Is a Body Temperature of 36,3, 36.4 or 36.5 Normal

Body temperature allows the evaluation of the efficiency of heat regulation which occurs in the human body in accordance with changes in ambient temperature and intensity of the activity. The peripheral temperature (skin, mucous membranes, muscles, limbs, etc.) is variable.
Normal body temperature of a person varies depending on gender, recent activity, consumption of food and fluids, time of day and, in women, their current menstrual cycle phase. In this OneHowTo article we want to explain whether a body temperature of 36.3 to 36.4 to 36.5 degrees C is normal or not.
Adult body temperature
A body temperature of 36.3, 36.4 to 36.5 is a normal temperature in adults and poses no risk to health. Normal adult human body temperature varies between 36.5-37.5 or more. General rules:- Hypothermia, when the temperature is less than 36.- Feverishness, when the temperature is between 37.1 to 37.9- Hyperthermia or fever, when the temperature is less than 38.
Body temperature in children
A body temperature of 36.3 to 36.4 or 36.5 in children is normal and poses no risk to their health, only in the case of babies is it considered to be a little low and so precautions should be taken. Children should have a minimum temperature of 36 degrees.
An Axillary Temperature of 36.3 to 36.4 to 36.5
An axillary temperature of 36.3 to 36.4 to 36.5 is a normal temperature in adults and poses no health problem.There are children who have axillary temperatures of less than 36 degrees Celsius which is not considered to be abnormal, a condition known as physiological hypothermia.
Oral temperature
An oral temperature of 36.3 to 36.4 to 36.5 is a normal temperature in adults and poses no problem to health.
Oral temperature should be measured in all patients except in those who are unconscious, suffering mental confusion, seizures, conditions in the nose, mouth or throat and children under 6 years.
Rectal temperature
A body temperature of 36.3 to 36.4 to 36.5 is a slightly low temperature and should be monitored.
The result tends to be 0.5 to 0.7 ° C higher that in oral temperature readings. A rectal temperature reading is recommended for patients younger than 6 years.
What Factors Affect Body Temperature
Several factors affect body temperature, which can change slightly, but a body temperature of below 35 degrees is alarmingly low. Some factors which affect the internal body temperature are the constitution of the individual, especially the degree of obesity, and their age and general standard of health.There are also external factors that may make someone hot : Acclimatization also known as adaptation. The degree of atmospheric humidity: More moisture in the air decreases the ability of the body to lose heat through sweating. Clothing: dark and thick clothes will cause increases more than other items of clothing. The existence of diseases that impair sweating: diabetes, heart, lung and kidney impairment. Diseases with increased heat production: infections, hyperthyroidism and those that are accompanied by fever. Use of certain drugs including many sedatives, amphetamines and antidepressants. Psychopathy and states of acute or chronic alcohol abuse that decrease heat tolerance.
If your temperature is higher or lower than the temperatures discussed above, you may want to consult some of our related articles on different body temperatures.
This article is merely informative, oneHOWTO does not have the authority to prescribe any medical treatments or create a diagnosis. We invite you to visit your doctor if you have any type of condition or pain.
If you want to read similar articles to Is a Body Temperature of 36,3, 36.4 or 36.5 Normal, we recommend you visit our Diseases & secondary effects category.
- Axillary temperature should be taken with thermometer in that region for approximately four (4) minutes.