Mood disorder

How Does The Change Of Season Affect Humans

Max. D Gray
By Max. D Gray. Updated: January 16, 2017
How Does The Change Of Season Affect Humans

Many people suffer signs of unrest during the change of seasons. This is partly due to the strong effects and influences that light and weather exert on our mood. If you are interested in this matter the following OneHowTo article explains how does the change of season affect humans.

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Steps to follow:


Some seasons make certain mental diseasesworse. The effects of temperature changes can be so strong that they can generate sleeping difficulties and increased tiredness as well as lower concentration capabilities. Most people do not notice these imbalances in excess. However, if we are witnessing an episode with strong symptoms then we may be suffering from a clear case of seasonal affective disorder.

How Does The Change Of Season Affect Humans - Step 1

In some changes of season we may suffer from emotional distress, this is due to reduced daylight hours in the colder seasons. This reduction in light will be accompanied by a change in schedule and a reduction of our active hours. Also, if the temperatures drop it is possible that our immune system is damaged.

How Does The Change Of Season Affect Humans - Step 2

In many cases the change of season affects humans by increasing anxiety, migraines and rheumatic problems that are accompanied by the aforementioned depression. These are more common in countries located in higher latitudes and can affect one out of 10 people living in these countries.

How Does The Change Of Season Affect Humans - Step 3

While these disorders are present more in autumn and winter the truth is that every season has its own meteoropathy. For example, in spring we look forward to the start of summer that appears to take forever to arrive. Moreover, in certain places, the change of seasons and from cold to hot is too sudden. This will be the season with the greatest levels of depression. On top of that we must not forget spring asthenia, characterized by tiredness, irritability and fatigue due to the change in light and temperature.

How Does The Change Of Season Affect Humans - Step 4

In summer heat waves can also affect humans, creating exorbitant feelings of tiredness in places where the heat is excessive. During this season states of exaggerated and euphoric mood are increased too. These are also the days when people with bipolar disorders may worsen.

How Does The Change Of Season Affect Humans - Step 5

In autumn we see an increase in depression and panic disorders as there is usually a considerable amount of rain. Also, daylight hours are reduced and this is a core factor in emotional problems.

How Does The Change Of Season Affect Humans - Step 6

In winter the lack of light generates more imbalances as the amount of melatonin needs to secrete for a longer period of time; this is nothing new, light makes us feel better at all levels.

The lack of light may also affect our vision, making our eyes more sensitive too.

How Does The Change Of Season Affect Humans - Step 7

Generally, these depressions usually disappear after a few days. However, if we see that the symptoms continue this will be a sign of a more serious problem and therefore we must seek help from a medical professional.

How Does The Change Of Season Affect Humans - Step 8

This article is merely informative, oneHOWTO does not have the authority to prescribe any medical treatments or create a diagnosis. We invite you to visit your doctor if you have any type of condition or pain.

If you want to read similar articles to How Does The Change Of Season Affect Humans, we recommend you visit our Mental health category.

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How Does The Change Of Season Affect Humans