Foods for muscles

How to Reduce Inflammation and Swelling Naturally

Max. D Gray
By Max. D Gray. Updated: January 16, 2017
How to Reduce Inflammation and Swelling Naturally

Faced with inflammation or swelling, we often think that medication is the best way to reduce swelling, pain and redness. What we may not know yet is that there are natural remedies that really help to reduce inflammation in a particular area, thus preventing the side effects of anti-inflammatory drugs in the digestive system.

Stay with us at OneHowTo: In this article, we'll describe how to reduce inflammation and swelling naturally through the best remedies.

You may also be interested in: The Best Anti-Inflammatory Food


  1. How to reduce inflammation and swelling: First things first
  2. How to reduce inflammation with papaya
  3. Other anti-inflammatory foods
  4. How to reduce inflammation with herbal teas
  5. How to reduce inflammation with broccoli
  6. On anti-inflammatory drugs

How to reduce inflammation and swelling: First things first

Facing pain and inflammation, first of all you must remove clothes and anything else which can cause discomfort and pressure on the area. Leave the swelling alone and bear it as you can until it normalizes and you can seek medical advice.

How to Reduce Inflammation and Swelling Naturally - How to reduce inflammation and swelling: First things first

How to reduce inflammation with papaya

Papaya contains papain, an enzyme that digests proteins, along with other nutrients which help to reduce inflammation, improve digestion and to heal inflamed areas. Its beneficial properties are also good for your skin and hair: You can make papaya scrubs and papaya masks.

It can be applied in two different ways: Place a papaya compress on the swollen area, or simply eat it. It is better to use a ripe papaya in both cases.

How to Reduce Inflammation and Swelling Naturally - How to reduce inflammation with papaya

Other anti-inflammatory foods

Food plays a vital role in preventing and reducing inflammation, as much inflammation is related to an imbalance of omega-6 and omega-3 acids. It is also necessary to consume, plenty of vitamin E.

A good tip is to drink milk enriched with omega-3, as this helps to reduce muscle inflammation.

How to reduce inflammation with herbal teas

Chamomile is one of the herbal teas with the most anti-inflammatory properties: We can drink chamomile as a tea and use it as an anti-inflammatory. Chamomile increases blood flow and has a diuretic effect, which is why it can reduce swelling when applied directly on the skin.

How to Reduce Inflammation and Swelling Naturally - How to reduce inflammation with herbal teas

How to reduce inflammation with broccoli

Broccoli is a very nutritious vegetable which contains anti-inflammatory phytonutrients such as sulforaphane, which helps rid the body of potentially inflammatory compounds.

Perhaps you do not particularly like it, but broccoli is your greatest ally for reducing swollen muscles. Look for different recipes - you might discover that you actually enjoy it!

How to Reduce Inflammation and Swelling Naturally - How to reduce inflammation with broccoli

On anti-inflammatory drugs

There are types of diet that because of their lack of unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins, minerals and fiber, actually make inflammatory reactions more likely. This is an underlying problem in degenerative diseases; it has been demonstrated that with specific interventions as to we eat, inflammation will be reduced and your prognosis will improve. The easiest answer to how to reduce inflammation and swelling naturally, then, is simply to follow a good diet and do regular exercise.

If you have inflammation that persists past one week or is accompanied by severe pain and fever, it is recommended to consult your physician.

This article is merely informative, oneHOWTO does not have the authority to prescribe any medical treatments or create a diagnosis. We invite you to visit your doctor if you have any type of condition or pain.

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How to Reduce Inflammation and Swelling Naturally