How to Get Rid of Fluid Retention in the Legs
Fluid retention is the result of an accumulation of water and toxins that the body needs to eliminate, but does not have the capacity to do so. This problem can affect various parts of the body and when it affects the legs, they start to become more swollen, heavy and may even experience cramps and discomfort. If you suspect you might be retaining fluid or this condition already haunts you every day, pay attention to the tips in this OneHowTo article in which we help you find out how to eliminate fluid retention in the legs.
Steps to follow:
When the legs, ankles or feet swell, causing heaviness, tiredness and even discomfort, it is likely you suffer from fluid retention in the lower extremities. If this condition is prolonged, it is essential to see a doctor to determine the exact cause and prevent more serious health problems.
As we have noted, changing some habits may favour the elimination of fluid retention in the legs. And among the most important and effective are changes to your daily diet; also essential to improve your health. On the one hand, you are advised to reduce your salt intake at meals and avoid foods high in sugars and saturated fats. Furthermore, foods rich in potassium and low sodium should be particularly include and you should increase consumption of vegetables and fruits.
Healthy eating won't combat fluid retention without being combined with routine exercise. This is key to exercise muscles and improve blood circulation at the same time. Opt for activities where you have to put the lower extremities in motion such as running, swimming, cycling or dancing lessons and toning.
Adequate hydration is imperative to eliminate toxins and cleanse the body, so drinking plenty of water throughout the day will also help to eliminate fluid retention in the legs. You can also complete hydration with some juices that are perfect for stimulating the removal of fluid and reduce swelling and heaviness that causes this condition.
When the retention occurs mainly in the legs, you will want to try to keep them slightly elevated while you are sitting or try to lift them up several times a day if you are working. It is also not advisable to use clothes that are too tight because they impede blood flow and circulation which worsens this condition.
Fluid retention is a major cause of the onset of cellulite in some areas of the body. And in addition to the above tips, there are very effective aesthetic treatments for both problems as in the case of lymphatic drainage. This is a therapeutic massage through which the water content in the body is balanced, eliminating the excesses and addressing poor circulation, cellulite, heavy legs, etc. It is important that this process is carried out by a specialist to receive all the benefits.
Fluid retention is accentuated during pregnancy and menopause, so it's important to take care of it even more during these periods.
This article is merely informative, oneHOWTO does not have the authority to prescribe any medical treatments or create a diagnosis. We invite you to visit your doctor if you have any type of condition or pain.
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