Men's Health - Others

Dark Spots on Penile Shaft - Main Causes

Max. D Gray
By Max. D Gray. August 30, 2017
Dark Spots on Penile Shaft - Main Causes

The presence of dark spots on the penis shaft is a very common condition that, however, often causes concern among men. As usual, the difficulty of identifying what is and is not normal in the case of the glans and shaft, and the presence of male hormones that can make each penis have different characteristics, can make it difficult to define if a spot is benign or not. That is why oneHOWTO would like to shed some light on the most frequent causes of dark spots on the penile shaft, taking into account different determining symptoms. It is important to remain alert to any significant changes that the penile shaft may present in order to see a specialist in the presence of unusual symptoms.

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  1. In addition to spots, are there other symptoms?
  2. Melanocytic macules or lentigines
  3. Possible bumps and bruises
  4. Dark spots with itching
  5. Dark spots with pain, burning and/or ulcers
  6. Dark spots that change in size, texture or symmetry
  7. The Importance of visiting a Doctor

In addition to spots, are there other symptoms?

To determine the causes of dark spots on the penile shaft it is important to also pay attention to other symptoms related to this condition, so it is important for you to search for other symptoms that may determine the cause of these dark spots:

  • The shape of the spots, if they are flattened and with regular edges, without the presence of ulcers or pustules of any kind.
  • If there is pain or discomfort in the spot or the glans.
  • If the spots cause itching and burning sensation.
  • Presence of more important injuries that produce some kind of suppuration.
  • If the spots have occurred after having suffered bumps or bruises or after using an object that can suction the glans, such as sexual or penis pumps.

All these details will be basic to be able to determine the possible causes of these dark spots.

Dark Spots on Penile Shaft - Main Causes - In addition to spots, are there other symptoms?

Melanocytic macules or lentigines

The skin that covers the penis is prone to presenting processes similar to those of the rest of our skin, which can lead to blemishes in the area. Melanotic macules, also known as lentigines, consist of a benign hyperpigmentation of the genital skin characterized by the appearance of flat spots of mottled color and irregular shape grouped in just one area of the penis.

They are of a benign nature and have not been associated to the appearance of melanoma if they appear in the future. Their growth can be very slow and progressive and due to their benign and harmless nature, once they are diagnosed they do not present the need to be treated in any way.

Possible bumps and bruises

Bumps and bruises on the glans and even the harsh use of sex toys that can generate suction or lesions in the area, such as the vacuum pump or penis pump, can also leave dark spots on the glans that are easily confused with an injury of another type.

These marks will disappear on their own as, in this case, it is a common hematoma like those that can commonly occur on our skin after any bump or accident. In any case, if you experience severe pain or if you notice the bruise is spreading, it is very important to consult your doctor or urologist immediately.

In some cases, bruises may appear without an obvious cause, so it is also important to be aware of them, as they may be a symptom of other underlying conditions.

Dark spots with itching

When the presence of dark spots on the penile shaft is also accompanied by an important itching sensation, then the presence of fungi in the penis is suspected and candida is the most common condition. This is usually transmitted by sexual contact with someone who also has fungi and is solved with a simple anti-fungal treatment, which must be prescribed by a doctor. Discover more details about this infection by consulting our article on How to know if I have a yeast infection or candida.

The itching can also indicate you may be suffering from another more serious condition, as is the case of HPV. The symptoms of human papillomavirus can be manifested through the appearance of dark-colored genital warts that are visibly increasing and also present itching and/or ulcers. This sexually transmitted disease counts on diverse treatments from the application of topical medicines until surgical treatments like the laser, all with good prognosis of recovery.

Whenever an injury to your penis comes accompanied by a symptom like itching it is essential to consult a urologist as quickly as possible.

Dark Spots on Penile Shaft - Main Causes - Dark spots with itching

Dark spots with pain, burning and/or ulcers

When dark spots on the penis are accompanied by pain, burning or ulcers, it is essential to go immediately to a urologist for a prompt diagnosis. Among the conditions that can cause these symptoms, is the presence of:

  • HPV or genital warts
  • Syfilis
  • Chancroid
  • Lymphogranuloma venereum
  • Granuloma inguinale
  • Balanitis

Dark spots that change in size, texture or symmetry

If your dark spots on the penile shaft do not show any other symptoms related to pain, itching, burning or ulcers, but have noticed that they quickly increase in size or change in shape, color or texture, it is important to consult a dermatologist or a urologist for a detailed review.

Although penile cancer is a rare type of cancer, it is advisable to make the necessary check-ups and to go to the urologist in the case of symptoms such as presence of lumps, red or dark spots with significant changes, lumps with scabs, inflammations and areas where the skin of the penis changes color.

The Importance of visiting a Doctor

Because the causes of dark spots on the glans may be due to a large number of possible factors, it is essential for a specialist to examine the area and perform the tests that he deems appropriate in order to diagnose the origin of this condition and offer the best treatment if necessary.

Without the correct evaluation of a professional, it is impossible to determine the origin of the dark spots and much less indicate the treatment to cure them, if the condition needs cure.

Although you may find home remedies for dark spots on the penis, at oneHOWTO we advise you not to use them as an efficient treatment to avoid going to the doctor, as it could seriously harm your health. Always consult a professional before applying any kind of treatment.

Dark Spots on Penile Shaft - Main Causes - The Importance of visiting a Doctor

This article is merely informative, oneHOWTO does not have the authority to prescribe any medical treatments or create a diagnosis. We invite you to visit your doctor if you have any type of condition or pain.

If you want to read similar articles to Dark Spots on Penile Shaft - Main Causes, we recommend you visit our Family health category.


  • People who suffer from HIV can also present dark spots in the penile shaft in the form of sarcoma. These can also be seen around the foreskin and along the body of the penis. In this case it's highly important for you to visit a doctor as soon as possible.
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Dark Spots on Penile Shaft - Main Causes