Vaginal discharge

How To Treat Bartholin's Cyst

Nidhi Nangia
By Nidhi Nangia. Updated: January 20, 2017
How To Treat Bartholin's Cyst

Bartholin glands are present on both sides of vaginal opening, and are responsible for lubricating it. Sometimes, a Bartholin’s cyst develops in the area, which can cause pain, swelling and pus. If it is small and painless, then you can leave it alone, but if it gets infected, it becomes necessary to get it treated. Sometimes, it can be treated with some home treatment, while sometimes it may require a surgical drainage. In case of an infection, you may need to be treated with the help of antibiotics. We have already told you how to remove or reduce a superficial cyst. Here at, we are going to discuss how to treat Bartholin’s Cyst.

You may also be interested in: How to Treat Bartholinitis
  1. Sitz baths
  2. Surgical drainage
  3. Antibiotics
  4. Marsupialization

Sitz baths

The first way to treat Bartholin's cyst is to fill a tub with warm water, and sit in it to soak the area for a few minutes. This has to be done 3-4 times a day for 3-4 days. The process will rupture a small-sized infected cyst, and it will drain on its own.

This remedy needs to be accompanied by a visit to your gyneacologist so he/she can prescribe suitable treatment. Your doctor may also use laser on the cyst to prevent it from growing back again.

Surgical drainage

If your Bartholin cyst is very large, and it is infected, then you may need a surgical drainage procedure to get rid of it. You may be given sedation or local anesthesia to drain the cyst. A small incision is made in the cyst, allowing it to drain, and then a small catheter is placed in the incision. The catheter is left in the place for around 6 weeks, so that the area remains open, thus allowing complete drainage.

How To Treat Bartholin's Cyst - Surgical drainage


Antibiotics may be prescribed if your Bartholin cyst has been infected, this will commonly happen if you have a sexually transmitted infection, also known as STD.

How To Treat Bartholin's Cyst - Antibiotics


If you have a recurring cyst, then a Marsupialization procedure may be of help to you. In this process, stitches will be placed on both sides of your drainage incision, so that a permanent opening is created, and fluid does not get accumulated in it again.

These are the common treatment procedures for Bartholin’s Cyst. However, you can prevent it from happening by having safe sex, using condoms during intercourse, and maintaining proper hygiene.

At OneHowto, we want you to lead a healthy sexual lifestyle, this is why we recommend you read our Sexual Health section.

This article is merely informative, oneHOWTO does not have the authority to prescribe any medical treatments or create a diagnosis. We invite you to visit your doctor if you have any type of condition or pain.

If you want to read similar articles to How To Treat Bartholin's Cyst, we recommend you visit our Family health category.


  • If you feel discomfort while having bartholin's cyst, you can apply hot water bottles on the area.
  • Combine these treatments with a diet rich in probiotics, vitamin C and D.
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i normally experience pains during and after sexual intercourse and most of the time my clitoris will swell..........I tried many things but they don't help , i no longer enjoy with my partner because of this situation.......what am i suppose to do?
OneHowTo Editor
Hi Kedibone,

Unfortunately diagnosing this particular problem can be difficult as there are many possible causes, both physical and psychological. It could be an issue with the vaginal opening, lubrication or an underlying condition such as vaginisimus. The best thing you can do is to speak to a doctor who will be able to ask the right questions and provide the right course of treatment.

You can also take a look at these articles to see if there is any help in solving your problem:

We wish you well!
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How To Treat Bartholin's Cyst