Tips for pregnancy

When should I Go to the Doctor if I am Pregnant

Max. D Gray
By Max. D Gray. Updated: January 16, 2017
When should I Go to the Doctor if I am Pregnant

Pregnancy is a time of tremendous hormonal changes and major changes in our bodies. These changes, together with the expectations produced during pregnancy, can make us face many doubts and questions. During these months, medication intake is limited and we must monitor our health to detect any condition that may put the pregnancy at risk. One of the most common questions that mothers ask themselves is when should I go to the doctor if I am pregnant? There are several situations that require a professional evaluation, and OneHowTo is here to help you penetrate those.

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  1. Mandatory gynaecological visits during pregnancy
  2. When should I go to the doctor if I am pregnant: heavy bleeding
  3. When should I go to the doctor if I am pregnant: severe pain in the abdominal area
  4. When should I go to the doctor if I am pregnant: very common contractions
  5. Other reasons to go to the doctor if you are pregnant

Mandatory gynaecological visits during pregnancy

During pregnancy there are several gynaecological consultations as well as tests that simply cannot be overlooked. These are to ensure the health of the foetus and the mother. Even if you're sure that you are pregnant, you should make an appointment with a gynaecologist as soon as possible. At this visit your doctor will calculate the approximate date of birth as well as inform you any issue regarding pregnancy, such as diets or vitamins you should take.

Routine checks to throughout pregnancy include:

  • 3 ultrasounds, one occurs the first few weeks of pregnancy and up to week 12, the second is in the 20th week of pregnancy and the last one between weeks 33 and 35. If you go to a private doctor then more ultrasounds can be performed, including 3D scans.
  • Analytical blood tests will be performed at least two times during the pregnancy to determine, in principle, if there is the presence of infectious diseases and also important values such as sugar levels or cholesterol levels. There may be more tests if the doctor deems them to be necessary.
  • Urine analysis, usually each quarter.
  • Combs tests to detect if the blood type of the mother and the foetus can cause problems during pregnancy and foetal anaemia or autoimmune conditions.
  • Malformations screening checks. In this group of tests there may well be a amniocentesis.
  • Screening for gestational diabetes or the O'Sullivan test to detect the possible presence of the disease during pregnancy. This is done between weeks 24 and 28.
  • Measurements of blood pressure to prevent problems such as pre-eclampsia and eclampsia are done in all gynaecological consultations with the mother.
  • Tocography, to determine the number of contractions and intensity.
  • Amnioscopy, this is done in the last weeks of pregnancy to detect the level of amniotic fluid.
When should I Go to the Doctor if I am Pregnant - Mandatory gynaecological visits during pregnancy

When should I go to the doctor if I am pregnant: heavy bleeding

Light bleeding during pregnancy, especially in the first quarter, is common in a significant percentage of pregnant women. However when bleeding is abundant and frequent, consult your gynaecologist immediately and it is important not to ignore this situation.

In the event that bleeding occurs suddenly and in large quantities, it is a medical emergency. Go to the doctor immediately.

When should I go to the doctor if I am pregnant: severe pain in the abdominal area

Feeling slight twinges or discomfort in the abdominal area during pregnancy can be normal and if the pain is not constant or intense then there's absolutely no reason to worry. However, when you experience severe cramps in the abdominal area, severe pain in this area or in the pelvis or twinges that provoke a great nuisance, it is crucial to seek medical examination as soon as possible to rule out any conditions or complications.

When should I Go to the Doctor if I am Pregnant - When should I go to the doctor if I am pregnant: severe pain in the abdominal area

When should I go to the doctor if I am pregnant: very common contractions

As the planned birth date creeps nearer and nearer the mother will experience some contractions and, in fact, it is useful to explore the intensity and frequency of these via a tocography. However, very frequent contractions are enough to cause concern. Go immediately to the doctor, especially when the frequency of these contractions is 10 minutes or less over a period of 2 hours. In a case like this you should immediately contact the gynaecologist, physician, midwife or go straight to the hospital emergency room.

Other reasons to go to the doctor if you are pregnant

In addition to the scenarios mentioned above, there are some conditions under which you must go IMMEDIATELY to the doctor if you are pregnant:

  • If you have fever and it does not fall between 24 and 48 hours.
  • Pain when urinating, lack of urine or trouble passing urine.
  • 3 days of constipation.
  • In cases of diarrhoea and frequent vomiting.
  • When dizziness, fainting or blurred vision occur.
  • If you present severe headaches on a constant and frequent basis.
  • Cramps in the hands or legs.
  • For any pain that is too strong and is present in any part of the body.

This article is merely informative, oneHOWTO does not have the authority to prescribe any medical treatments or create a diagnosis. We invite you to visit your doctor if you have any type of condition or pain.

If you want to read similar articles to When should I Go to the Doctor if I am Pregnant, we recommend you visit our Family health category.

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When should I Go to the Doctor if I am Pregnant