Naturaly Remedies for Psoriasis

How to Use Turmeric for Psoriasis

Alice Marini
By Alice Marini. Updated: March 29, 2017
How to Use Turmeric for Psoriasis

You can use turmeric to cure psoriasis by ingesting curcumin capsules, drinking turmeric milk, or applying turmeric paste on your skin.

Turmeric is used in Ayurveda to treat a variety of diseases, but it is especially recommended for skin problems, to lighten the skin, and to remove hair easily. But did you know that turmeric, or better curcumin, can help psoriasis? In this oneHOWTO article we will list the benefits of turmeric for psoriasis, reveal how much curcumin to take for psoriasis, explain whether turmeric cures psoriasis, and then tell you how to use turmeric for psoriasis.

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  1. Psoriasis and turmeric
  2. Benefits of turmeric for psoriasis
  3. Can turmeric cure psoriasis?
  4. How to use turmeric for psoriasis
  5. How much curcumin to take for psoriasis

Psoriasis and turmeric

Psoriasis in a non-contagious autoimmune skin condition characterised by cells build up on the skin. As a result, people affected by psoriasis can suffer from red patches, scaly flaky skin, itching, bleeding, burning, and swollen joints.

Treatment for psoriasis focuses on preventing skin cells from being created quickly. Traditional treatments include cortisone creams, retinoids, antibiotics, and biologics in most severe cases. Since those treatments have side effects and cannot be used by pregnant and breastfeeding women, many are looking for natural alternatives, amongst which we have already discussed hemp oil. Now we will see if turmeric can cure psoriasis...

Turmeric is commonly found as a yellow-orange spice in powdered form. However, turmeric can also be found as a fresh ingredient, resembling ginger. Curcumin is the substance giving turmeric its distinctive deep yellow color and, as we will see, the benefits of turmeric for psoriasis.

Now let's start discussing how to use turmeric for psoriasis.

Benefits of turmeric for psoriasis

Curcumin, the active ingredient of turmeric, is responsible for turmeric's healing properties, and for the main benefits of turmeric for psoriasis.

The benefits of turmeric for psoriasis are:

  • Curcumin is an anti-inflammatory, as such it hinders the inflammatory enzymes of psoriasis. In particular, it reduces the cytokines levels, responsible for cell inflammation. It also reduces histamine levels and blocks the NF-kB molecule, both responsible for skin inflammation.
  • Curcumin protects the skin by scavenging reactive oxidising species.
  • One of the main benefits of turmeric for psoriasis is that it speeds up wound healing by regenerating the skin.
  • Curcumin has a positive effect on detox enzymes that protect the skin against oxidative stress.
  • Turmeric provides relief to itchy skin due to psoriasis, eczema, scabies etc.
  • Another benefit of turmeric for psoriasis is prevention: it reduces the risk of skin infections, often occurring in psoriasis
  • Curcumin is an antioxidant, therefore it increases antioxidant defences which are usually low in people affected by psoriasis. Antioxidants reduce inflammation.
  • Curcumin suppresses the activity of enzyme PhK, characteristic of psoriasis activity.

Now that you know the benefits of turmeric for psoriasis, let's see some more information about how to use turmeric for psoriasis.

How to Use Turmeric for Psoriasis - Benefits of turmeric for psoriasis

Can turmeric cure psoriasis?

Many people ask if turmeric can cure psoriasis, however this question is misleading as psoriasis can always come and go and there is no definite cure for psoriasis. A more appropriate question is: can curcumin help psoriasis? Many studies and personal experiences show that curcumin helps psoriasis.

In some studies, curcumin was applied topically in gel form while patients were undergoing other medical psoriasis treatments. More than half of the patients in those studies witnessed a dramatic improvement in their psoriasis condition. The conclusion is that curcumin definitely multiplies the effect of other psoriasis treatments.

Other studies were carried out using curcumin supplements, and the results were also amazing.

Curcumin can effectively inhibit the activity of proteins that activate the biochemical progression of psoriasis.

However, there is something to be taken into consideration when affirming that turmeric cures psoriasis: only 3% of the weight of turmeric is curcumin, which is the element helping psoriasis. Also, curcumin is not easily absorbed by human body. We will see how to solve those issues in the next paragraph on how to use turmeric for psoriasis.

How to use turmeric for psoriasis

There are several ways to use turmeric for psoriasis:

  • Ingesting turmeric for psoriasis: you can add turmeric to foods, make a tea by mixing it with hot water, or make a turmeric milk drink. The problem is that curcumin content in turmeric is low, and hard to absorb. You can absorb 2000% more curcumin by adding pepper to your turmeric recipes.
  • Curcumin capsules: this is the most effective way to ingest curcumin for psoriasis. The supplements will have a higher amount of curcumin than turmeric powder, so they will be more effective. Buy from a reliable brand.
  • Topical application: you can make a paste with turmeric and milk, and add some other oil if you want. Apply a thin layer to psoriasis patches and leave overnight. This is a very effective method of using turmeric for psoriasis, but you should learn how to remove turmeric from skin first.
  • You can use turmeric for psoriasis as an alternative to traditional psoriasis treatments, or alongside it. It works wonders when combined with light phototherapy.
How to Use Turmeric for Psoriasis - How to use turmeric for psoriasis

How much curcumin to take for psoriasis

Now that you know how to use turmeric for psoriasis, you should learn how much turmeric you should take for psoriasis.

  • When eating turmeric with food, it is hard to reach the ideal amount, which should be 4000mg per day.
  • It is easier to buy 2 or 4 grams curcumin capsules and take them daily.

Side effects of turmeric are very rare and mild, and include nausea, diarrhoea and dizziness. However, if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, taking other food supplements, have gall bladder disease, diabetes, or taking medication, consult your doctor before using turmeric for psoriasis.

This article is merely informative, oneHOWTO does not have the authority to prescribe any medical treatments or create a diagnosis. We invite you to visit your doctor if you have any type of condition or pain.

If you want to read similar articles to How to Use Turmeric for Psoriasis, we recommend you visit our Diseases & secondary effects category.

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How to Use Turmeric for Psoriasis