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The Best Diet for Kidney Failure

Max. D Gray
By Max. D Gray. Updated: January 16, 2017
The Best Diet for Kidney Failure

Kidney failure is the inability of the kidneys to remove waste products and to maintain the balance of fluids and electrolytes. When the kidneys are in one of these phases, your body requires a special diet and fluid restrictions to prevent claudication. On we advise you on the best diet for kidney failure so you can help this condition get better.

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Steps to follow:


Proteins are one of the main components of the body and they are essential for proper bodily functions. Not all proteins are equal. There is a high biological value found in meat, fish, milk and eggs and others have a medium biological value, such as vegetables, rice, bread, pasta,... It is important that throughout the phases of dialysis and chronic failure, the patient should incorporate these foods to prevent muscle loss and to replenish energy.


Sodium is a component which promotes hypertension, oedema and weight gain. The diet of patients with kidney failure will have low sodium levels or it will be strictly without salt. The nephrologist will indicate the type of restriction. If your diet is restricted with regards to salt, you should avoid ingestion of table salt, meat and salted, smoked or cured fish, shellfish and caviar, cheeses and sausages, olives, instant meals, and salty snacks.


Potassium is necessary for the proper functioning of the nervous and muscular systems. It enters the body through food and is unable to be removed by the kidneys. It accumulates in the blood and may affect the muscles, including the heart (cardiac arrest and death). Patients with kidney failure must undergo controls to monitor hyperkalaemia. Although the high levels of potassium are found in most foods, the highest levels are found in fruits, vegetables and chocolates.


As with potassium, phosphorus is ingested via food. It builds up in the blood and it is indirectly responsible through hormonal mechanisms for bone issues and itching. Excess phosphorus is difficult to control through diet, so your nephrologist will prescribe medications to reduce high levels in the blood. Foods that are rich in phosphorus include milk and its derivatives, blue fish, egg yolk, wholemeal bread, chocolates and dried fruits.


The carbohydrates group is the only food group that is not limited in these patients. Carbohydrates are the main source of energy and they are necessary for the proper functioning of the body. Unless the individual is diabetic, carbohydrates should be consumed daily. There are two groups of carbohydrates, slow-acting ones that allow greater use of energy (pasta, rice, potatoes and white bread) and fast acting ones known for their sweet taste (sugar, jam and honey).


Liquid, not just water, but also soup, milk, fruits, coffee and other drinks are also included. The amount of liquid must be controlled since the kidney has lost its ability to eliminate urine, all liquids that you drink will accumulate in the body especially in those patients on dialysis or chronic stages. The amount you can take each day is governed by the ability of the kidney to remove urine, usually about 800 mL.


Always remember that your diet should be specific and individual for kidney failure. Your nephrologist will help identify determined that foods should be restricted and to what extent.

This article is merely informative, oneHOWTO does not have the authority to prescribe any medical treatments or create a diagnosis. We invite you to visit your doctor if you have any type of condition or pain.

If you want to read similar articles to The Best Diet for Kidney Failure, we recommend you visit our Diseases & secondary effects category.

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Ann Watts
Phorpous is very high
The Best Diet for Kidney Failure