During Menopause

How to Care for Hair During Menopause

Max. D Gray
By Max. D Gray. Updated: January 16, 2017
How to Care for Hair During Menopause

All women notice that their hair weakens with each passing birthday. However, during the menopause hair regrowth is slowed down, which is why many women start to feel insecure as they see their hair becoming thinner. To avoid this situation, OneHowTo.com provides some pointers on how to care for your hair during menopause. We hope you'll feel more relaxed and more able to cope with these changes.

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  1. Most common hair changes during menopause
  2. Hair care tips for menopausal women
  3. Other recommendations

Most common hair changes during menopause

With respect to the changes to hair during menopause, volume loss is most noticeable, as well as its gradual straightening if hair is naturally curly or wavy.

Similarly, changes in tonality also occur, with grey hair becoming more and more abundant. A loss of pigmentation changes the hair color to grey and becomes less porous, making it less resilient.

The bottom line: menopause causes loss of thickness - it gets thinner and drier. However, its appearance will depend on several factors, including genetics, dyes that have been used throughout your life, or even the degree of stress you suffer.

Hair care tips for menopausal women

To care for hair during menopause, it is important to follow a number of guidelines, which will help keep it as healthy and shiny as possible. So, start by getting a good cut and giving it a touch of color in the tone you want to maintain.

Also, use the hairdryer as little as possible. This is because the heat adversely affects the hair during this period, making it weaker and contributing to a loss of luster.

As a third tip, it is important that you keep your hair protected as much as possible if you swim regularly in the sea or a pool. The same is true of situations of prolonged exposure to wind and sun.

Regarding daily care, it is recommended that you use special shampoos for your hair to keep it hydrated. Apply deep-conditioning treatments to it at least once a week.

In parallel, it is highly recommended that you follow a balanced diet that is as healthy as possible. Include high protein foods such as brewer's yeast, tofu and yogurt to keep your hair as healthy as possible.

Similarly, workout often as exercise increases blood circulation, which is particularly useful when directed towards the scalp.

Other recommendations

However, if you see that the weakening or loss of hair is intense and prolonged during menopause, it is best to consult a dermatologist. After analysis, they will advise some specific treatment.

This article is merely informative, oneHOWTO does not have the authority to prescribe any medical treatments or create a diagnosis. We invite you to visit your doctor if you have any type of condition or pain.

If you want to read similar articles to How to Care for Hair During Menopause, we recommend you visit our Family health category.

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How to Care for Hair During Menopause