Allergy to pollen

How to Alleviate Allergy Symptoms With Natural Home Remedies

Max. D Gray
By Max. D Gray. Updated: July 17, 2024
How to Alleviate Allergy Symptoms With Natural Home Remedies

An itchy and stuffy nose, watery and irritated eyes, sneezing, an itchy throat and skin reactions are some of the most common symptoms that pollen allergy sufferers experience with the arrival of spring. Often, these symptoms are simply the result of the body's “exaggerated” defensive response to substances it perceives as harmful, even when they are not (allergens). Antihistamines are often used for treatment. However, these are not always necessary, because there are many natural ways to relieve these symptoms.

As an alternative to antistaminics, this oneHOWTO article discusses a variety of home remedies for relieving pollen allergies.

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  1. Nasal wash with water and salt
  2. Nettle infusion
  3. Chamomile for the eyes
  4. Eucalyptus essential oil
  5. Honey
  6. Probiotic foods
  7. Vitamin C

Nasal wash with water and salt

Pollen allergy sufferers often experience itching in the nose and symptoms associated with allergic rhinitis, such as increased secretions associated with sneezing.

The first preventive measure is, of course, to avoid contact with the allergen, which is not always possible. Sometimes, after close contact with plants whose pollen triggers the allergy, this barely perceptible dust gets trapped in the nostrils, whose mucous membranes act like a 'filter', retaining it and prolonging the symptoms.

Nasal rinses are an effective home remedy for treating pollen allergy symptoms in these cases. You can buy a saline solution at the pharmacy or make it yourself at home with these steps:

  1. Bring half a liter of water to a boil.
  2. Add a small tablespoon of table salt (5 grams).
  3. Once the solution has cooled, drip a few drops (using a soaked cotton ball) into each nostril while tilting your head back slightly.

By flushing and blowing your nose, you can more easily remove the mucus and allergens that trigger the symptoms.

Nettle infusion

Nettle is a medicinal plant that has been used for years to treat various ailments. It has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties that improve the condition of the respiratory tract, which may be affected by the allergic reaction.

It is also one of the best home remedies for sinusitis, as it is one of the few plants that acts as an antihistamine in natural pollen allergies, reducing the body's reaction to the allergen that causes the discomfort. You can use an infusion of the leaves of this plant to stop the progression of allergy symptoms naturally.

How to Alleviate Allergy Symptoms With Natural Home Remedies - Nettle infusion

Chamomile for the eyes

People with pollen allergies should always wear glasses or sunglasses when outdoors, especially in areas with trees or plants that pose a threat. Despite this precaution, a gust of wind can cause pollen to reach the eyes and cause itching, redness, and irritation. As a result, one of the most effective methods of treating allergies in these cases is by washing the eyes as soon as possible to clear the eye organs of the maximum amount of allergens.

If you do not feel relieved after washing your eyes with aboundant water, there are other methods that have proven to be effective. For example, an infusion of chamomile applied with some soaked cotton pads provides great relief, as it relieves itching and inflammation almost immediately.

Eucalyptus essential oil

Due to its antiseptic properties and soothing effect, eucalyptus oil is often used as an ingredient in various home remedies for nasal allergies and especially for cough and respiratory diseases. In addition, the essential oil extracted from eucalyptus leaves can also help relieve the symptoms of pollen allergy.

It can be diluted in another carrier oil such as almond or olive oil and applied directly to the nostrils with a cotton swab. Another option is to put two drops of oil in a container of water that has been previously boiled to make a steam bath to clear the airways. This method helps relieve coughing and itching in the throat, as well as the feeling of choking.

How to Alleviate Allergy Symptoms With Natural Home Remedies - Eucalyptus essential oil


Taken in moderation, honey can be an excellent natural remedy for respiratory allergies, relieving coughs and sore throats caused by pollen allergies.

Pure honey also contains small amounts of pollen. Although no scientific studies have confirmed it, the intake of pollen in this food could reduce our reaction to pollen in the air we breathe. In other words, honey could protect us from pollen in the same way that allergy shots do. Bees pollinate flowers and make honey, but pollen from the environment and plants is very small and varies. When someone eats local honey, there is no guarantee how much (if any) pollen they will be exposed to. The procedure is different from allergy shots, which aim to desensitize a person to specific amounts of pollen.

Probiotic foods

Foods rich in probiotics, or foods that contain live beneficial microorganisms, aid in strengthening the immune system and reduce the effects of pollen allergies.

A diet that includes foods like kefir or probiotic yogurt is also thought to curb the production of immunoglobulin E, which is a contributor to many allergy-related symptoms, such as excessive mucus. Incorporating these foods into the daily diet is a good way to deal with pollen allergies.

How to Alleviate Allergy Symptoms With Natural Home Remedies - Probiotic foods

Vitamin C

If you want to know more remedies and wonder what to take for allergies, you should know that vitamin C is not only an essential micronutrient, but it is also a natural antihistamine that works against pollen allergies. Spring is the time to increase your intake of foods that contain vitamin C, especially citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons, and grapefruits and other seasonal fruits such as strawberries and blueberries.

If you want to know more about the most common signs of vitamin C deficiency, keep reading this article

This article is merely informative, oneHOWTO does not have the authority to prescribe any medical treatments or create a diagnosis. We invite you to visit your doctor if you have any type of condition or pain.

If you want to read similar articles to How to Alleviate Allergy Symptoms With Natural Home Remedies, we recommend you visit our Family health category.

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How to Alleviate Allergy Symptoms With Natural Home Remedies