
Why Do I Get Dizzy When I Get Up

Max. D Gray
By Max. D Gray. Updated: May 31, 2018
Why Do I Get Dizzy When I Get Up

Sunstroke, breathlessness, stress or odd sugar level, or even blood not properly reaching your head... These are just some of the most frequent causes of dizziness. It is not a serious disease in itself, but it is a symptom, an indicator, an alert or a warning from our body, which may have lost control of what is considered to be normal blood pressure.

We've all stood up suddenly and felt our head spinning. It's time to learn more about dizziness, understand what are its causes and find a solution so that this does not affect your daily life and your health. In the following OneHowTo article we look at why do I get dizzy when I get up. We want to help you find the key to tackle and treat these symptoms. Pay attention!

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  1. What is dizziness?
  2. Symptoms and causes of dizziness
  3. Why do I feel dizzy when I get up?
  4. Solutions for dizziness

What is dizziness?

Dizziness includes two different symptoms but they often go hand in hand: vertigo and dizziness, i.e., feeling of unsteadiness or even fainting. Usually, when someone is dizzy, they feel like their head is spinning and displaced, as if everything was revolving around them. Everything is in excessive flurry of movement and it's difficult to maintain one's balance. That is why dizziness is considered a symptom of balance disorders and other more serious disorders.

As mentioned, dizziness is not a disease in itself but it can certainly lead to other health problems which are far more serious, since it is an indicator that something is not working properly. From changes in blood flow to the brain, sunstroke or tension problems to shortness of breath, neurological disorders or even aging, the causes of dizziness can be varied. If you feel a constant dizziness, it may be a good idea to go to your doctor to find out what is the exact cause. Below, we highlight some of the most common causes.

Why Do I Get Dizzy When I Get Up - What is dizziness?

Symptoms and causes of dizziness

When you feel dizzy, besides losing visual balance and sense of stability, you also suffer from general malaise that may be noticeable to others through pallor or sweating. You may notice yourself that your heartbeat is faster, and you may also feel nausea and instability - what is commonly called vertigo. We must bear in mind that we don't always feel vertigo when we're dizzy, but we always feel dizzy when we have vertigo.

Knowing the symptoms of this condition, we can dig a little deeper into the causes of dizziness. We can divide them into two groups: mild or barely serious and grave or very serious.

  • Less serious causes of dizziness: It usually occurs when not enough blood reaches the brain; this can happen due to a sudden drop in blood pressure. Another cause may be dehydration, i.e., a serious lack of water in the body caused by sunstroke, diarrhoea, vomiting, fever or other conditions. The blood sugar levels can also cause dizziness, especially in the case of hypoglycemia - that is, when blood sugar gets too low. With age the sense of balance is atrophied, so dizziness are more common in older people.
  • Serious causes of dizziness: They include rapid change in heart rate due to serious disorders such as heart attacks. Dizziness can also signal neuronal accidents, internal bleeding or shock states. In these cases, sickness is accompanied by tachycardia, vision problems and even slurred speech. In either case, do not hesitate to go a doctor as quickly as possible.

Why do I feel dizzy when I get up?

Now that we've looked at the symptoms and causes of dizziness, it is time to talk about why we feel dizzy when we stand up. This is among the less serious causes, since it is a single event that usually does not involve a serious illness. Generally, if it happens in isolation, it is not given much importance and you do not need to panic, although it is good and convenient to search for the origin of the dizziness to rule out major conditions.

When you get up abruptly, you may suffer orthostatic hypotension, i.e. a sudden drop in blood pressure. We have an article on why does blood pressure fall if you want to learn more. In the particular case of standing up, blood pressure drops because when we get up quickly, without giving the body time to react, having been down for a long time when sleeping or relaxing. It may also occur when standing for a long time.

Whatever the case, the cause of dizziness is the drop in blood pressure. The blood has accumulated in the lower extremities due to our position, so when you get up quickly, the blood's return to normal flow is unexpected and slower than it should be. Therefore, since less blood reaches the heart, it can not pump as well or completely push it to reach the brain. This lack of blood flow causes momentary dizziness and even fainting.

On the other hand, dizziness may occur in the event that you are taking drugs or medicines that alter blood volume or dilate the vessels - such as diuretics or nitrites - or even cause any interference in baroreceptor reflex, such as lovely sedatives or happy anti-depressants.

Why Do I Get Dizzy When I Get Up - Why do I feel dizzy when I get up?

Solutions for dizziness

If the dizziness is continuous and you feel other symptoms such as those we have noted above, you should go to your doctor to undergo analysis which will provide a specific diagnosis.

Among the easiest solutions to combat dizziness is to take care and try to get up slowly. If you stand up too fast and feel suddenly easy, sit or lay back down to let your blood pressure adapt. Standing makes dizziness manifests itself more strongly. Try to get the blood flowing back to your brain normally: sit down and put your head between your legs for one or two minutes. Another option is to keep your eyes on a fixed point to help find your balance - your neurological system will realize that you're not actually moving, which will help regain balance.

Remember to stay well-hydrated: Imbibe a good amount of water or fruit juice, which can really help stop the dizziness, especially if it appears as a symptom of dehydration from vomiting, diarrhea or fever. Also, eating carbohydrates will help you overcome sickness and low blood sugar.

Breathe deeply and try to calm down. This is also a good method to stop you from feeling dizzy, especially if it is produced by shortness of breath or a sudden change in your heart rate, anxiety or tachycardia.

This is why do I feel dizzy when I wake up. In the next article you can learn more home remedies for seasickness. And last but not least, do not hesitate to go to your doctor to give you guidelines and appropriate advice.

Why Do I Get Dizzy When I Get Up - Solutions for dizziness

This article is merely informative, oneHOWTO does not have the authority to prescribe any medical treatments or create a diagnosis. We invite you to visit your doctor if you have any type of condition or pain.

If you want to read similar articles to Why Do I Get Dizzy When I Get Up, we recommend you visit our Family health category.

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Why Do I Get Dizzy When I Get Up