How to Use Ginger to Lose Weight

Ginger root has become an ideal ally for weight loss as the properties of this plant are perfect to help you burn fat and become slimmer, always in combination with a healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet. In oneHOWTO we want you to know how to use Ginger to lose weight and enjoy the properties that this plant offers.
Ginger for slimming
The root of this plant is indicated to help us lose weight as its properties work perfectly for this purpose. Though it has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for years, recent studies by the Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci (European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences) done in 2013, ginger can actually help in obesity management and, in another more recent study from 2016, it was proven that the combination of aerobic exercise and liquid ginger significantly reduces lipids, which helps increase good cholesterol and lower blood sugar levels.
Among the properties of ginger, this root helps us make our digestion more agile, this ensures that we do not feel pain or upsets in the stomach.
But the best property among ginger's benefits is that it works to help lose weight as it has a highly satiating effect that will help as a natural appetite suppressant that will fight off the feeling of hunger between meals. In fact, studies have found that supplementing a diet with ginger lose further weight that those who don't, due to the increase in the body's leptin, which is the compound that makes the stomach feel full.
Ginger has also had fat-burning properties attributed to it, making our metabolism accelerate and therefore burn more fat. This, combined with its anti-inflammatory capacity, favors that the parts of our body that can become swollen are improved and a more aesthetic appearance gained.
Other than its weight loss properties, ginger offers many other benefits ranging from reducing respiratory problems to help prevent skin cancer.

Add ginger to your food
To know how to use ginger for weight loss, you only need to regularly add it to your cooking. How to do so is simple as you can just grated a little ginger and add it to your dishes and eat these as normal.
Ginger in salads
For example, you can mix a little grated ginger with lemon juice and use it to dress your salads; if you do not like lemon, you can also add vinegar (apple cider vinegar is best because it contains fewer calories).
Ginger biscuits
It may not sound like the best option to use ginger to slim but don't knock it off yet. Making ginger and honey biscuits is a low calorie option for your snack while dieting. Honey will act as a natural and sugar-free sweetener and using low fat-margarine will make it a delicious option for those with a sweet tooth.
Ginger with rice
Make a delicious curry sauce and add some ground ginger to it, making sure that the sauce is light, which is why it should be made with any curry powder of your choice, which also has slimming properties of its own; any vegetable of your choice and no cream or dairy product at all. Accompany your light curry sauce, with brown rice to notice the slimming effect.
Ginger with meat
The trick to have meat and lose weight is to only choose lean meat and eat it scarcely. This is why ginger and chicken are the perfect combination. Add sliced ginger when marinating the chicken and you have a perfectly healthy meal. Take a look at our recipe for ginger marinated chicken.
Ginger with soups
Especially for dinner, having soup is one of the best options when losing weight. At oneHOWTO we have several diuretic and low-calorie recipes for you that include the benefits of ginger. First, red cabbage and apple soup with black garlic. Why is it so good? Because all of its ingredients are excellent for weight loss. While black garlic is highly effective getting rid of free radicals in your body, red cabbage is high in dietary fiber and will thus boost your weight loss. Another alternative soup that contains ginger is the Vegetarian Mulligatawny soup, which has other delicious spices such as turmeric, cardamom and cumin that will further boost your metabolism and aid your digestion.
Add it to your drinks
You can also add ginger to your infusions to lose weight. In this regard you should know that there are particular infusions that work great for weight loss, such as green tea, horsetail or berberis infusions which are suitable for this purpose. If you add a little ground ginger to berberis the fat-burning effect will be enhanced.
Adding ginger to your smoothies or weight loss juices is also a great way to use ginger to lose weight. Combining other diuretic ingredients such as lemon, celery and others that are high in fiber like spinach will help you burn extra calories and make you feel less hungry for a longer amount of time.
You can also add just a thin slice of ginger and lemon to your regular bottle of water, this will also helps aid your metabolism.

Ginger tea
Another good way you have of losing weight with ginger is making tea from the root of this plant. To prepare this you only need to grate the ginger root, put some water to boil and when boiling starts add the grated ginger (add as much as you like, the more you add the stronger and tastier the tea).
Let it cook for about 10 or 15 minutes and then strain the water to take advantage of all the properties of the ginger but without finding lumps or chunks in the infusion. It is recommended that, to notice its properties for weight loss, you take ginger tea before each meal.
If the taste of the infusion does not quite convince you get a little lemon or honey to sweeten it.

Habits to lose weight
As we have already mentioned, including ginger root in your diet is highly recommended in order to feel satiated and to speed up your metabolism and burn more fat than what your body burns normally.
However, by only using ginger you will be unable to lose weight if you are not also fulfilling a number of healthy habits such as:
- Maintaining a healthy and balanced diet: It is important that, to achieve weight loss, you eat healthily (leaving aside fried or batters foods and pastries) and invest in a balanced diet.
- Cooking with little oil: To achieve weight loss it is also very important to monitor the way you cook your food. Therefore, it is recommended that you leave aside fried foods and change to grilled, baked or steamed meals.
- Replace white flour with whole wheat: to lose weight it is not necessary to completely give up on carbohydrates, what is advisable is that you replace breads and pastas for those that are made with whole grains; this way, you get your body to absorb fiber and have an energy supply through the day. For example, replace spaghetti with zucchini noodles, wholegrain rice for quinoa or millet.
- Pay attention to the foods you eat at dinner: Eating at dinner is not the same as eating at lunch, our body needs a lot of energy at midday that that required in the evening as this will not be used. Therefore, it is important that if you want to lose weight you start to have healthy and low-calorie dinners.
- Exercise frequently: although it seems a myth it is not. Dieting without exercise makes it much more complicated (and slow) to achieve the goals you have set out. So if you want to succeed with your diet, it is important that you exercise at least 3 times a week in sessions of 45 minutes. We recommend you focus on aerobic exercises at least two days a week to get rid of the extra fat and one on anaerobic exercises to tone your body. Feel like you haven't got much time to work out?

This article is merely informative, oneHOWTO does not have the authority to prescribe any medical treatments or create a diagnosis. We invite you to visit your doctor if you have any type of condition or pain.
If you want to read similar articles to How to Use Ginger to Lose Weight, we recommend you visit our Family health category.
- Before taking ginger to lose weight, you should know that ginger root is not recommended for people who suffer from Gallstones, diabetes, blood clotting disorder or those who have recently been operated on.