linphoproliferativ processes such as leukemia.
Young children (from 1 to 4 years old) are considered to have lymphocytosis when lymphocyte counts are above 9000 per milliliter. High lymphocyte counts in children from 5 to 12 years old, however, are considered above 7000 per milliliter.
But, you should not immediately panic. There are many causes of a high lymphocyte count which we discuss more in our article what a high lymphocyte count means. This is just a general guide, only a doctor can give you a reliable diagnosis according to your specific case.
A high lymphocyte count - What to do?
As we've mentioned, a high lymphocyte count can be caused by many different circumstances, but is often is a irrefutable sign of an underlying condition. Therefore, treatment to increase your lymphocyte count will depend on your specific diagnosis (done by a professional).
However, there are certain life changes you can make to try and lower high lymphocytes. If you have a high lymphocyte count, we suggest avoiding sugary foods, increasing your intake of omega-3 fatty acids and improving your vitamin C and D intake. Moderate exercise is also recommended[2].

Low lymphocyte counts
A low lymphocyte count is commonly refered to as lymphopenia. This occurs when the lymphocyte count is below 1300 / ml. Lymphopenia is common in individuals whose immune system has been subjected to immuno-suppressive treatments such as Chemotherapy. For more about understanding lymphopenia, we recommend taking a look at our article on; what happens if your lymphocytes count is low for more information.
Low lymphocyte counts can also present itself in people suffering from with lupus,chronic uremia, AIDS, aplasticanemia, tuberculosis or Hodgkin's disease[3].
Low lymphocyte levels are also common during pregnancy, in which case, there is no need to worry. If you are pregnant and have a low lymphocyte count, we recommend taking a look at; causes of low lymphocyte levels in pregnancy.
I have a low lymphocyte count - What to do?
Lymphopenia is usually caused by a weakened immune system, therefore, you'll need to work on boosting your immune system. In this case, focus on balancing your diet by including; mostly fruit and veg, complex carbohydrates and only healthy fats is primary. In addition, we suggest increasing your zinc intake (Maple syrup, Wattleseed, flaxseed, pumpkin seed ...), beta-carotene and keep as hydrated as you can, as well as lowering your stress levels significantly and doing regular exercise.
This article is merely informative, oneHOWTO does not have the authority to prescribe any medical treatments or create a diagnosis. We invite you to visit your doctor if you have any type of condition or pain.
If you want to read similar articles to What Is The Normal Range Of Lymphocyte Count, we recommend you visit our Diseases & secondary effects category.
- Having a high lymphocyte count is usually no surprise, as this is normally the consequence of having a certain illness.
- When reading your blood test results, it's much more important to read the absolute number of lymphocytes rather than the percentage, as this will give you a more accurate idea of whether your lymphocyte range is normal.