
What Is Spring Asthenia? - Springtime Lethargy

Mary Smith
By Mary Smith. March 10, 2022
What Is Spring Asthenia? - Springtime Lethargy

The arrival of spring should be a time of positivity and hope. While it will vary depending on where you live, the spring is associated with new life, hopefulness and happiness. We can see flora and fauna respond to the changes in the season in various, demonstrative ways. While a change of the seasons may lead we humans to start thinking of vacation plans or organizing a barbecue, we don't necessarily think it will have much affect on us. On the contrary, human beings are more sensitive to seasonal changes than many of us think. This is the crux of spring asthenia, also known as springtime lethargy.

At oneHOWTO, we ask what is spring asthenia? We understand the causes, symptoms and treatment of this condition and help you to understand why you might be more tired when the seasons change.

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  1. What is spring asthenia and why does it occur?
  2. Symptoms of spring asthenia
  3. How to counteract springtime lethargy

What is spring asthenia and why does it occur?

Spring asthenia is considered a temporary disorder that is related to our ability to adapt to changes that occur in the environment. Environmental changes have various impacts on our physical and mental well-being. This can includes high pollen counts giving us a headache or overcast days impacting our state of depression.

The transition weeks between winter and spring involve a progressive increase in temperatures and atmospheric pressure. It also often affects our hours of sleep as night falls a little later each day. To this we can add the changes in daylight savings which alter our schedules.

The reason these environmental changes affect us is due to the impact they have on our circadian rhythm. This is an internal process which regulates our sleeping and wakefulness cycles. Although it originates in us as organisms, it is affected by environmental factors. It can even affect our appetite and mood, especially if we don't respond well to the changes.

Changes in environment and their subsequent effects go unnoticed in most people. This doesn't mean they don't happen. Some people may simply experience mild effects, some may adjust easier than others, and yet some are particularly affected. The latter group may show symptoms of spring asthenia which directly affect their well-being.

Symptoms of spring asthenia

The most common characteristic of spring asthenia is a pervasive fatigue. It is for this reason it is also known as springtime lethargy. The fatigue seems to appear without any reason to justify the physically depressed feelings. Each organism's response to changing of the seasons is highly variable, but it is common for many of us to experience a lack of energy. If this is the case with you, you may be experiencing spring asthenia.

It is important to make it clear that, in most cases, it is a temporary situation. Rather than a prolonged period of constant depression, it is usually a short period of adaptation without major consequences. Despite this, it is advisable to monitor as asthenia could mask some undiagnosed or untreated disease.

If this fatigue and apathy become more acute or last for more than two or three weeks, medical consultation is necessary. Similarly, if fatigue and lethargy are linked to other symptoms that affect your health, it will be necessary to see a specialist.

As well as lethargy, it is possible you might experience the following symptoms of spring asthenia:

  • Loss of appetite (with consequent weight loss)
  • Muscle weakness linked to fatigue
  • Sleep disturbances (e.g. insomnia, lethargy or sleepiness during the day)
  • Difficulty in concentration
  • Frequent headaches
  • Irritability, nervousness or sudden mood swings
What Is Spring Asthenia? - Springtime Lethargy - Symptoms of spring asthenia

How to counteract springtime lethargy

In mild cases, some simple measures are effective in helping the body adjust to the conditions that the new season brings. In this way, we can best avoid the physical and mental symptoms typical of spring asthenia. Since springtime lethargy is a generalized condition, the way to counteract it is to improve general well-being:

  • Some changes in the diet can help remarkably to improve spring asthenia. With rising temperatures, it is important to increase fluid intake to keep the body properly hydrated. Drinking enough water, tea infusions and natural fruit and vegetable juices will contribute to a good water balance. They will also help provide and metabolize important essential nutrients. See the other benefits of doing so with our article on the benefits of beetroot and carrot juice.

  • Also try to follow a varied diet, opting for seasonal products that will develop in the spring. Leafy vegetables, such as spinach, chard or endives, and red fruits, such as strawberries, cherries and blueberries, are excellent allies. They will help improve your health and keep spring fatigue at bay. In the same way, a good breakfast with proteins and carbohydrates will help provide you the energy for the day. This is a great way to combat spring asthenia. Check out our list of foods with protein for more.

  • To combat fatigue, try to get the rest you need by maintaining good sleep habits. In this sense, it is important to follow a solid routine that involves going to bed every night at approximately the same time. Bear in mind that it is ideal to have a light dinner. A bit of reading before bed or a relaxing bubble bath can help you fall asleep and reduce the symptoms of spring asthenia.

  • Finally, try to combat the feeling of being de-energized that seems to overtake you by doing some exercise or an outdoor activity. Going for a walk or taking a cycle are a great way to get energized as well as enjoy the sun's rays. Since spring is usually warmer and sunnier, we can absorb the nutrients the sun gives us. Vitamin D is especially important. However, you will need to ensure you protect your skin from the sun to enjoy its benefits in a healthy way.

Now that we know the symptoms of spring asthenia and how to combat it, you can find other ways to stay alert with our vitamins to relieve fatigue. However, you should note there is a difference between feeling this way and clinical depression. Being healthy can help to an extent, but if you are depressed, you will need to speak to a mental health professional to ensure you receive the correct treatment for your specific needs.

This article is merely informative, oneHOWTO does not have the authority to prescribe any medical treatments or create a diagnosis. We invite you to visit your doctor if you have any type of condition or pain.

If you want to read similar articles to What Is Spring Asthenia? - Springtime Lethargy, we recommend you visit our Diseases & secondary effects category.

  1. SEMERGEN | Spanish Society of Primary Care Physicians: https://www.semergen.es/
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What Is Spring Asthenia? - Springtime Lethargy