Asperger's Syndrome in adults

How to Spot Asperger's in Adults

Max. D Gray
By Max. D Gray. February 13, 2017
How to Spot Asperger's in Adults

It is very important to detect Asperger's syndrome in the early stages to diagnose it in time for a specialist to be able to treat it. But what happens to people who have not been diagnosed in time and have reached adulthood with this syndrome? It is usually overlooked because parents think it's "just a phase" and ignore what is happening, thinking it will improve, but it continues through the years from childhood to adulthood. So from oneHOWTO we want to educate you on how to spot Asperger's in adults by giving you the main symptoms you'll detect in a fully grown person.

You may also be interested in: How To Help A Child With Asperger's Syndrome
  1. What happens when they reach adulthood?
  2. Symptoms checklist of asperger's in adults
  3. Things to consider

What happens when they reach adulthood?

Before getting into the symptoms of Asperger's let's take a look at the reasons why it is different from a child with Asperger's syndrome:

  • Typically these people are unjustly accused of not fitting into society or of being weird, among other things. It is harder to identify this disorder in adults and it requires comprehensive monitoring and control by a specialist.
  • It is difficult to diagnose when they reach adulthood because they have normal or even above average intelligence.
  • They have good attention spans and concentration abilities and are extremely good at what they're interested in.
  • They need training for social and behavioral skills.
  • It's very difficult for them to understand social rules.

Symptoms checklist of asperger's in adults

Though the symptoms of Asperger's in adulthood may vary from person to person, you'll easily be able to spot a person with Asperger's pretty easily while you are getting to know the person. You will notice some of the following:

  • Peculiar behaviour.
  • Lack of eye contact in conversations or too much eye contact, usually this distracts them.
  • They focus on their interests, becoming almost obsessed.
  • Lack of facial expression during conversations, which others can find rude.
  • Lack of empathy and showing affection to others, causing them to distance themselves from people.
  • Difficulty understanding body language.
  • Difficulties in interpersonal relationships.
  • Established social norms confuse them.
  • They are confused by phrases such as "You're kidding me" or "are you serious?".
  • It's hard for them to enjoy conversation unless it is focused on their area of interest.
  • They struggle to understand why their behaviour was inappropriate.
  • Repetitive and compulsive behaviour or even OCD in some cases.
  • They have difficulty adapting socially and it makes them anxious to break their routines.
  • They do not tolerate loud noises, bright lights or strong odors.
  • They use pedantic and expressionless language.
  • Clumsiness.
  • They require visual support to understand things and try to translate words into images to understand them better.
  • They tend to focus on the details, and this analytical process makes it hard for them to see things as a whole.
  • Sincerity.
How to Spot Asperger's in Adults - Symptoms checklist of asperger's in adults

Things to consider

It is important to note that each person lives in their own world and everyone is different. Therefore, two people diagnosed with Asperger syndrome will not always have to have the same characteristics.

If you know of someone who fits these characteristics, try to be understanding of Asperger syndrome's symptoms and make sure you know how to handle them with care.

Here we've discussed the key features to consider, just the most prominent ones. If you believe that you or a family member has these characteristics, should see a specialist to be diagnosed.

This article is merely informative, oneHOWTO does not have the authority to prescribe any medical treatments or create a diagnosis. We invite you to visit your doctor if you have any type of condition or pain.

If you want to read similar articles to How to Spot Asperger's in Adults, we recommend you visit our Mental health category.

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How to Spot Asperger's in Adults