Correcting vision

How to Know if I Need Glasses

Max. D Gray
By Max. D Gray. Updated: January 16, 2017
How to Know if I Need Glasses

Do you have trouble reading small print? Do you have trouble seeing far-off objects? There are many signals that could mean you have vision problems and so it may be necessary to visit an ophthalmologist or an eye specialist. In many cases, these eye problems can be corrected through the use of glasses where appropriate, so you can see properly once again. In this OneHowTo article, we explain how to know if you need glasses so that you can absolutely sure and ready to take the next steps.

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Steps to follow:


One of the facts that most commonly makes us think that we need is a pair of glasses is the onset of blurry vision, either looking at near or distant objects. Seeing blurred objects or not being able to make out the details means you should see an ophthalmologist for a test.


Nasty headaches are another sign that often suggests the need for glasses or lenses. This is because you're forcing your eyes to hone in on detail, which affects the neurological system and which triggers fatigue and headache. It's common to suffer from headache after spending hours at a computer screen or, in the case of children and adolescents, spending time reading from the blackboard.

How to Know if I Need Glasses - Step 2

If you are forced to squint to focus on objects and to see better, it is likely that you need to wear glasses. Otherwise, you're forcing your pupil to adjust the light reaching the eye and that can lead to various eye problems later on.


In those cases in which you must get close to what you want to see or what you want to watch, such as reading a book or newspaper or watching the television, chances are you have some kind of vision impairment and that must be corrected with lenses or glasses.

How to Know if I Need Glasses - Step 4

Another sign that you should wear glasses may be the feeling of greater difficulty in seeing at night. This can be due, among other reasons, to visual acuity problems. A specialist doctor should examine your eyes to detect any problems.


Some symptoms that can be caused by vision problems that must be corrected with glasses include:

  • Painful or itchy eyes
  • Eye pain caused by light
  • Difficulty in calculating distances
  • Frequent blinking
  • Weariness
How to Know if I Need Glasses - Step 6

If you experience any change in your vision or any of the symptoms listed above, it is advisable that you visit an ophtalmologist. He/she will make an eye test and will be able to make a diagnosis of your problem and tell you whether you need to use glasses or not.

This article is merely informative, oneHOWTO does not have the authority to prescribe any medical treatments or create a diagnosis. We invite you to visit your doctor if you have any type of condition or pain.

If you want to read similar articles to How to Know if I Need Glasses, we recommend you visit our Diseases & secondary effects category.

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How to Know if I Need Glasses