Best Essential Oils for Restless Leg Syndrome

Some of the people who suffer from restless leg syndrome might already know that there are essential oils that are beneficial for such condition. Restless leg syndrome is a condition an incredible amount of people suffer from. It leads to itchiness, insomnia and general nervousness. Moreover, traditional medicine for restless legs syndrome comes with many important side effects. Can essential oils help restless leg syndrome? Yes they can for some people, but it is important to know exactly which are the best essential oils for restless leg syndrome, as there are so many essential oil blends (magnesium oil, coconut oil, peppermint oil etc.) for restless leg syndrome available on the market. Apart from essential oils for restless leg syndrome, there are many other restless leg syndrome natural remedies, such as diet, that are worth exploring as a complement or alternative to traditional medications. Today, at OneHowTo we will talk about the best essential oils for restless leg syndrome and other restless leg syndrome natural remedies.
Restless leg syndrome
Restless leg syndrome is a very common condition, as it is estimated that 10% of the American population suffers from it, so it is very important to explore restless leg syndrome natural remedies and the best essential oils for restless leg syndrome.
The symptoms of restless leg syndrome consist in:
- itching similar to that caused by fleas or bugs in the leg area
- a sensation of irresistible urge to move the legs
- the symptoms usually appear in the evening, and typically take place in cycles that can last several hours, making people who suffer from restless leg syndrome prone to insomnia
- such symptoms can lead to anxiety and general distress
As nervousness is one of both the symptoms and the triggers that intensifies the condition, aromatherapy for restless leg syndrome can really help, and it is worth exploring the best essential oils for restless leg syndrome.
Before we talk about restless leg syndrome natural remedies, let's look into the causes of restless leg syndrome:
- genetics: most sufferers have a family history
- Parkinson's, kidney problems, diabetes can intensify or trigger restless leg syndrome
- Some medications against depression or psychosis can cause the condition or make it worse
- ADHA has been identified as one of the causes of restless leg syndrome
- Pregnancy, the last 3 months in particular, can trigger restless leg syndrome
- Alcohol abuse
There are medications available to treat the condition, however, their cost is quite high. Plus, many people complained about important side effects of restless leg syndrome medications including addictive behaviours such as gambling, eating, urges to have sex, as well as nausea, dizziness, stomach pain, diarrhoea, agitation, insomnia. That is a pretty good reason to explore restless leg syndrome natural remedies, and to investigate the best essential oils for restless leg syndrome.
Best essential oils for restless leg syndrome
People often ask: "can essential oils help restless leg syndrome?" The answer is that there is no scientific proof that essential oil blends for restless leg syndrome can make the symptoms disappear. However, many people who have tried this natural approach swear essential oils have greatly improved their restless leg syndrome symptoms.
How to use essential oils for restless leg syndrome: you can either apply a few drops of the essential oils directly on the leg with the help of a carrier oil (we recommend coconut oil for restless leg syndrome) and then massage the mixture on the legs. Alternatively, you can use some of the best essential oils for restless leg syndrome as aromatherapy for restless leg syndrome. Just put a couple of drops on a diffuser and enjoy the scent.
Let's learn the best essential oils for restless leg syndrome and their effects in detail.
Magnesium oil restless leg syndrome: some doctors argue that restless leg syndrome might in some cases be caused by a magnesium deficiency. Magnesium can both be taken orally and used as an essential oil for topical use. Its effects include reducing insomnia, anxiety and depression, which are all linked to restless leg syndrome. It is probably the best essential oil for restless leg syndrome.
Coconut oil restless leg syndrome: coconut oil increases blood circulation, so it helps relax the legs affected by restless leg syndrome. Apply topically every night: heat up some coconut oil and massage it on your legs for 10 minutes.
Peppermint oil restless leg syndrome: peppermint oil is analgesic, antispasmodic, and cooling. It is generally very good for relieving muscle pain. You can both drink some peppermint tea before going to bed, and massage some drops of peppermint oil on your legs to relieve the symptoms of restless leg syndrome. One of the best essential oils for restless leg syndrome.
Lavender oil restless leg syndrome – This is another one of the best essential oils for restless leg syndrome. Analgesic, Antispasmodic, It is generally very good for relieving muscle pain and muscle spasms. Lavender also relaxes the mind and induces a state of sleep.
Chamomile oil restless leg syndrome – Analgesic, Antispasmodic, Anti-neuralgic, It is generally very good for relieving muscle pain and muscle spasms. You can use it in a diffuser, in the same way as lavender oil, as its scent is sleep inducing
Some others of the best essential oils for restless leg syndrome are:
Basil oil restless leg syndrome – Antispasmodic, It is generally very good for relieving muscle pain and muscle spasms.
Bergamot oil restless leg syndrome – Analgesic, antispasmodic, calming, it relaxes and calms the muscles
Clove oil restless leg syndrome– Analgesic, Antispasmodic, Anti-neuralgic, It is generally very good for relieving muscle pain and muscle spasms.
Ginger oil restless leg syndrome – Analgesic, Antispasmodic, It is generally very good for relieving muscle pain and muscle spasms and to warm up the muscles
Jasmine oil restless leg syndrome – Analgesic, Antispasmodic, It is generally very good for relieving muscle pain and muscle spasms.
Marjoram oil restless leg syndrome – Analgesic, Antispasmodic, Sedative, good for muscle aches and pains and muscle spasms.
Rosemary oil restless leg syndrome – Analgesic, Antispasmodic, good for muscle aches and pains and muscle spasms.
In addition, vertiver oil might also be useful.
Those are the best essential oils for restless leg syndrome, but they can also be mixed to create essential oil blends for restless leg syndrome. Let's see how.

Essential oil blends for restless leg syndrome
Here are some essential oil blends for restless leg syndrome:
essential oil blends for restless leg syndrome 1
- 3 drops marjoram oil drop
- 1 drop lemongrass oil
- 3 drops peppermint oil
- 5 tablespoons coconut oil
essential oil blends for restless leg syndrome 2
- 10 drops chamomile oil
- 5 drops frankincense
- 5 drops lavender oil
- 5 tablespoons coconut oil
Mix the ingredients and massage on the legs at night.

Natural remedies for restless leg syndrome
Apart from the best essential oils for restless leg syndrome, there are some tips you should follow. First of all, avoid alcohol, caffeine, and get enough exercise. Practice relaxation techniques such as yoga and meditation. Take some valerian sleep aid.
Fish oil restless leg syndrome: the research does not provide a definite answer to the link between fish oil and restless leg syndrome. While some sufferers have observed an improvement in the condition when they increase they Omega3 intake in the form of fish oil supplements or by consuming oily fish, some others point to the fact that fish oil users have been found to have a greater chance of suffering from restless leg syndrome, especially female users who are older than 60.
Castor oil restless leg syndrome: you can take some castor oil orally on an empty stomach to improve blood circulation.
Let us know if the best essential oils for restless leg syndrome have worked for you.
This article is merely informative, oneHOWTO does not have the authority to prescribe any medical treatments or create a diagnosis. We invite you to visit your doctor if you have any type of condition or pain.
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