Viagra Pills

What Happens If A Woman Takes Cialis?

Max. D Gray
By Max. D Gray. Updated: July 24, 2024
What Happens If A Woman Takes Cialis?

Viagra is one of the most popular drugs in the world. The famous little blue pill has been enormously successful over the years, used by thousands of men to improve their erections and have satisfactory sex.

But, what is Viagra? Viagra is a vasodilator, it promotes blood circulation, allowing blood to arrive with more ease and in greater quantities to the cavernous body of the penis. But, what happens if a woman takes Viagra? Does Viagra have the same effect on women that it does on men? Can Viagra help a woman improve her sexual performance? Keep reading here at OneHOWTO for more on what happens if a woman takes Viagra or Cialis?

  1. Female Viagra: medicine to arouse a woman
  2. What happens if a woman takes viagra?
  3. What happens if a woman takes Viagra or Cialis?
  4. Viagra for women
  5. Female Viagra: Addyi
  6. Femaly Viagra: Addyi side effect
  7. Female viagra: increase libido naturally

Female Viagra: medicine to arouse a woman

For many years, Pzifer pharmaceutical company laboratories that marketed Sildenafil under the name of Viagra, have tried to test the effectiveness of Viagra pills on women.

They started this research with the point of view that if female reproductive organs are similar to those of men, functionally, then surely Viagra should also work for women. From a physical point of view, we know that both organs are incredibly different. But the company could no longer ignore the fact that, women too, suffer from lack of desire and sexual appetite and the need for a female Viagra was brewing. But, this begs the question, what happens if a woman takes Viagra? Keep reading to find out!

What Happens If A Woman Takes Cialis? - Female Viagra: medicine to arouse a woman

What happens if a woman takes viagra?

While male sexual dysfunction has to do more with impotence and the inability to maintain an erection, female sexual dysfunction is defined by a lack of desire and a certain inability to reach an orgasm.

Some even argue that the principal female sex organ is not the genitals, but the brain. Therefore, there are a multitude of psychic factors that influence desire and sexual performance in women. As a result we can say that female sexual desire and its dysfunctions should be considered more on a psychological level than a physical one. Even if the male and female sexual organs are similar, the stimulation process of excitement are different. If Viagra excites a man through the purpose of giving him an erection, how would that work for women?

What Happens If A Woman Takes Cialis? - What happens if a woman takes viagra?

What happens if a woman takes Viagra or Cialis?

The fact that Viagra does not increase female excitement, does not mean that it has no effect on a woman’s physical body. In fact, research shows that Viagra can actually have serious effects on a woman’s body.

The main benefit of Viagra for women is that it may offer an alternative treatment for anorgasmia. Since Viagra produces an increase in blood flow, the clitoris may feel slightly increased sexual pleasure and facilitate orgasms at a better level.

If a woman takes Viagra or Cialis she may experience:

  • Improved vaginal lubrication by 63%.
  • An orgasmic response increased by 56%.
  • In women who have had a uterus removed, taking Viagra improves sensitivity, the ability to have orgasms and also reduces pain.

Viagra works on women the exact same way as in men, stimulating blood circulation by promoting the arrival of blood flow to the genital area. Naturally, if there is no additional sexual stimulation, nothing will happen. If a woman takes Viagra and is then pleasured, due to the sensitivity driven by the increased blow flow, there is a huge chance of reaching an orgasm with more ease.

Do you suffer from anorgasmia or any other similar problem linked to sexual desire? For more, we recommend reading how to know if you are frigid.

Viagra for women

It’s important to remember that Viagra is a prescriptions drug which can only be prescribed by a medical professional. In addition, this drug has been tested and approved from men with erectile problems, not women. This means that research done of Viagra for women is limited and there is no guarantee that there won’t be any apparent side effects. For this reason, due to this lack of research, it is not recommended that women take Viagra.

Viagra for men, like any other drug, has possible side effects. Therefore, we can only imagine the possible risks of taking Viagra as a woman. The main side effects of Viagra include:

  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Heartburn.
  • Nosebleeds.
  • Difficulty sleeping.
  • Numbness.
  • Dizzyness.
  • Cardiac arrest (in severe cases).

Some alternatives to Viagra for men include natural aphrodisiacs. For more, read natural aphrodisiacs for men.

Female Viagra: Addyi

About three years ago the first ever female Viagra was approved in the U.S. Flibanserin sold under the trade name Addyi, is a pink non-hormonal prescription pill prescribed for pre-menopausal women suffering from hypoactive sexual desire disorder.

Difference between female Viagra and Male Viagra

While male Viagra functions by pumping blood flow to the penis, female Viagra targets a woman’s desire, rather than her sexual organs. Female Viagra targets the brain.

Femaly Viagra: Addyi side effect

Addyi side effects include:

  • Dry mouth.
  • Nausea.
  • Sleepiness and fatigue.
  • Insomnia.
  • Anxiety.
  • Menstrual spotting.
  • Vertigo.

If you are suffering from a loss of libido and sex drive, we recommend always consulting your doctor before taking any new pills or medication.

Female viagra: increase libido naturally

And if you’re not the type of person who likes to take drugs or pills, you might find these following articles interesting:

This article is merely informative, oneHOWTO does not have the authority to prescribe any medical treatments or create a diagnosis. We invite you to visit your doctor if you have any type of condition or pain.

If you want to read similar articles to What Happens If A Woman Takes Cialis?, we recommend you visit our Drugs & supplements category.

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What Happens If A Woman Takes Cialis?