Other heart diseases

Why Do I Feel Pin Prick in My Heart

Max. D Gray
By Max. D Gray. Updated: January 16, 2017
Why Do I Feel Pin Prick in My Heart

Pin prick heart pain, pricking pain in the chest, or the feeling of pins and needles down the thorax. These are some of the descriptions offered up by people who have suffered or who suffer sometimes from this painful sensation in the chest area. The causes can be many, so we should not be alarmed, and use due caution. It is an unpleasant sensation that can provoke a fright when it appears. However, it is more common than we think. In this article we explain why you are feeling pin prick in your heart.

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Steps to follow:


The first thing you should consider is that the feelings in your heart are not synonymous with cardiovascular problems, although these could sometimes be a cause. In most cases, chest pain is due to muscular tensions. This sensation will pass in a little time, so you should not worry too much. Related to the above, there may be tension in the chest when breathing. This happens when we breathe in air and suddenly feel a sharp prick in your heart that immobilises you and which prevents you from breathing. First, you must stay calm and not panic. Wait for the pain to naturally go away. It is very common, most people have experienced this at some time, some more than others.


First, it is very likely that the sensation in your is the result of anxiety or stress. So if you are busier than usual on a particular day, if we are going through a bad or difficult situation or if you are prone to bouts of anxiety, then these sensations in your chest may be a symptom of subjecting your body to this condition. It is likely that this feeling will go hand in hand with other symptoms that accompany anxiety. These may not appear at the same time, but perhaps once you are resting. These pin pricks in the heart may be due mainly to:

  • Muscle tension. As explained at the beginning of the article, the tension built up by stress and anxiety can cause the body to experience these strange and worrying feelings. Here you can see some home remedies for muscle pain.
  • Autonomic hyper-arousal. It occurs when the heart rate is higher than usual and breathing becomes harder, then you end up feeling these odd sensations in your chest area.

In these cases, you must be aware that nothing horrible or dramatic will happen. Just wait for the pain to pass, keep calm and stop any activity that you are doing at that time.

Why Do I Feel Pin Prick in My Heart - Step 2

Now, we will get into the diseases and cardiovascular problems that might be related to the heart, and which generate such strange pin prick sensations in your chest as a symptom.

First, it could be pericarditis. It is an inflammation in the lining of the heart, i.e., the pericardium. It stores liquid which works a bit like a lubricant, facilitating the sliding of the pericardium from the heart. Not a high risk, but it can indicate other major health problems, including kidney failure, damage to the oesophagus, etc. Strange sensations in the heart area are one of the symptoms of a pericardium inflammation. This can all be treated with medication.

On the other hand, another cause for such pin prick sensations in the heart area is myocarditis, a rare inflammation of the heart muscle. This inflammation can be caused by viral or bacterial infections such as hepatitis C, herpes, chlamydia or streptococcus, among others. It can be treated with anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics and a proper diet.

Why Do I Feel Pin Prick in My Heart - Step 3

One of the most common causes of punctures in the heart are arrhythmias. Arrhythmias are abnormal heart rhythms, which means that the heart beat is increased or decreased. When the heart beats faster than normal, it is called tachycardia. This increased heart rate leads to higher demand for blood and oxygen, which can result in tiredness and fatigue. One of the main causes of tachycardia is high blood pressure, tobacco, or excessive alcohol and caffeine. Tachycardia is also related to anxiety and stress, making people prone to these disorders. Tachycardias affect these individuals more often. In this OneHowTo article you can learn about the different causes of tachycardias.

Why Do I Feel Pin Prick in My Heart - Step 4

Finally, the less frequent causes for pin prick in the heart, is either angina pectoris or a myocardial infarction. Angina occurs when the heart does not get the amount of blood needed. This lack of blood can be due to other problems such as high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, among others, leading to chest pain - something which may be perceived as pin pricks in the heart area. Also, infarction occurs when an artery supplying blood to the heart is obstructed by a thrombus, causing a part of the heart to lose its vital blood supply. Chest punctures are other symptoms that accompany a stroke. If that is your case, then you must act quickly to increase your chances of survival.

However, we must not be obsessed with the idea that these pin pricks in the chest can be a symptom of something serious. Just be aware that, if there are other symptoms, depending on the intensity and duration of pain, you must take action. Should you find that the pain is frequently present, go to the doctor. You can also ask your doctor or medical professional to perform periodic routine checks. Also, people who suffer from cardiovascular problems, should see the doctor more often and be monitored to ensure proper health and to avoid major problems.

Why Do I Feel Pin Prick in My Heart - Step 5

The most common test performed to check the condition of the heart is an electrocardiogram. This procedure is completely painless and involves placing a series of electrodes on the skin to check the heart activity and to detect abnormalities in heart rate.

There are some risk factors which can significantly increase the probability of having heart problems:

  • Hypertension.
  • Obesity.
  • Smoking.
  • High cholesterol.
  • Sedentary.
  • Old age.
Why Do I Feel Pin Prick in My Heart - Step 6

This article is merely informative, oneHOWTO does not have the authority to prescribe any medical treatments or create a diagnosis. We invite you to visit your doctor if you have any type of condition or pain.

If you want to read similar articles to Why Do I Feel Pin Prick in My Heart, we recommend you visit our Diseases & secondary effects category.

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joel empeno
I am normally experienced that pin prick in my left chest... for my medication I used is anti-agina trimetazidine... is this good for medication? thank you in advance for your response..
Dianne Lucille Martin
I appreciate your information. Since I almost died of influenza last year I have not been well in quite a few ways. I was concerned about the pin pricks but did not want to make a fuss until I looked it up.
Thank you
OneHowTo Editor
We are glad to be able to share it with you, we hope it has been helpful.
why do i feel in my heart like a spear going trough it?
OneHowTo Editor

There are many possible reasons, but it is a symptom which shouldn't be ignored. We recommend seeking advice from your doctor.
josie rosas
Every fewsharp pain on the bottem of my left side under my breast
you waste too much time getting to the point , i'llget to that in a minute, but first let me tell you, and on and on you go. way to much fluff. get to the point. if you take forever to hype what you selling people lose interest. you and so many others, talk down to people using the carrot donkey trick. and please , do not send me any more ads until you can get to the point.
OneHowTo Editor
Hi John,

We are sorry that you did not find this article helpful. However, we cannot apologise for writing thorough information. We try to bring people the best information on any given subject to help troubleshoot problems. With a pin prick in the heart, there are many possible reasons and explaining them will help people to understand. Unfortunately, especially with health information, there aren't always easy answers.
ntambo sokauta
i have been having pin pricking in my chest mainly on my right rib and my left rib regularly.so i have been suspecting my self due to fact i one day had sensual intercourse with a certain partner who i did not trust.i have undergone 2 blood test for HIV and all the answers have been negative.now what i want to know is what is really causing all this to me.please help me.
OneHowTo Editor
Hi Ntambo,

The information we provide is simply informative of possible causes. We do not have the authority or ability to diagnose problems with an individual. Please seek a doctor's advice if you are worried about any health matter as they will be able to address your issue properly and provide the best course of action if any is required. Thank you.
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Why Do I Feel Pin Prick in My Heart