Unrinary tract infections

Why Do They Take A Urine Sample At The Gynecologist?

Nidhi Nangia
By Nidhi Nangia. Updated: July 24, 2024
Why Do They Take A Urine Sample At The Gynecologist?

Have you ever wondered why gynecologists take your urine sample? Kidneys are sift your blood in order to remove fluids and waste material. Kidneys function by separating minerals your blood needs with what you don’t. Waste material then leaves your kidneys in the form of urine. Urine in itself can tell you a lot about what is going on in your body. Be that pregnancy, a urine or kidney infection: a urinary test (urinalysis) can distinguish whether you have any of the latter.

A urinalysis is used to detect cells and substances in your urine that may indicate different disorders. This is because there are certain things present in your urine which may indicate the presence of different conditions. Read this oneHOWTO article to find out the answer to: why do they take a urine sample at the gynecologist?

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  1. Possible Reasons for Taking Urine Sample
  2. What does my urine test mean?
  3. How to Take a Urine Sample

Possible Reasons for Taking Urine Sample

There may be several reasons why your gynecologist may ask you to give a urine sample. The possible reasons include:

  • To test for pregnancy: When you visit a gynecologist, the most common reason for taking urine sample is to test pregnancy. HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) is a hormone that only pregnant women can produce. They will test your urine sample to find out if there is the presence of this hormone. If your urine sample has the HCG hormone, it indicates that you are pregnant. If there is no HCG hormone, you are not pregnant. Sometimes, the test may not show clear results and your gynecologist may ask you to come back later and give another urine sample. If you recently had a miscarriage or medical abortion, a gynecologist may take your urine sample to test whether all the traces of pregnancy were expelled from your uterus or not. If not, surgical intervention may be required to clean out your reproductive organs.
  • To check for a urine tract infection: If your gynecologist suspects a urinary tract infection, then your urine sample may show bacteria or blood in your urine. Depending on the type and amount of infection that appears in your urine sample, the gynecologist will determine the appropriate treatment plan. The presence of white blood cells in a urine sample can also indicate a urinary tract infection. If you have already been diagnosed with a urinary tract infection and been prescribed medicine, then your gynecologist may repeat your urine test to find out if the medication worked. A gynecologist may repeat this test until the infection appears to be completely treated, with no trace of bacteria found in your urine sample.
  • To diagnose bladder cancer: Bladder cancer is diagnosed by analyzing for blood in your urine sample. Blood in your urine may occur due to a benign condition like infection, but it may also indicate a presence of bladder cancer. A urinalysis can help a doctor diagnose bladder cancer in its early stages, even if you are not experiencing any symptoms. A urine cytology may then be conducted to identify any cancer cells in your urine. Urine tests may also present substances in your urine, including: chromosome changes, bladder tumor-associated antigen, mucin, carcinoembryonic antigen or protein NMP22 which indicates bladder cancer.
  • To identify sexually transmitted diseases: Certain STDs, like gonorrhea and Chlamydia, can stay in your body for weeks, even years, without showing any signs or symptoms. You may even pass it to your partner without realizing it. That’s why all sexually active individuals should get tested for these diseases regularly: even if they are not experiencing any problem. You should get tested for HIV, Chlamydia, gonorrhea and syphilis at least once a year.
  • To check for kidney infection: To confirm a kidney infection, you will be asked to give a urine sample. It will be tested to check the presence of pus, blood and bacteria in your urine. A physician may also take your blood sample to check any bacteria or organisms in it. Other tests required to check kidney infection include ultrasound, voiding cystourethrogram X-ray and CT scan. During a voiding cystourethrogram X-ray, contrast dye is injected into your bladder to take X-rays: while urinating and when full.
  • To look for blood: A urinalysis can be used to detect the presence of blood in urine. Your urine sample will be tested to check different: chemicals, cells and other substances in your urine, including blood. Although blood in urine is common and does not pose any serious threat, sometimes, it may indicate: kidney disease, liver disease or a urinary tract infection. If you experience symptoms such as, back pain, painful urination, abdominal pain or frequent urination, we recommend asking for a urine sample.
  • To monitor the use of recreational drugs: A urine sample may be taken to check if a person uses recreational drugs or not. This can be necessary step as part of a rehabilitation program or a pre-employment screening test. Drugs commonly tested include: alcohol, cannabis, amphetamines, opioids, cocaine, methadone and benzodiazepines
Why Do They Take A Urine Sample At The Gynecologist? - Possible Reasons for Taking Urine Sample

What does my urine test mean?

There are several different things that a urine test can tell you. First, the color of your urine can tell you a lot about your health;

  • Clear: Normally, urine should be clear. The presence of sperm, blood, bacteria, mucus or crystals may make it look cloudy.
  • Color: Certain things can affect the color of your urine, such as: your diet, diseases, medicines and fluid balance. How light or dark your urine is can tell you how hydrated your body is. Supplements of vitamin B may make your urine appear bright yellow in color. Certain medicines, blood, beets, blackberries or rhubarb may turn your urine reddy-brown in color.

Take a look at these other factors and/or properties in your urine which may indicate your health status;

  • Urine Smell: Urine does not have a very strong smell, but it has a little nutty kind of odor. Certain diseases may change the smell of your urine. For instance, an E. coli bacterial infection may give it a bad odor, while starvation or diabetes may give it a fruity, sweet odor.
  • pH levels in urine: pH is a term to indicate how the alkaline or acid your urine is. A pH level of 4 indicates strongly acidic, 7 indicates neutral and 9 indicates strong levels of alkaline. Certain treatment procedures may affect the pH level of your urine.
  • Glucose: When you have high blood sugar levels, the sugar may leach onto your urine and show in your urine test. Glucose may also enter your urine if your kidneys are damaged or suffering from infection.
  • Protein: Urine does not normally carry protein. Too much hard exercise, a fever, pregnancy, kidney disease can transfer unwanted protein into your urine.
  • Nitrites: A urinary tract infection may product an enzyme that changes your nitrates into nitrites. The presence of nitrites in the urine may indicate an infection.
  • Ketones: When your body breaks down fat for energy, ketones are produced and they are passed into your urine. Too much ketones may indicate diabetic ketoacidosis : a very serious condition. A low sugar and starch diet, starvation and vomiting may also increase the presence of ketones in your urine.
  • WBCs: The presence of white blood cells in urine may indicate a urinary tract infection.
  • Crystals: Normally, urine is free from crystals. But if crystals are present in your urine, it may indicate kidney stones or a metabolic problem.
Why Do They Take A Urine Sample At The Gynecologist? - What does my urine test mean?

How to Take a Urine Sample

When taking a urine sample, you need to make sure that the urine does not become contaminated. When taking a urine sample, make sure that your genital area is clean. A urine sample from the middle of your urine stream is best, but for a pregnancy test, you are asked to take the sample from beginning of your urine stream.

If you are on any medication, or take any drugs; we recommend telling your gynecologist or doctor beforehand: T as they may have significant effects on your test results.

This article is merely informative, oneHOWTO does not have the authority to prescribe any medical treatments or create a diagnosis. We invite you to visit your doctor if you have any type of condition or pain.

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Why Do They Take A Urine Sample At The Gynecologist?