Remedios naturales para los cólicos

How to treat colic

Max. D Gray
By Max. D Gray. September 4, 2024
How to treat colic

It is likely that you have heard more than once in conversations with parents regarding their children the word colic.

Colic is simply another word for a kind of bellyache. It is a disease that occurs in the gastrointestinal tract and which may be due to different causes: the ingestion of food or drink in a cold or poor condition, the presence of acrid mucosa as a result of a poor digestion ingestion, the presence of gases, an accumulation of faeces or due to fermentations of poorly digested foods.

The person who suffers colic, whether a child or adult, will complain of pains in the belly. This pain is usually near the navel and radiates out into different areas. When it comes to the pain caused by inflamed conditions usually this can be relieved by placing pressure on the belly.

Sometimes colic pain can be accompanied by a weak pulse, cold sweat and an expulsion of flatulence. This will result in temporary relief.

Next we explain how to treat colic.

You'll need:

  • Bed or somewhere where you can lie.
  • Compresses
  • Clay water.
  • Brans.
  • Cabbage leaves.
  • Onions.
  • Water
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • Camphorated oil.
  • Containers.
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Steps to follow:


When you suffer colics you should rest, preferably lying in bed. If this is not possible try to rest your body in a horizontal position. So you will have to lie down somewhere.


Apply compresses and poultices in the lower abdomen. To start you have to apply the compresses, if possible soak these in clay-water, and apply to the lower abdomen area. These pads have to alternates with a poultice.
For the preparation of the poultice add brans, chopped cabbage leaves and diced onions in water and bring to a boil for 5 minutes. After this time, you will have obtained a kind of mush that you will have to apply on your lower abdomen with a thickness of about 2 cm.


Another mixture you should prepare to try to treat colic is grated 3 cloves of garlic added to camphor oil. The exact amount is two parts oil to one of garlic. When you have mixed both ingredients, you have to leave them to rest and soak for four days and then you will have to remove the garlic and filter the oil. Once this procedure is done, you can use the oil obtained to apply some friction in the area near the navel and the lower abdomen.


As with any disease, soaking in the bath is a remedy that must also be taken into account in the event of suffering cramps. In this case you have to take long baths with water at a temperature of 18 ° C or steam baths followed by a half bath at 25 ° C, pouring water on the affected area from some height.

This article is merely informative, oneHOWTO does not have the authority to prescribe any medical treatments or create a diagnosis. We invite you to visit your doctor if you have any type of condition or pain.

If you want to read similar articles to How to treat colic, we recommend you visit our Family health category.


  • In case you have bloating or gas, you can take infusions of chamomile or fennel. You will see how you feel better and less bloated after drinking these.
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How to treat colic