Breathing and respiratory health
Breathing and respiratory health, you will find practical information written by experts about breathing and respiratory health in text, video and images. You will also be able to ask your questions or comments in each article so that our community can help you.
2 articles

Ever feel stuffy or struggle with allergies at home? High humidity could be the culprit. But don't worry! Dehumidifiers can be your secret weapon for creating a comfortable and healthy living space. A dehumidifier is an appliance designed to remove excess moisture from the air in your home. We'll explore...

low difficulty
Pulmonary edema, or what is also known as the fluid accumulated in the lungs, has its origin in heart failure. It is a serious disease because it is caused by a heart deficiency. Furthermore, it can also arise in other major diseases such as pneumonia. However, pulmonary oedema has a cure, on