Improve blood circulation

Symptoms of Poor Blood Circulation

Max. D Gray
By Max. D Gray. Updated: January 16, 2017
Symptoms of Poor Blood Circulation

Our body has five liters of blood which is transported by the veins and the arteries to all organs to provide nutrients, hormones and to regulate the pH levels inside us. Proper blood circulation is essential so that all organs function normally. Poor circulation will alter this necessary transportation and may cause serious damage to our bodies and limbs. Such damage can cause chronic diseases if we do not undergo treatment, suffering from kidney complications or even a potentially fatal stroke. Catching it early is the best way to start to heal it. To find out if we suffer from this medical condition, in OneHowTo we are going to tell you what the symptoms of poor blood circulation are.

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Steps to follow:


The causes of poor circulation occur, especially in people with sedentary life habits, people with obesity, those who carry out daily poor nutrition, people suffering from high blood pressure, smoking and pregnant women. Although some unlucky people are far more likely to suffer from poor blood circulation, other factors can cause it, so it is important to know the symptoms.

Symptoms of Poor Blood Circulation - Step 1

One of the first symptoms of poor blood circulation is cyanosis which is when we perceive a bluish skin tone. When a certain part of our body becomes or changes to this color, be on alert. It will be because you are not getting enough oxygen into the blood.


When our limbs are swollen we may also blame it on poor blood circulation, and it is due to the fact that when trying to reduce fluids our circulatory system produces edemas, which are nothing more than fluids that are condensed in our extremities, such as hands and feet, making poor circulation that we suffer from visible. When pressing this part, if the skin does not return immediately to its original position, we can be sure you are retaining too much liquid due to poor circulation.


Other symptoms are the appearance of lower extremity ulcers in the legs and feet as well as red spots that persist. They can be of different sizes and there will be a clear signal that one is suffering from poor circulation of blood. These ulcers and any wounds will take much more to heal because of this problem.

In the case of diabetics, it is very important you take special care with this because it is one of the major causes of amputation. The appearance of varicose veins also comes along with this symptom and existing veins under the skin in the area of the legs and ankles swell due to the accumulation of blood in that area by poor circulation. Depending on the position in which we are, we will notice the more inflamed body parts and will feel more pain.

Symptoms of Poor Blood Circulation - Step 4

Dry skin, hair loss and weakness in the nails is a clear example that the body does not receive the required amount of nutrients through the blood, so it is a very visible sign that we are indicating that we suffer of poor circulation.


Other symptoms of poor blood circulation you'll notice will be those that affect us in our daily tasks, such as:

  • Constipation: the lower the rate of pumping blood in the body affects all systems, and one of them is the digestive system, so we go to the bathroom much less frequently.
  • Cold extremities: are felt in hands and cold feet because of the slow movement, since the temperature is not regulated as it would do when the blood flows normally through the body.
  • The immune system worsens: it's weaker because our antibodies also are slow, so we will be more susceptible to more diseases than any other person.
  • Experiencing fatigue: to be slower blood circulation, descend inputs supplied to the muscles, so you feel fatigue, pain and exhaustion.
  • Men may experience erectile dysfunction because the necessary amount of blood does not reach the key player of the male body.
  • Hunger decreases and thereby, the weight is altered.
  • Cognitive problems: poor circulation affects the brain, which can notice that we lose mental agility.
  • Tingling in the extremities: this tingling suffers from numbness of these body parts not receiving the necessary blood flow at all times. This feeling lasts only a few minutes, but can be perceived several times during the day. The temporary solution is to put them up for blood to flow.
Symptoms of Poor Blood Circulation - Step 6

This article is merely informative, oneHOWTO does not have the authority to prescribe any medical treatments or create a diagnosis. We invite you to visit your doctor if you have any type of condition or pain.

If you want to read similar articles to Symptoms of Poor Blood Circulation, we recommend you visit our Diseases & secondary effects category.

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Symptoms of Poor Blood Circulation