Back pain

How to Relieve Middle Back Pain

Max. D Gray
By Max. D Gray. Updated: January 16, 2017
How to Relieve Middle Back Pain

Middle back pain, also called back pain, normally occurs due to poor posture and bad habits ingrained in our daily lives. Normally middle back pain is produced by a muscle imbalance between the muscles found in the chest and back. We also give some home remedies to undo the pain that you have in your middle back. Read this article on how to relieve middle back pain carefully.

You may also be interested in: The 6 Most Effective Home Remedies for Back Pain


  1. Preventing middle back pain
  2. Exercises to relieveiddle back pain
  3. Material to relieve back pain, middle back
  4. Causes of Pain
  5. Ice and rest, the best remedies
  6. Exercising to relieve pain in the mid back
  7. Symptoms of middle back pain
  8. Home Remedies for middle back pain
  9. Back pain in other areas

Preventing middle back pain

Usually pain in the mid back is from a vice or bad habit acquired by sitting, usually at work, so we must have a correct posture when sitting, take special care especially when working. You have to sit with the backbone straight and lean against the back of the chair. The shoulders must be parallel to the frontal plane, keeping your torso straight. The arms should form a 90 degree angle at the elbow with the forearm. It is advisable to let the hands relax.

For more information on the subject, take a look at our article on how to keep a good posture at work.

Exercises to relieveiddle back pain

Our backs often hurt and we think it is a problem in that area, but usually it is not because the pain is radiating from problems in the muscular area of your belly or abdomen, so a good way to improve the back is by working the part of the belly of our body, look at the picture and see which exercises are best suited.

How to Relieve Middle Back Pain - Exercises to relieveiddle back pain

Material to relieve back pain, middle back

Another thing we can do to help reduce back pain is use a strap, use it if you have to make some effort.

How to Relieve Middle Back Pain - Material to relieve back pain, middle back

Causes of Pain

The reasons identified as the most common cause of middle back pain are:

  • Overuse
  • Muscle strain or injury to the muscle
  • Herniated disc
  • Breakage of one of the vertebrae
  • Osteoarthritis caused by the breakdown of cartilage
  • Myofascial pain that affects the connective tissue of a muscle or group of muscles.

Ice and rest, the best remedies

Two of the things that are most recommended to relieve middle back pain is to apply ice on your back, don't apply it directly to the skin and do not do it for more than 20 minutes, you can do this several times a day. If this does not help go to your doctor. Resting is also a good way to reduce back pain, lay on your back and try to sleep in this position. Find out what are the best positions to sleep to avoid back pain.

How to Relieve Middle Back Pain - Ice and rest, the best remedies

Exercising to relieve pain in the mid back

If acute pain has subsided, you can try exercises that strengthen the middle of the back. Some which are very effective for this are walking in water and swimming. Another exercise, more preventive than curative, is to lie face down on a mat. Place both palms on the head and leave your arms aligned with your head. Then try to lift your chest slightly. Do 3 or 4 sets of 10 lifts each day.

How to Relieve Middle Back Pain - Exercising to relieve pain in the mid back

Symptoms of middle back pain

In case of any of these symptoms go to your doctor to treat your back pain. Common symptoms of pain in the middle of the back can be the following, in addition to direct pain in that back area:

  • A strong, sharp pain.
  • Tightness or stiffness.
  • More serious symptoms that need to be addressed immediately include: Weakness in the arms or legs. Numbness or tingling in the arms, legs, chest or abdomen. Loss of bowel or bladder control.

Home Remedies for middle back pain

There are some tricks that you yourself can do at home to reduce the pain you have in the back, the first is to put a couple of tennis balls in a sock and massage the area with a little force, you'll see how it relieves you. You can also use vinegar and rosemary; bring 1 litre of water, 1/4 litre of vinegar and 2 handfuls of rosemary to boil for 5 minutes. Let stand for five minutes. Soak a cloth with the mixture and apply to the area that hurts you.

Back pain in other areas

If your back hurts in other areas we have other articles that can help improve your situation:

This article is merely informative, oneHOWTO does not have the authority to prescribe any medical treatments or create a diagnosis. We invite you to visit your doctor if you have any type of condition or pain.

If you want to read similar articles to How to Relieve Middle Back Pain, we recommend you visit our Diseases & secondary effects category.


  • Beware of back pain because it can become chronic, when it hurts you must act with speed and go to your doctor.
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How to Relieve Middle Back Pain