Varicose veins

Can you Get Varicose Veins in your Buttocks? Symptoms & Cure

Nidhi Nangia
By Nidhi Nangia. Updated: June 4, 2020
Can you Get Varicose Veins in your Buttocks? Symptoms & Cure

Varicose veins most commonly occur in your legs and calves, but in reality, they can develop in almost any part of your body, including your buttocks. If varicose veins develop in this area, they can be quite embarrassing. Even though you buttocks remains hidden for most part of the day, everyone longs for a clean and even toned buttocks, and visible veins can actually affect their self-esteem. In certain cases, varicose veins can even cause pain in your buttocks and the skin beneath. If you're asking yourself: can you get varicose veins in your buttocks?Read this oneHOWTO article to know more and find a solution to your problem.

  1. Symptoms of varicose veins in buttocks
  2. Causes of varicose veins in buttocks
  3. Treatment options for varicose veins in the buttocks

Symptoms of varicose veins in buttocks

The most apparent symptom of varicose veins in your buttocks is the appearance of twisted, thick veins on the surface of your skin on the buttocks. These veins can be purple or dark blue in color, and resemble a bunch of thick wires. They may develop on the buttocks, or around the anus or vagina. Other than these, also look for the following symptoms:

  • Burning sensation or throbbing in the buttocks
  • Swelling in certain parts of the buttocks
  • Heavy and aching buttocks
  • Itching and dryness around the varicose veins
  • Discolored skin around the varicose veins
  • Minor cuts and bruises in the area healing very slowly

Most of the times, these symptoms tend to worsen during summer months, or when you sit on your buttocks for several hours at a time. But they improve if you take rest and change your sitting position. The symptoms may vary from one individual to the other, and smaller veins do not cause less pain and discomfort than the larger ones.

Causes of varicose veins in buttocks

Some possible causes of varicose veins in your buttocks may include:

  • Genetic factors: Genetics play a major role in developing varicose veins in your buttocks. If a close member in your family had them, you have more chances of developing them too.
  • Pregnancy: Women have more chances of developing varicose veins in the buttocks during pregnancy. This is the time when hormone progesterone dramatically increases in her body. Increased weight of the uterus exerts pressure on the buttocks. This relaxes the veins walls, due to which they enlarge, more blood starts flowing through them, and consequently varicose veins develop more easily. If your varicose veins in buttocks were caused due to pregnancy, they will improve automatically after 3 to 12 months of delivery.
  • Over-weight: Over-weight and obese people have more chances of having varicose veins in their buttocks due to increased pressure in the area.
  • Age: As you age, veins tend to lose their elasticity and they stretch. The vein valves weaken, due to which the blood starts moving backwards instead of flowing towards the heart. As a result of this, blood starts pooling in the veins and develop into varicose veins.

Risk factors that contribute to varicose veins in the buttocks

The following factors increase your chances of developing varicose veins in the buttocks:

  • As you age, your veins weaken and loosen, and your varicose veins develop due to deteriorated blood flow
  • Women have more chances of developing varicose veins in the buttocks, especially due to hormonal changes during pregnancy, menopause, pre-menstruation, or if you are taking contraceptive pills, hormone replacement therapy etc.
  • Sitting or standing for several hours at a time
  • Obesity
  • Family history
Can you Get Varicose Veins in your Buttocks? Symptoms & Cure - Causes of varicose veins in buttocks

Treatment options for varicose veins in the buttocks

If your varicose veins are not painful, you don’t need to get them treated professionally. But if they are causing a lot of inconvenience, or you want to get them treated for cosmetic reasons, then vein embolization is a common treatment option. In this process, a tube is placed in the abnormal vein, and then flow of blood to that vein is blocked. You can return back to your normal activity within 10 days, and most patients report improvement in their condition. Sclerotherpy is another treatment option, in which affected veins are sealed off with the help of a special solution. After this, the blood does not flow through them. Veingogh is another procedure in which radiofrequency energy is used to destroy the affected veins.

This article is merely informative, oneHOWTO does not have the authority to prescribe any medical treatments or create a diagnosis. We invite you to visit your doctor if you have any type of condition or pain.

If you want to read similar articles to Can you Get Varicose Veins in your Buttocks? Symptoms & Cure, we recommend you visit our Family health category.


  • We advise you to contact your doctor when in pain due to varicose veins in the buttocks so she or he can advise you on the best treatment to follow.
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how can you get rid of them without buying the product to remove them
OneHowTo Editor
Hi Slindile,

Here is an article on natural home remedies for varicose veins:

And one on the best exercises to prevent and reduce them:

Hope this helps!
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Can you Get Varicose Veins in your Buttocks? Symptoms & Cure