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Does Sunscreen Go on Before or After Moisturizer?

Mary Smith
By Mary Smith. August 13, 2024
Does Sunscreen Go on Before or After Moisturizer?

During summer, it is common for us to wonder what comes first between sunscreen and moisturizer. We need to protect our skin from the sun, but this doesn't mean we can abandon our usual skincare routine. As the summer gets hotter, it can dry out our skin, making moisturizer even more important than it may usually be. Some moisturizers have an SPF number, meaning they provide some protection, but this may not be the case with you. For this reason, oneHOWTO finds out does sunscreen go on before or after moisturizer?

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  1. Do you put on sunscreen or moisturizer first?
  2. What is the importance of moisturizer?
  3. What is the importance of sunscreen?
  4. Should you use moisturizer and sunscreen together?

Do you put on sunscreen or moisturizer first?

According to the recommendations of the American Academy of Dermatology, sunscreen should be used in our daily routine. Many of us will use moisturizer to ensure skin health, but the question is which one to put on first? According to professionals, sunscreen should be applied before moisturizer. The reason for this is because the sunscreen will provide greater protection against ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Although sunlight can be beneficial for obtaining vitamin D, it can also cause severe damage if it burns the skin.

For sunscreen to work most effectively, you need to reapply it every 2 hours. As mentioned, you can simplify the process of using moisturizer and sunscreen, but the formula should contain a sun protection factor (SPF) of 30 or higher with a broad spectrum. If you use makeup with sunscreen, you still need to apply it after you have applied sunscreen and moisturizer. Your skin should be dry before you can apply makeup.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) suggests applying sunscreen 15 minutes before exposure. It is not necessary to use it at night, but a normal moisturizer can be applied at the end of the skin care routine.

As with moisturizing creams from different brands, different sunscreens come with their own instructions. We must read the individual packaging instructions in order to apply them correctly.

Although SPF 30 or higher is required, some of us may have specialized needs. For this reason, you might want to check out our article on choosing the best SPF sunscreen for your skin type.

Does Sunscreen Go on Before or After Moisturizer? - Do you put on sunscreen or moisturizer first?

What is the importance of moisturizer?

Moisturizer is another step in your facial care routine. As its name suggests, is very important for moisturizing your skin, i.e. keeping it hydrated. These creams help maintain moisture and some of them can treat other conditions such as blemishes. They can also help to slow skin aging or even reduce fine lines or wrinkles.

In doing so, moisturizers help skin look healthier, brighter, and better looking. Applying moisturizers also promotes the absorption of other skincare products such as serums and facial oils, allowing the skin to gain softness.

Our skin is not the only part of our body vulnerable to UV rays. Take a look at our related guide for information on six ways to protect your hair from the sun.

What is the importance of sunscreen?

Receiving UV rays from the sun can be harmful to the health of the skin and is considered to be one of the main causes of skin cancer and premature skin aging. Although sunscreen can moisturize the skin, the main function of this product is to act as a barrier against the sun's rays. In excess, the sun will damage the skin's quality, but it will also make us vulnerable to a range of illnesses.

These sun protection products include chemical sunscreens and mineral sunscreens. In the case of chemical sunscreens, their mechanism of action consists of absorbing the sun's rays, while mineral filters act as a protective shield. The former works like a sponge and the latter is similar to a shield.

That is why it is so important to make a good choice of sunscreen. Ensure it is water resistant. This not only important for when you go swimming in a pool por the sea, but sweating can make the sunscreen less effective.

Discover ways to reduce excessive head sweating in our related guide.

Does Sunscreen Go on Before or After Moisturizer? - What is the importance of sunscreen?

Should you use moisturizer and sunscreen together?

Yes, according to the American Academy of Dermatology, your daily skincare routine should include a gentle cleansing product. After cleaning, it should be followed by sunscreen and moisturizer. The product you choose should be suitable for your skin to prevent the risk of clogged pores or acne breakouts.

The suggestion is that these products should be non-comedogenic, meaning it does not clog the pores of the skin. In this way, it avoid the problems mentioned above. To be safe, it is advisable that both products be applied separately, following the brand's specific instructions.

If you choose a simpler option, you can buy a cream that is moisturizing and contains sun protection. In this case, the SPF value should be 30 or even higher. Both sunscreen applied to the face and moisturizing creams should be applied every two hours to stay protected. Sunscreen is not only necessary during summer. It is a product which should be used any time we are exposed to the sun, even if it is cloudy.

If you have any doubts, you should consult a dermatologist for personalized advice. You should also take extra protective measures such as hats, clothing that covers the skin and sunglasses, among others.

Now that you've resolved the question of what comes first, moisturizer or sunscreen, we recommend reading our related articles on how to moisturize oily skin and what foods moisturize your skin?

This article is merely informative, oneHOWTO does not have the authority to prescribe any medical treatments or create a diagnosis. We invite you to visit your doctor if you have any type of condition or pain.

If you want to read similar articles to Does Sunscreen Go on Before or After Moisturizer?, we recommend you visit our Family health category.

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Does Sunscreen Go on Before or After Moisturizer?