Autoexamining women's breasts

What Are the Symptoms of Breast Cyst

Max. D Gray
By Max. D Gray. Updated: January 16, 2017
What Are the Symptoms of Breast Cyst

Not all lumps that appear on the breasts are carcinogenic, however, maintaining control of such protrusions is important in safeguarding one's health. Generally, small lumps of fluid may appear that block the mammary glands, although most are benign. If you are a woman and are between 20 and 50 years old, it is important that you start identifying and controlling the appearance of these small lumps. If you want to know what are the symptoms of breast cyst, keep on reading the following article. Dispel doubts and learn how to carry out self-examinations to be able to identify them and to thus be able to treat them swiftly. Your health should always come first.

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  1. What are breast cysts
  2. Identifying breast cysts
  3. Medical treatment for cysts

What are breast cysts

Cysts, also known as fibrocystic disorders, are small lumps or bumps produced by various disturbances within the mammary glands. In general, they are a type of mobile, round, oval and fluid-filled sacs inside the breast and are inflamed. These changes that occur in the breast are usually benign and it is common for women to develop them at some point in their life. It is very common for those lumps to appear frequently during Pre Menstrual Syndrome because they also tend to stem from some momentary hormonal alteration. It is normal for them to appear in women aged between 20 and 50 because the breast is more supple and are in the growth phase (also during pregnancy).

Two types of changes can occur: fibrosis or cyst. The difference lies in the fact that the former is a stiffness within the tissues; the latter is a fluid-filled sac. Both disorders cause a bulge in any area of the breast that can be painful or cause throbbing. The affected area may also become hypersensitive and slightly swollen.

If you notice any type of lump or bump on your breast or breast area, it is important that you seek medical attention in order to determine a diagnosis and to have a follow-up, just as a precautionary measure. However, you should know that a breast cyst will always be benign if it is filled with fluid alone. The problem may be more serious if you notice a solid part within the lump.

What Are the Symptoms of Breast Cyst - What are breast cysts

Identifying breast cysts

A cyst can be identified by the symptoms displayed or by palpation; however, it is always advisable to see a doctor to undergo more thorough examinations (physical examination, mammography and even biopsy for analysis).

A cyst usually appears during or before menstruation and can range in size; some are so small that they are barely noticeable. The most common symptom is that an area of the chest is more sensitive and painful than normal. If you examine the area with your own hands, you'll probably notice a small ball. Generally, this swelling returns to normal after menstruation.

These lumps typically measure between 2 and 3 centimetres and are normally painless when touched. It is advisable to perform self-examinations of the breast periodically in order to be able to notice any changes, e.g. inflammation or a lump.

What Are the Symptoms of Breast Cyst - Identifying breast cysts

Medical treatment for cysts

Cysts do not require specific medical treatment; however, they do need to be checked regularly if the area of the cyst increases, is painful and causes discomfort, a gynecologist can extract the fluid through a the extraction liquid. This is done through a small operation or surgical drain, which is usually done with a small needle. In addition, if the patient and the doctor are in agreement, the extraction/removal of the benign bump can also be carried out, to avoid further problems.

To prevent the appearance of cysts, you can try to reduce caffeine intake, as well as chocolate and other stimulants such as sodas. Also reduce salt intake and increase intake of diuretic products (like artichokes or broccoli) to prevent further fluid retention.

Remember to perform self-checks and medical examinations as a preventive measure. However, you should know that having cystic or fibrocystic breasts does not increase the risk of cancer in the future.

What Are the Symptoms of Breast Cyst - Medical treatment for cysts

This article is merely informative, oneHOWTO does not have the authority to prescribe any medical treatments or create a diagnosis. We invite you to visit your doctor if you have any type of condition or pain.

If you want to read similar articles to What Are the Symptoms of Breast Cyst, we recommend you visit our Family health category.

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What Are the Symptoms of Breast Cyst