How to Get Rid of Bunions with Bay Leaves

A bunion is an abnormal growth of the bone, usually in the inner part of the joint just below the big toe. This causes additional formation of the bone and some misalignment of the big toe as well, thus causing it to protrude outwards. The condition seriously affects the everyday life of the sufferer, and makes your feet look unattractive too. Most people with a bunion find it hard to find well-fitting and comfortable footwear as well. While most think that surgery is the only solution to their never-ending problem, a bunion can be treated with certain home remedies as well. Here at, we are going to discuss about how to get rid of bunions with bay leaves.
Causes of bunions
Bunions may develop when pressures of shifting and bearing your body weight fall non-uniformly on your joints and the tendons of your feet. The imbalanced pressures cause non-stability in your big toe joints, thus molding them and turning them into hard knobs to jut out beyond your foot’s normal shape. Actually, bunions are salt deposits that are commonly triggered by a number of factors. Some common triggers include tonsillitis, malnutrition, influenza, poor metabolism, gout, rheumatism etc.

Using bay leaves to remove bunions
There are two different ways in which you can get rid of bunions with bay leaves, here are both methods:
Method 1
Take 1 tbsp of crushed bay leaves and mix them in 300ml of water. Cook this mixture for 5 minutes, pour it in a thermos and leave overnight. The next day, strain out the mixture in the morning and keep sipping it throughout the day. The mixture should not be consumed all at once. Make a fresh mixture everyday, and sip it for 3 days. Then wait for a week and repeat for 3 more days.
You will definitely see some improvement in 10 days, and your bunions will be completely healed within 2 months. Not only your pain will be relieved, but their appearance will also improve gradually. The only drawback associated with this method is very frequent urination. This is because the salts in your system are dissolving, they are irritating your bladder, and coming out in the form of urine.
Method 2
Finely crush 5 bay leaves, and pour them in around 100ml of 96% alcohol. Keep this mixture untouched for a week and strain after that. After one week, mix 1 tbsp of baking soda in water, and soak your feet in it. Now dry your feet and apply the mixture of bay leaves and alcohol on your bunions. Wear cotton socks after that and see the result.
The mixture of aspirin and iodine will work significantly to treat your bunions and other kinds of growths. Repeat the process for 30 days and get rid of your bunions once and for all.

Benefits of using bay leaves to remove bunions
As compared to surgery, bay leaf treatment is safe, non-invasive and inexpensive. Most people do not prefer going under the knife easily. It is a home remedy that is as effective for bunions as a surgery. The only drawback is that the bay leaf method needs time and patience to work. Click here for more ways To Heal Bunions Naturally.
This article is merely informative, oneHOWTO does not have the authority to prescribe any medical treatments or create a diagnosis. We invite you to visit your doctor if you have any type of condition or pain.
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